<br />t#iRTGAGE
<br />F!~RTf.AGE LAhN 1+~. L 23, 915 p,~li.
<br />q~W ALL MEN BY TIiISE PRESENTS: That 221Jbert L. Kcspystpzvsky and Elaine M. xQFYstY~Ya each
<br />i~ his and i~er a~rn right and as st~ouse of eac_-at oci~*'.
<br />Mortpgor, w6et3tr.r ane or mac, is w>~tatias-tsf tBe ~ otF
<br />Thf rt•r~n ~. ~. 1D0 _ _. ~ __~~_._~ __.._~__ DOIdARS
<br />located to a:ild raortgtt~tr by 7'ix Egrdtabk BuiEdiag and F.u1at Asasr~tion of grand lsiavd, Nebraska, Maatpt~ee, u@a;, jSD a>tsetys ~lfttrk of
<br />sand ASSf~I'iATiOiV, CcrtFPrcate Nn. L v3agb5 Addlt~te F¢rcby iqtant, tummy and rtwrt~e unm the said AS~O(;iA770N tiYe fn~oerltts
<br />desraibed real estate, mfuated in Flap Cnunty, Nebraska:
<br />FfiE WI~SPk`2LX SIXrII'-~t5FI33E lug 69s j ~:.~'P OF IJ.7T e'TC>;PT (8} a BIACIC OAT' (1} r yi7~'PERI~1'Fs$ FZRS7'
<br />Sl.~T3Ii7SuIOAia iiALL i7,t3NPYa iVr~CA
<br />tuyctles wnh atl the itxtmerris, tzemfrlarrterss and apart€ttnar;a:rs sttrrzunsa t+etrs[tB:r~.:txFudarg attad'ad €Font catmratgs, ill wiadaan tC7t+eas,
<br />.tandow' sitaa-es, e.{trxds, norm w[naic.ws, swnrngs.:uattng„ arr ,xsndnn.nrrrq, arut pfumburg and want egtttpmtrtt and acceanriea tfxreio,puagns, stoaea,
<br />rcfttpCSaiurs, aauf •ettttr fixturts sraF <uurp°titnt new ~.H 'ttrcatxn s[vsFtc? +..-..u .mod ,;e __....~....... _,,,, ,a.n rcaF cstait.
<br />Ard whereas the sad rtxxtgagur ttax agretrf .rrrat ~F.rct. trercrw eatre ~.:a: [iart .,t,xt~x :hatl and wdl pay aF! [ues and atae'm1YrItS Itvied tx
<br />accessed !epcm cad prtmttes and upr+n :ten ~n.utpaye ants ~7x !>+:na x~utce! :"rtebti nriwr +^~ ssrrrx shall Lt~trtne delitgttent: to fttraish apprvaed
<br />tansrateec :rptxe tfx burddtrxgs..>n :•as txe:nrars utt:zrrc: =n ttx xxxm ..* 's 13 r iiDD .:)0 , eF'ahk to vrd ;1S'SO('FATIDN and to de}ftm t0 Lid
<br />~S'S0['FATIitN :he (xxiu:rs tt,r raeF ,rtwrancz. a:ut .x,t t~: ,<,mtmt :,r [tcrmn ans~ waste ..n -,r aFx>ut sauF prtmraes:
<br />Fn ,ace ~:t :Frfaerit :n 'M per[..stnaniz ..f any ~.[ :hc terms arw to'.'sx,ns 'e [tus ::xerte ..r tSu ix>red stcurtd ?tetelty, the rrNtttgadOe shell,
<br />,>n dercurnaF, he ^strtkd 'o :xstrs~rl:asc ncnat+~a.n ,.t :ire ~rx>.tp„~rcd ;n-c;n[a~s aril :3~ ,twk;f„ag;rr `xxtt:~: issigtn. [rans(tts and sets otmt to tFM
<br />,,. ~t~ a tF-~ tams. =cvrs:~s .xw :r .,,-,c t:. ->< ::~.ved !r.en: it-x =n.srt+l rramsser :.ur,rce s~a.~ .sine es :r}t rttnri~,gt ukttb€editest steal) rerooA
<br />ruipud. arad~the rtaett~nrt stsaiF rust !tee pr>wer .o a.ppannr sny mint ,or aptestrs ,r 'rQY dcsxre tar she prarpose ai tapattvtg aald preatva and reathg
<br />t6t voce asxF .x>lkectea~ tfae reins, rewrnttcs and sxscorrs. and ,t rrgy pay cut ,rt asd [rtcxnrit aFF rxpenss a€ repai[€ti~ Said picatiaes and qty
<br />smvtmtuns and cxpencs urcrnred :n ttntrr>g atnl trrarwurn the earnr and ,:f :.oFtectrna :enters tttereiirem: tiro balance +*~ ~, it nay, to 6e
<br />altpiiexi !•ttxarC the urfturgr .a ;;~. - n;~t~r :enletrtc~iner..:istsE !stns of [tu ~recngaRts :tray tz cvcrcrzd at any bate dttritt6 the existence of stash
<br />deiardt, artspeesrx .at any eern¢rnary~`+'aar~.• a€ tt~ -~.s.n~
<br />Tbcae Ptesems. tnrwtrct. arc -anon the C.>n;3xx_.;,. Thae -t =Fse saxl M; utter antF ,c{+sY x.:ui koxn an ur be3nr the nutunty of said share-s by
<br />~,r>*-rr, yet asamtFtir [;! ;ant ~;Stl€-! A?1C":.: t,`r ;vin ;€~d .n "c rn--rt;; .t.ut,Txi 'ieFZC4Y as ,nttrtit and psmt:apal art satti laan,xen cr befrm
