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g 1-~-u t, ~ ,1 ~ . <br />r3 r.g <br />MORTGAGE __ <br />` MORTGAGE LOAN NO. T. 23911 <br />Rts{OR' ALL MEN BY'ftIFSE PRESENTS' Thai ; ra71k E. Kolar, a single person, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or mars, in mtuidaatiaa of fhe smm of <br />Seventy-six 1'ttousand ana No/i00------- ___ _ <br />-----------------------------------~.~~ QOTIAIES <br />batted to radtt nratgagor by The Fquitabte I3uddir>g and Ifraa Association of Grand Isbad, Nebraska, Mortgagx, upon 760 shares at rtoet of <br />agid ASSt}CIATItkI, Certificate No. L , do hereby Bant, convey acrd roort~e tmto the sad A,SSOC(A't'fON tl{e fo19~y <br />descsibed real estate, ritinted in hall Cnunty, Ncbrasics- <br />T(J`I` TFiRc"E: !3) IN FAIBI,l"Y PLACE S[TBDIVIS10tii1, <br />I: '.^riB CI'I^l OF C;dAi[1D ISLANli, FIALi, t'OtR~i4'Y, <br />.dF.r~RSK7t. <br />tragetlxr welh ail tare tenements, hereditaments acid appirnenateces thereunto bebnging, including attached fluor coverings, all window seems, <br />window strades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, tieasirrg, err cvnditrontttq. and pitrmbing acrd water equipment and accesso[ies themto,purr~s,strnes, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and rgtuprrrrnt crow ur hcrrafter attached to nr !cud m ronnectxan with said real estate. <br />And whereas the arts mortgagor ttas agrtrd and does hrcby aRrcc shat the tnangagvr stall and wilt pay all [axes and asssammenu k:vkd or <br />asxsxd upon sod prerises and up,n thu rrittriga{te and the bond secured thereby hriore the same shall becorrre delinquent; [o furnish xpptaved <br />insurance upon the huddirigs un seed premises situated tp the sum vl ; '6, 000. JO f-`avabk to said ASSOCIATION acrd to dteiiver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policres tar card msuramz: and nut :v wmmn or pemit any waste on <,r ~dtxsut satd premises; <br />[n :age of default in the perfor«unce of any of the tercels and evndttsuns u! t}us rr.-artgage a:r the bored secured hereby, the raorigagee shah, <br />on detrrand, be eninled ro «nmediate possession <tC ;hc mortgaged premres and itrc rrturt,.agvr tiereh} asunris, transfers and uts over to the <br />rurrrtgagee al! the rents, revenuun and mwrne to Fsc derived from the mortr.,aged prcm:ses durutg such tirric as the mortgage utdebtsdaes. c!n{i tr~_~t <br />unpaid; amt the ruroctgagee stul{ ttavc the power tv appoint any agent nr agents ;r Wray ,}esur €vr tht purpose of repairitg said premises attd tenfitg <br />the same and uu{kcwtg rice rents, rrvxntrex and marmr, and it may pays out rrl ant .nwmt all rxpenzs of repairing said premises attd necessary <br />arauaissnrrrs amt exprreus :ncurrrd en renting and managing the same and ui ~uikcitng rentals ihereirom; flue balance remaining, if any, [o bs <br />applied toward tree dix:harge of seed mortgage ;rxiehtctiricss, ttrese rtgtris of ,m mut[gagre may tx rxcrciud at any time during the existence of EUCh <br />default, irrespn-trve of any tesnpu: ary warvtr ut fire same. <br />Ttuese Presents, truwever, ue upon the t.,'unshtwn, That rf rite saw Mortgagor strati +-pay sal Evan un or bet`ore the rtraturity of said sham by <br />{wymrnt; pay awnthiy to said .4_\'iOCtAT10N ut itx ;urn spertfied to the fksnd >eeturci i,e.eby es interest sad ptrnctpnl on said {user, on or before <br />the Twentxth day of car:h sod every rrwnth, anal sa+d ?uan a frilly parri; pa} alt text-, and sssessrtrents kvted against sod premim and on Ibis Mortgage <br />acrd the Burid seasred ittereby, tsriore Jeiins{uem;y. twnrstr approved instuanax upset tn< i*wtdrrrgs thereon m ittt sum of 5 ! 