together with afi teaterttcnts, itaxeditatttanK and apltttrtenances bt»'angittR .heteia
<br />TC3 F#R Vk ANGt S'()-S'!C)LST-th$ abave_described pternixea with alt the privileges and apptittnrtattces thereunto belanging including
<br />alt rettis, ittsuex a pratitg tharsx~furtta lT; art~gce, forever. Attd Martgagar hereby covenants that Mortgagor is well and truly seized of
<br />a good tide to rite Fu'etni~ abtsve x=ottveyed to ttre Eaw, in fee simple, and has gcttd rigid and iawfui authtxity to convey the same, and
<br />that the titib so cotrvcyed ~ cioar, flee and unincute+xteci ex4c, t an vil3crG,ia~ :mtad a-ltd ti'~t '+fortgagor wilt fatever warrant attd de-
<br />fend the rattle to.it4nrtga~tr against ali Bairns whatxcsev~r-
<br />'i7p> Murtga~ is ~vert.i3y !~xingtrs to secure the perfattrtart~ ~f" Uach a~emenCeantainad hcteitt. and to sactue the-F~Yment
<br />rxf ,T lltar¢ !r3 tt#a.~~tT+tt of tire.Totai a I'apraents shaven r~;rve, which lcwn being ~virienxed try-a pmrrdssary Hate bearing even date
<br />harm+vitlr and whidt ~ fuattterdt~caihod.3#aova.
<br />Yftci'.~i?Ei)° A~<:i~AY'rs: std tttes~ ~res..:.ts ,:rte ¢tpan tixe ~aS±re~eci c~?ndttiort, that it'the hidrtgagorsshad pay to-fait ta the iafnrt-
<br />a ~Zrsxrrisxriryal+iFte ixarittg t~ttt date lmt„ksvith in the amtttsnt +tt li;rth akttlvc, Igya6ie in anstallm~etttx accardtng to the tet~ thcra~
<br />of t~tgethar tvittt: irrt~tcxt ax set tenth titeretn, end sStali E ay° asl taxes attd ass€sttnents tel~ied upon said rest estattbafare the same be-
<br />~E•mte~_riettitgtttvti; ~~tdrxrg the `usitdings ~~tr sai:1 ~remti~ tnsur~ far a :tetat eyua! to thr indebttdnesx xcut~!'!tere6y, less, if any, paY-
<br />atde to fhe said ~3iixts~r~ee, then thest presents to #?° trot! and .•nid, c;t#terwise tt~ be and z^.main in full farce,
<br />`!3#1S S~R3~AdiE t~ Al.Sd3 Tp BE . AIVD G€ll@'C1N~.~ Tfi HE, l~`lti?tt3 "i'1'~E T'(1 '.CIt1i~, SEC:;R{I'Y F't3~'[H~ PAY~I~NT
<br />t3F° ~I SCfIIN {?R §il~a-QF TafllltiBY .~ iH€ 9it31tTtGAt;,EE HAY F€ttllf TtM£ Tt3 ". [CIE i[13'~iE FIS!'LIRE Ai3YAPlCE 7'~ T3~E
<br />Mt3R$Ci!1d+OR. s1i\Id TirIDE3~it."END &Y A StilC.T`iTA4 ``I(TI L` {S7f : iV 1 tS. ii[! S ~ TV C irii<r°.ii i iu i f's i n`i. vi-
<br />gd?~*l~,,lC.r.~'`J"'~'~ICdTiS~'i" k'UR AAl1i ~va,IVt.ES T31A? tfAY 9E ;t#zill£ TQ PR4TEGT 7'HI~ SECUR;~TY EN AC-
<br />~f3]tpAih'CE Fv#T7f'T€f€ TERMS QF Tf{IS ui}R7'tiaGE_
<br />. ,idtittuua: T`e-rtt ,u_u f`,•st~iittvae~ .,t, site ¢:-zerti .: ilz~.,~re~m_,,:..:e :^t+~ .> rar: f,•r ,i end m^rerp^r~tad herein.
<br />Fi+t W1IId€SS Nt1€Elt~~, the said itnngagors il3re cx_.aEed ¢hece Stresznts ti¢ r#ay9at~td yrar tSrxt abs>ve writttn.
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