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servic_s which may he furnished by the Owners or others to such tenant upon his; her request, in addition to the <br />facilities and services included to the approval rental schedule. <br />(c} The Secretary will at any time entertain a written request for a rent increase properly supported by substantiating <br />evidence and within a reasonable time shall: <br />(i} Approve a rental schedule Shat is accessary to compensate (or any net increase, occurring since the last ap- <br />proved rental schedule, in taxes !other rJtan rne•nrrtr tcxest and operating and maintenance cost over which <br />Owners have no effective contra!, ar <br />Q? <br />C~ <br />a--I <br />--4 <br />i -i <br />(ii} Deny the increase stating the reasons there?2x. <br />S. {ai The criteria governing eligibility of tenants for admission [n Section 8 onus and the „ndiiions of continued occu- <br />pancy shall be in accordance with the Housing Assrstance Payments Contract. <br />(b) The maximum rent for each Section $ unit is stated m the Hnusmg Assistance Payments Contract and adjustments <br />in such rents shall be made in accordance with the terms of the Hausine Assistance Payments Contract. <br />(c} Nothing contained herein shall be construed m relieve the Owners of any uhiigations under the Housing Assistance <br />Pavments Contract. <br />6. (a} } f the martgage rs arieinally a Secretary-held purchase ;none} ?ncrtgage, ar is originally endorsed for insurance under <br />any Section other than Section .3 3 ,Owners shall nut vi selecnn, tenants discriminate against any person or persons <br />by reason ai die fact that there are children to the fan:dy In the event the martgage is insured under Section 231. <br />Owners will give preference nr priority of opportunit}' to occupy its dwelling aceommadations to elderly persons <br />and handicapper( Peru>ns as+letined to the HUD Reguianar,s. <br />{b} It the murtr_are is originally endorsed fitr insurance under Section '~ 1.Owners shall in selecting tenants give to other- <br />wise exigible displaced persons ur famtiies an absoiu?e preference nr priority of occupancy which shall be accotnplished <br />as follows: <br />(1) Eor a perod of sixtrv {60) days from the date of ttrvginal offering, unless a shorter period of time is approved <br />in writing by the Secretan'. all units shall be held tirr such preferred applicants, after which time any unrented <br />amts may be rented ronun-preferred apphcaats. and <br />(^_) Thereafter, and on a continuing basis, such pret•_rred apphcaats shall he given preference over non-preferred <br />applicants m rhea placement an a wanure I+st [.~ be naamtmned by the Owners: and <br />(3) Nvtwishstanding the pravi~ons of paragraphs t i' and ia_ ;:~r U^ of the Section 8 units, the Section 3_'1 or <br />Secuun'_3i occupancy preference shall ^e acct+rded tmi} t++ thin urdrviduais qualifying as very low income <br />as specified in the Housing Assistance Payniems Ct+r,uact. <br />{c) Without the prior written approval u[ the Secretary not noire ?l:yr '. ~ ,if the number of units in a project insured <br />under Scdion 231 shalt tie occupied by persrins ether than elderly persons. <br />(d} All adverusing or efforts to rent a prnlect insured :order Sedtnn _' +1 st;ah :etiect a bona fide efturt of the Owners w <br />obtain occupancy by etderiy persons. <br />?. Nonprofit Owners a~ee that rsa dividends vi ant nature whatsaever coil be pa+d un the tapitai stock issued by the curpa- <br />ration. <br />$. Owners shall not without the prior wrtt[en approval of the Secretary' <br />(a) Canvey, transfer, ur encumber an} of the mortgaged pmpeny, „r permit the aarvetame, ~ransler, ur encumbrutcc <br />of such property. <br />(b} Assign, transfer, dispase af, or encumber nay persanal prapert. nt rh+~ prayed. ~nc}udmg rents, nr pay out any funds <br />excxpt From surplus cash, except for reasonable operahng expenses and ne, essan [epa:rs. <br />(c) Canvey, assign, or teartsfer any beneftcral mutest m any trust holding uric ~., the ,rrupert}. + , nay right tit manage <br />or receive the rents and profits tiara the mart gaged pn?pertc . <br />(d} Remodel, add to_ reccnstruet, ,a[ dernuhsit also part ui rite aiungagcd pu;pc[ty ,~.o >uinraa (iota any real +n persun~i <br />praperty of the prated. <br />(e} 1$al:e- or receive and ruram, .my citsn'tbution +,f assess <n am n+~,mae taf anc kind ~+i the ptt,~zrr except sur,riu4 caalt <br />....d except er. ire t.a:owutg t ...;iittr=rs: <br />{l) Ai! &sIrtbutians shall be made tamp as ul and aft<•r rite ~=n;l ni a -:r.uaar:uai +n ntuwa2 fiscal Itenod, and ontc• as <br />pernnticvi by the law ut the applicable turisdier,; m the _.,.c ri~s !antic:! distnbuoetr rntntga„nr..t.! <br />druributiotu rn an}~ one fiscal year shall he linr.ted to srx per a•nww rm ~hc natl.+! egmt} +n ar,uarnt, aS .ir <br />teamined by the Secretary which shall be cunrulanvc- <br />(21 Na disttibutton shall tx [glade from t+.irnawed funds. i=trot w rin..;ccmtaleitn+t of the pnrject ur u1!rn ihete ,~. <br />arty slefa:tir undeF £his AgFeerrtY6t a( under the is t,le .:r .r rrtt~,age_ <br />t... _:4tis _rr <br />