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(h) If mcrtgege is insured under Section 231, Owners or Lessee shall at all times maintain in full Face and effect from the <br />Stitt or other IicenOng authority such Ncettse as may be required to operate the project as housing for the elderly. <br />l3. Owners will w,nply with the provisions of any Federal, State, or local law prohibiting discrimination in housing on the <br />grounds of race, color, religia-r or creed, sex, or national orgin, including Title YT of the Civil nights AM of 1964 /public <br />dew 8S-3,f2, 78 Star. 2d1), TiNe YIt! of the CivU Rights Act of 1968 (Poblic law 90-28,82 Star. 73J Executive Order <br />] 1063, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- <br />ment implementing these authorities (irrclra,ifr{g 2S CFR Parrs 1, I00, and I10, and Subparts 1 and M of Pbrt 200/. <br />]4. Upon a violation of any of the above provisions of this Agrcement by Owners, the Secretary may give written notice, thereof. <br />to Owrtera, by regiattred or txrtified mail, addressed to the addresses stated in this Agreement, or such other addresses as <br />may subaequtntly, upon appropriate written notice thereof to the Secretary, be desi¢nated by the Owners as their legal <br />burirtess address. Tf such violation is not corneted to the satisfaction of the Secretary within thirty (30} days after the date <br />such notice is mailed or within such further time as the Secretary determines ;; ntr~ssary to correct the violation, withcut <br />further notice the Secretary may declare a default under this Agreement effective nn the date of such declaration of default <br />and upon such default the Secretary may: <br />I• <br />r-i <br />(a} .(i} If the Secretary holds-ihe note • declare the whole of said indebtedness immediately due and payable and then <br />proceed with the forcclasure of the mortgage; <br />(ii) If said note is not held by the Secretary - n:;tify the holder tit the note of such default and reyuest holder to <br />declare a default under the note and mortgage, and holder after receiving such notice and reyuest, but not <br />otherwise, at its option, may declare the whole indebtedness due, and thereupon proceed with foreclosure of <br />the mortgage, or assign the note and mortgage to the Secretary as provided in the Regulations: <br />(b) Collect all rents and charges m connection with the operation of the project and use such collections ro pay the <br />obligatiores under thts Agreement and under the note and mortgage and the necessary expenses of preserving the prop <br />erty and operating the ::rojecr, <br />(c) Take possession of the protect, bang any action necessary to enforce any rights of the Owners crowing out u( the <br />protect operation, and operate the project m accordann wuh the tomes of thts Agreement until such time as the <br />Secretary rn tits discretion determines that the Owners are again in a position to operate the project in accordance <br />with terms of this Agreement and m comp8ance with the reyuirements of the note and mortgage; <br />(d) Apply to any court, State or Federal for spenfic pertnrmancc .>f this Agreement, for as iniunuhirnr against any viola <br />tiou of this Agreement, for the appointment u(a rece,ver to take ,wet and operas the project in accordance with ihe <br />terms of the Agreement, ur for such other relief as may br appropnate, since the uttury to the Secretary arising rrom <br />a default under any of the terms of this Agreement would he irreparable and the amount of damage would he di} iituh <br />to ascertain. <br />I5. As security tin the payment due under ihrs Agreement w the reserve fund .or repla~cment, and to .ecum the Secrcrar}' <br />because of his liability under the endorsement of the note for msuaance, and as security fur die other obhea;i-ms under this <br />Agreement, the Owners respectively assign, pledge and mortgage :a the Secretor: their rrgtus to the Hots, p;ofas. mcunte and <br />charges of whatsoever wet which they may receive ar be entitled in receive fro:r. tf:e operation nl the murtgag,~d propert}. <br />subject, however to ar;y assigrtment of ants m the ensured mortgage referted to herein. Until ~ default is declared under dos <br />Agreement, howevci, permrsswn is granted to Owner; to cotlr~ct and «r:un under the pro.rsruns of U,is Agreement such rents, <br />profit, income. and :barges. trot unun default rhea pernuasn:a r, ten~trrarcd .u to ail tents due or a,ilzrted dtrreaf ter. <br />16. As used in this Agreement der teen. <br />(a) "Mortgage" includes "Deed of Trust", "Chattel ~tougage," "Secuuty Insvument." and any other scanty fur ti,e <br />note identified herein and endorsed for insurance or held by the Srcretarv: <br />(b} "Mortgagee" refers to the hotter of the mortgage rdentni,:d hr«m. its successors and assigns: <br />(c} "Owner' refers to the persons named m the first paragraph her~oi sad de,rgn.,tcd as "Owners, rhea .uceeswrs. boos <br />and assigns": <br />(d} "Mortgaged Property" includes all prupetty, real, nenunal. „r anxrd,;voered'oy the mortgage ,n nu,ngagessecuring <br />the note endorsed for insurance or held by the Secrtsry <br />(e} "Project" includes the mortgaged property and all us other assets :;i •~hatsurver na[urc or wheresoever siwa:e, used m <br />or owned bq the business cornducted on said mortgaged property, which business ~onductt:d on said Mortgaged <br />property. whuh business is providutg housing and other aettvurcs asset tiles<!rr,tai thereto; <br />(f} "Surplus Cash" /profit-motivated (hanerJ or "Residual Receipts" !nurrpr„jit Ureter! means any cash remaining at the <br />end of a setn;annuai and annual fiscal period alter. <br />(1) the payment u1: <br />(i) All sums due or arrenlly required to be paid under the terms of any mort~ge or note toasted ur 1=cid <br />by the Secretary, <br />(ri) Ail antounts required to he deposited in the rescrYC fund fur repian•mrnta, <br />(iii) Ail obligations c>f the prtect other il,an the insured mart gam unies+ fun+is !.x pay meat arc art asedr .n <br />defernten! <if payment has been approrcd by the 5c~retar},;md <br />. , enu~ „ <br />