8~.--~~i 144
<br />
<br />~, is ±he e~-ent ~xt[id property is sokt ai a juditaa# fareclnsure sett or pursuant to the ~ovt±er of a s~ tlereittattuvr .. . - ..
<br />,~__ . ___ _~M,w-. ~; ; K y~~;.x~uz arc reef su"m°cieni io pay`i#ie tiara! itidetnednese secured by this instrttrnent grad evident-
<br />ed by staid pratai~tary note, the rntut~ avii! be entitle to a deficiency judgemertt far :~ aa;aunt of the
<br />de,~fa~viry wutrr~r regard to uprxrais+Yt-terra.
<br />1. !n the es~em the tnartgagQr faits- to pay any €~ieral, state, or locai tax- assesment, income tax or other-tax #ien,
<br />chargg fa of other exiaertse charged against the- property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay
<br />rite setae. Any sums sca paid ray the m[artg s#+~t !~.. dw # t;, a v ..~o ~s part of the principal aatoum of the
<br />iitdebtedx~s evidarced !?y said note, subject to the same terms artd eortditians, if the mortgagor shah pay and.
<br />disei`tatpe rite #adeiatedaess evsden[xd by said promissory ante, and strati-pay such sums sad shall discharge all
<br />!~_~-~ a #?~'~ ass t ~ r.~.a. €~. ancY cxpcnses of making. enforcing, and- execttting this taongage. then this
<br />tnorte shah 6e carace#ied and surrdtdtred.
<br />g. Tht sov+enants herein contained shalt bind and ehe benefits and advamages shalt inure to the respcrtive successors
<br />and a~gns ofi the parties heretca, Whenevct used, the singular number shall iactude the plater, the plvra# rite
<br />sirtgtt#ar, and ehe use of any gendtzx shalt include a## genders.
<br />,4, Na craiver of any covenant htrein or of"the obligation secured hereby shalt at am'time thereafter be held [o lze a
<br />wasvex of the terms hereof or of the Hate setttred-heretav.
<br />i4. A judic#ai decree, ardet, ar pudgtment holdittg any prevision ar #aartion of this instrument inva#id ar unenfatre-
<br />able shat! tarot in retry way itnpatr ar ,_res;#ude the rtafarcement of the rerttaining previsions tar portions of this
<br />ittstrtame•.tt.
<br /># 1, Any written nrnice so be issued to the mortgagor l+uryuant tc: the ttrovixtans of this instrument Thal! be addressed
<br />to €he mortgagor at __~1,`, !i. 5t. Pau1 Rt3._,_P __._._ 6caat 1863, ;hand Is_latad. ,YE 688:#Z
<br />..._____.__ ___ ~ - _ and 3nr' written nattce to be issued to the mortgagee sha#1
<br />tae aririres~d to the mottgagcc at_.~2tL~at..._y2-lYd_~L~,_.'s~,_9~s'~~ 2~Cr6. ~rarui zc_g~nd.. v~ E.°$C4
<br />!r[ 1YtrvF.~ Ww~~tt, the :n.,:.gagar tt;u ut€v this ,astn.mrnt and the mortgagee has accepted delivery a#'
<br />this ins?*,tsc~~s of the- dal ~tru .~a,afatsaid.
<br />r t '' ~1$C rn rQ~r~n±a ~~'1
<br />.$Yil ......:t±~........ ?tY.- L-.f/ttt~lwc.r' . ;~" .......
<br />~<, retract ai ~~. '~~b~ it ~-~,
<br />~~~ ;~~z•
<br />Executed and de#i=eest# in flee presetttr of the fa##oaaing ;vttnesus:
<br />_....
<br />.. . (Add Appropriate Acltnowt«#gratcnil
<br />SC.~T€ C1:F ttw8ls~A ~ l3eftare me, a ;iua#if%~sl Ngtar~ Public. #tersonai#y alaPrarerf ~_.
<br />ss. ° ~ r---------
<br />Ct3t;±lt€tY ~`~
<br />knoaa [p nx to la!' tdcatcra# person ar pt vvl>ea stgrsxd ttc fo€~viAg uastrurtxm and acktiawkdged the: cxecutian
<br />tital' fu be _ _ _ - _ _ vetitt?Ef±~'*`,_.^' : _^~ ,~•'---~.
<br />aXitr~ss tm h>~ ~...t .•'~,.,.~° .a# ;~: txu '~'~}' ~~ , !4 .~!
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<br />:'+latary
<br />'~: ~ !4
<br />' ~BR~#SKA ~ Before me a quatifatd '*ltatary Public, petsaaaalty app~rcd _-....__._._
<br />a ~ tta txa #~ the fart~it~att aaad iden3~sl tea wire sigi the foregoing t[tstrumrnt, and
<br />tl~e exeetatum thtareaf to he tus +"rtglttntary act aakf slea.i as salt rfficcr and the vca#ttatearv act and deed of
<br />sttga~ . a~ time eta hate teat ~at~ affixed thereto #ay its attthearity.
<br />WFt~as mY ha.and.?'ariai 5ea# act .__.,._-- ___.~.._~..._. lt3 __~.
<br />f~.f
<br />i+lettan irttb#ic
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