<br />BY ~~..._ UtJ.l43 d'
<br />~-` THIS DEER is made by WILBUR MEYER, as Personal Representative of the
<br />Estate of ESTHER C. [dILLMAN, DECEASED, Grantor, to JOHN F1. WILLMAN, JAAiFS
<br />A. WILLI+#AN, and RICHARD P. WILLMAN, as Tanants in Comman.
<br />WHEREAS, the last Will of Esther C. Millman, Deceased zdas duly adanitfrad
<br />to formal probate in the County Court of HaII County, Nebraska;
<br />WHEREAS, Grantor was duly appointed Personal Representative of said
<br />estate and now qualified and acting in said capacity; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Grantees are determined to be the persons entitled to
<br />distribution of the hereinafter-described real property, and Grantar is
<br />authorized to distribute the same to Grantees;
<br />a; vr:.t, THEREFORE, vrantar n42yS, assigns, transfers, and relF~Sees tL3
<br />Grantees the following described real proT~ertg:
<br />A part of Blactc One (I), i.c! Pleas.nt Home Subdivisian to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, mare particularly described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the :iarthwest corner of. said Black One (I), running
<br />thence east along and upon the north side of said Rlack One (l) a
<br />distance of 124 feet; running thence South a distance of 66 feet;
<br />runni-ng taenae ;lest and pazallel to the North side of said Block One
<br />(I? far a distance of 124 feet to the 4dest line of said Block One (I);
<br />and running thencc^ North 66 feet tc the point of beginning, in
<br />a-11 %aunt;•, :debraska;
<br />Lots 'a'hree (3j, Four (4j, Five (S} and Si:t (b), in Block One Hundred
<br />Tar. {ILOt, Railroad Adciitian to the City of nand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska;
<br />A tract of land i.acatc:d in Block Ore (L} Ln Pleasant Home Subdivision
<br />to the City of Crand Island, Nebraska and mare particularly described
<br />as f.311aws: Camrteneing at the ScuChwest earner a*_" saitT Rl.aCk Otte (1)
<br />anti c-u:tt=ing dortli along, and upon the ~:2st side of said Bloc.. One (1}
<br />a di3t3iiC E' vi 2L~c iect: rufinl ;i~ tite?~t:c C.aS and parallel to the iVf3 rt.l:
<br />side of said Block One (1), a distance of ,32 - et' running thence
<br />South and Parallel to the tyfc?st side of said Black One (1') a distance
<br />of 214 feet to the South side of said Block One (1}; and running thence
<br />:-iest alarg and upon the south side of said Black One (I) a distance of
<br />132 feet to the point of beginning=:
<br />The Saut<nerl,r Fort,t-four ±cet (4~+';af Lc~t Twelve (1`L? in Block Seven (7)
<br />ir, Koehler Place, in the City of Grand Island, Hall. County, Nebraska]
<br />A tract o€ land in the City of Grand Island, '+ebraska, :-tore particularly
<br />descried as follows: Commencing at a paint where the 'nest line of the
<br />County Raad running North and South through the SW~ and the Southerly
<br />part of the N'r1~' of S;=ctiat7 ?l, in Township LL North, Range g, West of
<br />the 6th P..,., intersects with the South line of Anna Street in the City
<br />of Grand Island, vebraska, running thence Sauthc.est2rly along the Souther-
<br />ly line of Anna Street, about ?48 feet, to the Westerly line of Logan
<br />Street about 522 feet tc a point where said Line intersects the West
<br />line of said County Road, thence North clang the s4est Iine of said
<br />County Road to the place of hp~i_nrir - .`n~; ~:.erti"L~~;;, chaL part thert-
<br />of cc;.tr•er~:. <<~> t;ardotz Shattuck. ~y ~tarranty^Lieed recorded in` Book 83 at
<br />PaL;c I25r ~>f the Deed Records a€ Ha L1 Co~tnt;r, ".ebraska, described as
<br /> A11 of a tract o,f land commencing at a paint where the :lest
<br />line ai the County Raad runs :forth and South through the Stf~ and Souther-
<br />ly part of the Y3~~ of Section 2L, Township 11 North, Range 9, West of
<br />the fith P.~l., intersects the South Line of :'lnna Street in the City of
<br />Grand Island, ..ebraska, running thetrtce Southwest along the Sautherl.y
<br />1ix~ of said Ann: Street 130 feet thence Southerly at a right angle to
<br />C~ South Iine of Anna Street 132 feet, thenee Northeasterly at a right
<br />angle and an a Lire parallel with the South line of Anna Street 5(} feet
<br />to they intersection of the '-Jest line of tide ;bane described Caun~y Raad,
<br />thence `i~rtheasterly 14c3.4 feet aion~; the =pest Line of the abovE de seri.bc-d
<br />,r Raad to the puce ~rf ?~ei;inning, and excLudin;~ thaC portion cif saiei
<br />..r~CC r;7?'4`F4,'~r'ii il'.r ;r rj E, h`~.... ... ii£`~'d _. __ }^~F+e` ->, ~- ?CC _. ,. hf'. ~S~t:
<br />s.:;>unC;+ :"teens Rc±carc~s ±tncit-r date at .Jua..tt31, =~Ti4',~3re~ _~h ~hrrmac ~', _~trd~
<br />,iertha .J. ;~:1r4:~tn, xs the .rantecs# -
<br />