<br />$1.--- uCi~365
<br />THIS DEED OPTRUS7ismadethis........20th,,,,,,,,,,,,,dayof......?'~eh,_,,,,_,,,,,,,
<br />19 $l.. , among the Trustor, ...Ronald .S.. • & .Robin •&.., • ftusba3Ed •artd • Wife • • • • • • •
<br />...................................:......{herein "Borrower"),.................................
<br />...... ,J.a~e&. S>. R~~l ...................................... {herein "Trustee"}; and'thc Bericficiarp;
<br />....... Superior. Mortgage,..Inc. .................................... a catptsration organized and ,
<br />existing under the laws of .............Kebraska ............. , ......, whose address is:.....-...._: , , , , . Y
<br />.2}-21. N..Webb. Aoad,..Suite.,..GIBnd. SSlarsd, . Ns:hraska. 588.41 .. (herein "Lender").
<br />BattttawEn, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property logted in the County of
<br />Halt„.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, State of Nebraska:
<br />The West One Hundred Thirty Four (134) Feet of the South Seveaty One and Eight
<br />Tenths (71.8) Feet of the North One Hundred Fifty and Five Tenths (150.5) Feet
<br />of Isst One (1) of Norwood Subdivision of Part of the West Half (W~) of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (NW~t) of Section Ten (10), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />which has the address af. 1121 St. Paul Road Grand Island
<br />:S:.eet; tGity}
<br />Nebraska 6$801 i herein "Property: Address" t
<br />[Sul! arQ Z,p C(NSej
<br />1<x.tutttr wah .tU the mtpn~,cmcnn n~.+ or hcrwtter ;rr. e~ on the propert}, and all easements, rights.
<br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the nghts and :iuthontres green herein to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />rents), ropaittes, mmcral. oil and gas nghb and profits, «ater. uatcr nghn, and water stack, and all fixtures now or
<br />ltereaftcr attached to the peaperty, .ell of which, ,ncludmg replacements and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be
<br />and remain a part of the property ca+ercd h+ t?us Deed of irtnt: and all of the foregoing, together with said property
<br />for the leasehold estate tf thts Ihhed of frost ~, :~n a Ica,ehold J ,ere tle7cift referred to as the "Property";
<br />To SF.Ct:RE to Lender ta) the rep°aymcnt of the in<ichtrancss evidenced h} Borrower's nose datedMarCh.... , .
<br />20,. J.9.81 .. (herein "Nate"), in the: pnncipal ,um of .Thirty two thousand and No/100------
<br />. ... ..............................
<br />°"°'°°°°'°°'°°°°°°`°°'°°°°° Dollars, with interest thereon, pravtding for monthly installments
<br />of principal and interest, with the tralanc:: of the uidehtedncss, a not ,oimer paid, due and payable on. _ . - ..... , . -
<br />.April ,1, .2011, , .. the. pin ment of all other sums. with imer•st thereon, advanced
<br />.....................
<br />to a.°cardancc tterewi[h tc> protect the ,ecurity of this Deed of Trust. and the performance of the covenants and
<br />agreemct;ts of Borrower herein amtatncd;and th) the re fiayment r:f any future advances, with interest (hereon. made
<br />to Harrower by Lender pursuant to partgraph ~ ! hereof t ht rr~n f-.ttun .4dvan. es" 1.
<br />Borrower eoro~enants that Borrower is lawfully xised of the estate herby conveyed artd has the right to grant and
<br />cunvc•, the Prapi:rty, thaE the t'rctpcrty is un,:neunttxrzet. and tlmt 13nrrowcr will warrant and defend generally the
<br />title to the PtapcKy .against all iia:ms srd demands. utbµ•et t« an+ ~i~~eiar,ittan,. casement, +it restriction, Vistecl ~n .t
<br />~.~*du~ cal ex;:yptions n= cavcrag,c to ,rely title- insuran.e lu«hcy xnsur,nk i <nder~, ;ntcr_~st :n the Prr~pert•~-
<br />N~~~ -y '- tzr~~;, ~6 rMtRit.efiq,Mt UMIfUg4t ltl~ttiUi~Mt
<br />