<br />ti,r 7u~entreth daY rr9 eaa3: and rvcry s!xsnth...sx€tl can! ia:a:a ea #tdFv lrzsd. ,'a: ru tax_n and aatssornts toted against said premrses and am [Eris Mortg~
<br />and tttr $rud gcxered thtre€n . triene :Fettna{etn.y . turrtxtt zppravt:€ ;rzsuramx expa,n !ix errvklings titertan m the Brun of 3 13 s DDD. DD paysbk
<br />to m!d A's'~s{1i.'l ATit)N, st}gy €r. saed nS5€JC'lA-1"1t?.'i it;3cm demand art rntt:.ey `y .t ;~aaf €or 4tret[ tarn. a~nta and insurance with intnest a[
<br />ttte trtutmuns Fags! rasr thrrtr>n : rom crate ;,t payment 3€F :.t wiu.lt 4lcmtyag.,ar tttsct+y a~scrx to psY. peraux rtv caste .m ~ ptetnues;k~p atd coa~rly
<br />wtth ,ill ttae sRretrrxnts and ._amrLttuss of tht $srut far : ~~r rl(j0 ~8 .hss <}ap ,~sen by rFx ssetd ~ktort5ag~ur !a sand ASSC7CIA770N. and comply
<br />w!t6 +tU ttae rryuuetnents <,f ttnz Cunstrl utxn and BY~sws a{ - ASSiX'IA DON. riven t5tse latstatts afsall become Wulf and void. o[lnetwiat i6ry
<br />t2teS x:ttstazn ;n fad ;arc-r arMi may ttt tr-sstuaeri at [tx .sptiaan a€ v:`a sand :~.avBtX'FA'I7C1N after {adore ttn three rmnths to rrsake any of snsl
<br />payrttenta xx he thrx tnunths m arrears [n trrakmi[ sad mamtitFy ;raYtrtcrtis, :a to atrp asd rcwttpFy wtth tine ageements card conditirxts of sad ltnutl:
<br />cad Morsgatrxr ancrs to ha.•z a r_sr±sr -,.. ,~n[.•i ts>sthwrth :r. sue: f:.tac`warut Fsocccditrgs.
<br />ff thert u any cltanFt to owtttrtiup of tfae rent +;stare rnur tgaetd Furem, by sak .rr ot(xrwaae, zixn the enltrc rrtmamirtR indebtedntw FtLeby
<br />+etured shall, at Clue opsiare of Tht F:tlortabk Flattidutg astcF lstan Aiwcntttm c+f {:rand Fssand.:cFrbtasta.beasme :m>rsd~tely due aai payable withatt
<br />further tuu,:,c. and tAt anwrtnt rrrtmttrng du. under sad bnnri, and nag ut}ner bond fat am addititwai adn[tt;ss tt~e [hercaada, s6aL, {ran t.6e
<br />date of axexaae ref sad uptrnn, bear interest at the tzmttrmxun ~l tut. and shu ttsox'tgage tray [hen 6erateelcsed to LLsil~y tfx asnnrrnt due rtn and
<br />bosd»asd cop <rstrsa bwtt~ fen adrlitxrxtaF adritrsrgs. tcr{rtt3~r wxrax nit sums prod by sad Ther'>iustabFe 9oi3d3s:S atnd Lseaat Attttoeution of [;rind isiaeed,
<br />!Vakeaska ftw enuersrx-,-, ~..-. M.~r :~...,..-,.,,..i~,. av.:.ace,na r-x€enatoa :'aatlers. wn€s utter~t ttte.«..,. ..,.., .w,s ., at tiu tstaitmam
<br />r7~ i payvsni
<br />As paovidad d the Hesrfd vettxrtd teerrby, wttik thxv ntanga~c rctrraxts :n effect the mati~gsa [tray F!eteattes advance atidildrrsl sums to the
<br />emlttes nt amd 9ond, tttt-.r assrytns x.r sta:cessors en !n±errsr. ~w~~htcir ssstru shad "ree wnFvn tht security =af this rtnntgsgc [.5c seine ~ tht funds rxt®maNy
<br />sacarttrF !httehy, the trtai asnoattt asf prrncsyai dc9i txn :n rsx~te.€ at ant stmt :ht cuitjnal attwan! of tttu rtaottga(e-
<br />arutedd rim 24 ~*Y .,f ..tarty a. o.. Fv$2
<br />,~ .
<br />as t hx rhn 2~ :lay of ~ldreh FC 91 , ;~j~y-„ ,
<br />trr;Rtrv yc oar t 5
<br />1
<br />xht trrnttcrssgned, a Nntary F'uBhc m acrd €~ sand Cotmty, paraostaisity annex
<br />a au ~ ice. ~~y since siai.~ i. yst}~~y, ~tcn u~ :us arta tie ~~ ric3ht ~known'~aQ
<br />;a# h fir, ale
<br />ate to ba tlr +$r~txwpnt peesmg wtxaae vane Fa 3S'E3 afl'tstd tar the above rrrilFrtrrttnt xx tect't1+rFi and ttbt:jr saverailY
<br />tba ypl t rG tee rat~°.Z~ 'tRpr#$taFV #€ and d£1ti. _
<br />--~. _. ; .n..: ..,,.. sa- ,- asstx srrwcscaat - -~`-~r:' _~
<br />~aaaae at -"r .. Pau
<br />~ ,y" v EyJ '."re si'~~ , r 5?`trbrtsie
<br />:31~~i
<br />