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<br />7"ltis martg~ge made atxi entet~ into this _._..~;}~} dsyt of t6arc3t
<br />t~:~l., by and between C6PC Ittvestmerats
<br />fhrreitsaftc¢ trfexred tazas rntut~gttu} and Ctmer~is€S+Iariat~J Sank attd Trta~ t;ay
<br />tdfr'r rePernd to as
<br />m:~ l., w~ ttteirtt?ins an office-and nitwr-af`buafit~s-sc 42d~-. -3'itird-: 3t. -sue=ua Gtrund?aturd,
<br />ill truttttiY, '~etrrasks.
<br />vr~t~t; tittei €trr iite cutts~dersti. n h~u after sfated. reeeip*. ¢f Wt,.ish i~ turelw aetttxtte!ed~,. the mrtrtpcetxr
<br />dt-es fiarby m~tgsge, sdt, grant, assign, aad Canvey unta the tnartgagee, its stems a `assigt~ sit of the Fol-
<br />krneirtg described property sitteated atut beinP in rite Connty etf Hail
<br />Sure isf Nebt-asks.
<br />I[tt Tmelve ;12i , Hloc& carte (1) in .Cttttningh~ St:l~ieisic>n. art additioxt to
<br />the City of Grand Island. }ftt3.3 t'~ttniny, Nebraska
<br />ttr~the=. st-ith al! the tenenrems and appurtrrrazrcr trite t~i~*rttttrt~, ttt t~ rrnts.:asues and profits thereof, and all
<br />taratttatttts, rights, rmalties, tntneral, ~! and ~3 ritttza and tx;,{.=_, v.a;rr. ~ :trr rights, and water stock. and including
<br />alt heating, plumbing, rrfrttgrrsasuzt, ?att3taln}i, er~ut~rnrttt ansl ,et# •,..ture•- ; : eery :.tesEripiion hclonging to the
<br />t~`:3g=~..= taw ,ar !~ trnz a; a; ~ ~.' ,1:: ,m =sue .=z. .. ~, '~ Fr~is,-„c ~rrcir described and in a w:•.ion
<br />thereto thr totitt+xing de'x'ritted t.rcipcxtrc~ ~n..,n ~€~ 3_, r, ~ *- ,.tom-rrxx! a,~ !~c ti~cu=ri and a part of ;he realty, and
<br />arr a pctrtton of the ie<urity frn rite indebirtlz}t~sa h~rre7ri .t~. =t? 4}=rte. ,rate .'n,}u"} Notre
<br />To stave turd to hstid the satnr until tip 4lctrt~atre. a+ hrrrnn ;, i+_~s!
<br />31tr tnttrtatgcrr is lasrfu!!a prized attd ~»ie,i ~•t arms Via= he nghv to exit and tomes said vroprrty; that the
<br />saw is frrr frtrtn mit encumisrarxes t~xpt as hrzar}atix4<e trctard: and chat titntrtztr +:o:enantc to warram and
<br />dt~fetu! rite tttlr aftr:<~td ttirtrsz~ arts# t vim, : ;.art €hrrctat aarst eisz• ~tatztts csf aal , rrsctt~s whomsc3ever.
<br />This itt3tftttnettt se gtvett tc3.tt-utc she paimcnt „f a nromsvc*r~. ts~c da?r#! .-.----,-- *barch 23~--1-~~,-
<br />---- _-
<br />in ripg prim7pal surtt ni;_4~3~_t~QSI=.S?4~........ _--------._,.__. 4ixttc4tt b~'_rtilliam_R__=,.amplxll. Bob wheeler,
<br />----- --
<br />tn tteh~f of _.._.____.__. __LiIK:.__7nysz *:rw~rtt~, Jatmes :,. a.:uu3vii
<br />~. as tta:tt atptr cN holes tnat ft'om timr to ¢itt}e tse tttfldifird, rrttewed ar rxtrttded to writing.
<br />ter flu event titer to said raga! estate is trszs:er-cd. ~~r cnrtt~tecl ro t~ ?rat~fetrrcl. frarp the undersigned f.~r any.
<br />ttausttt ttr bt ant mtthod whatsoever, the rratire principal sum artd accrued intrust shat! at otter become dur attd
<br />ps~l>k ttt tPta c~tian cf rite htsldrr txrrof. Failurr tp exxercisr this u'ption beeause of transfer of title as atwve stated
<br />sa tattcti shatter rtxtitt#te a waiver of the right to ezercisr the saute in the event of any subseyut:rat transfer.
<br />t, Tt~ ~ cava:ttant8 attd agues ~ folluw<:
<br />»w ~ piana+3~•> ~iaq fih'c uxi4i~isaes€'s5 ci•}(iretilEf •- .. - ~, _
<br />t`5 sasa fx'tt[ntssarq pole ai tttr ttrrtGS afii in tli~ if.iss4~icr
<br />then #trtt~rtdeA.
<br />h.. Ttt ttat trt# taxer. ssaesstrzertts, water rates, Arad ottaet gavtrnmental ar resutti;ipa! .hargrs, flint::, ar
<br />l9ittttt~, far svhi+Cit prt*visitsrt lte~ rttxt trim ntsdt iarreinbefou, and wi!! fxt~mpt#y Ctait~er the .?ffictal rrcr}pts
<br />thtrefrrr €c: tht? ~ tttcrrtg~ee.
<br />•' -°• s~~ "%~'i*i=~ - as `: -ems a- Fn: ip ve is¢,?trres! a~ the pt~'?'_e~"ttt*n 3+?ti mg:*}(~+v~tnt:~ _.i ,atcl ~:rc;gzris, --
<br />~KK•tti~Ftvr sisr ft~ ~~ ...a~,. «~,. 3.. ~. a _ -- _ __.__..
<br />_____ -_ .. ~ ,,,_~_F r.~ .., ~~gmssj[ttt~~FC-T[I4-itFK.'c~~ire[~lv""F L~i'1i Tf5-,f ~9 1~~. C' Ini7Ct11Cdnl'~x
<br />- -3•##~€f, :?lt' t~34`'L'tk-'~1:tbiEFg f44' /ftl#3rt~'4`t<'~S E$ig'. "1: lFtk}rf j,!f>=,~'Y'r5+2i}~±,. ,p} .4i :3n5 fti h(', t-tFd's t:iil ~+`. :Y,t4tTt3 i:l
<br />