<br />3F ~......~..,,
<br />
<br />i!'/`~yr ~v,s'L -- t'NtL.q to r~ fj/~
<br />' 'lhit~elpr frets aad- left tit3t .Y;~ ~ ai 9rt
<br />,_
<br />14 >r7i : iy'sia8`batereee Hobert `H. Schuett and wife Msirgaret I.. Schuett
<br />(la~laafine tderted ~ ab mort~or) rind-tie Adtmaatrator of the Small Ba®aesa Adetinistaatioa, an agratey ~ the
<br />Govt oE, tie IItalaed Stalaa of Atasteisa (°hart,~ftar reiosted to s tnmrt®egaa:), wio toaiotai~ps m o6ce sad
<br />plaeaa~iiaalssasat 308 South 19th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />aPt4t. t~ foe tbs iaeDer statisd, rsbmelpt o~ eriiei is ! aciuowlet'~etl, the
<br />wat~yac ~aea ~+ Wes. ~ smd'~O°ay etato ~ is suers asd s~ua,.~1
<br />a[ tis ieHowira< sieseaiied ptt-peety aitoated sell lialaq is tie ~7 ~ Ha1.l
<br />Sexes atf Nebraska.
<br />The East Half of the Northeast Quarter (El/2NE1/4)
<br />of Section One (1), Township Eleven (I1} North,
<br />lunge Nine {g}, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska; and
<br />The Nortstwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
<br />{NW1/6) of Section Six (6), Township Eleven (11)
<br />fforih, Range Eight (8}-West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Merrick County, Nebraska.
<br />Togettler whh strnl inelad#tag all baildinRa, all 6xtares iaetadinq bat not limited to all plneeeei~, iestiaR, liglet-
<br />inq, vrnlilstinq, reirigeriiKnq,; ineineratiteR; air eonditioning appatateta~ aad rlevatorv (the mortpiger hereby
<br />deSlarlnq that it is intended that flee items l+erein enataerated shaII be deemed to :brie been permanently in-
<br />Ktallyd at:''part oPtlte realty), sad sN improvements now or hereafter'existinq~ tlitrtron: the hereditamients -and
<br />apparteetsttebs and aM other rights thereattto behersgiaq~ oz in anywise apperta~inq, and-the reversion aad re-
<br />vee'.i1fAS1, NgetNlinder-stud remainders, ail riAlets of redemption, and the rent+, is+ues, and profit. of the above
<br />desrrjlt@d. p;tiperty (provided, ho,rever, tint life. neortt{agor shall lte entitled io tie posxu~iiun of +aid propr:ly
<br />~ t~cct,sttd,+n~ain-tine renky isettes, sad`jssmfits-aatil -ti+rtauit hereuadec). To has~e -and zo, hold, the-same
<br />tmto,swee,ae,a~d_.tbe strcecs+ars ire iettstest of ebe mortgages forever in fee simple or Hach other estate,
<br />if any, as, ~ atatami:Reaetin,
<br />'T1w ~ tint Le.ialyasaad apd-p9ne~td.oi ss~l,ltaa,tbn ti~st-to scll sadtoonreg.said
<br />ply: tilt tie mn-e i flee tram sell. enctttabransas s:cept m hereinabovc tasted: and fiat be beusby binds
<br />bstsd;iilloaspatslarea.itn ist to trarrast-sad defend tfae this aforesaid thereto sod every part thersoi against
<br />flee eladspst ei-all.p~ness,rats. - -._ .;.
<br />~.
<br />'11tes:t is ~vea to secyxs 1hK ps~meat of a pt»miaaory note dated ~...2 ~- Y I
<br />in fife priaeiirai ewm of ~ 20,600.00 , si~pal by Robert it. Schuett sad i3argaret L. Schuetk
<br />>aAh'4aaiFn! Cttc~ael.vz:a.
<br />,u ,,... n r i a..n, r,«a... ca.a... ,.. ns..a... - -
<br />