6, 000.00 payabk <br />to said ASS(}CIATtt}K; :rpay to x,d L'iSt)CIATION upon denand ai! mar[tey t,y ;i peed t,rt suclr taxes, asvessuurents acrd insurance with interest at <br />the mawmum legal rate thereon from .fate of p-ayr:xnt ate of wbxir Mortgagor }xrrhy ay+rers w pay, permit na waste un seed premises; keep andtwmp{y <br />with all the agreements acrd c+xtdr[rons ut the Based for S ', Ei, OOt~.OG then da} ~.iven i,y the >;rtd Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />wnh al{ the requireinrnts of the Cunstttutran anti By-Lrws of caul ,1SSi}l:!Ai'IOV: then these presents shall becorce null and void, otherwix they <br />shalt reirtarn m full }'arx and +nay be foreclased at the nptrun,rf the said .ASSIIitAItON after failure €or flux montlss to creaks any of said <br />paytoents ve be three tnvu[hs rn arrears m maktng sand monthly pay urrnt>, ur to keep anti! wmply with the agrernrents and canditions of said Boma; <br />sad Mortgagor agars to have a rerern:r appurnted €ortitwnh m wch (arrciowre ptus;rrdmgs. <br />If there is arty ciuange en uvtnerstrep of the rest estate rrra:rtgitged hcccm, ny sale w uttrrrwrse, then [he entire reuaining indebtedness hereby <br />sdcurrd shall, at the srptiwt of 'flte l:quitabte Builtimg and 4rart Asxx:rativn of tiraad Island, Nebraaks, lxtxrutre ittrtnediatdyr due and payable wittutwt <br />(urtlscr rrutice, and the amount rrmainirtg due under seed Iwr•A, and any other Mrnd fur any additional advantxa made Uxrcundsr, shalt, (tout the <br />dale trF exetcae of said opiiun, hear interest tit the rttaximtutt legs! rate, acrd taus nututgagr rosy then tx foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on sea <br />bored, rxi any ether irextwl foe additional adranexs, together with !.{ sums pasd by said The E;gtritabk Btu7diag a~ (.oan Ass«-iatiun o€Granei lslwd, <br />Nebraska for inuarrarrw, taxes and asseaurents, sod abstrx-ttng rxieasurn charges, wnh interest thereon, fmm date of payment at tree maximum <br />~ raft. <br />A,s provxkd in the Btrrd secured txreby, wrote tt+u :nurigagc rernains to effect the irrurtgagee troy hctrafter a fvance addutionat sums w [he <br />makers of svd Band, rhea asstgru oc suuxssurs m uttetrst, ~~hrch sates shall k*e wuhin rice security ut this irurrtgage the same as the funds orrgitra{ly <br />surued thereby, rite total a~tunt of pnncipat debt nut tar exued at any erne ihr arsgxral attwunt of this roattgage. <br />tyated then day of :i. t}., {`3 <br />_-~ <br />Frank E. Iio2ar <br />sfATE Ot NYlLRASitA, ~ <br />tit- iM this day of l9 , he(ure me, <br />Ct,IiJTPCY OF HALL <br />t}sr untiersrgrxri, a tiia[ary Public m and ivr seed Cotuuy, pcrwnally came <br />"Y'Stl)S Ik}lc2r, 3 5117<j lt. ~x-rson, who 15 oerwnaily known to <br />age to 6e the ekrtircai prtwn wtxse rnrttr i~ ,.Rixrd to the about ntatun~as muctgagvr and tlc- -aenertllT- <br />acitrxrwk d!tc seed irrstruuzQnt to 6e t t ~ <br />+~ i'tl.:; sot;intary ~-t 'rr~ dtcs. <br />rp#'{-t\{:.'wC :}' F,arsd az;d `:utatsa: ':rat fix ,late aiuresarr#. _ . <br />,~i~p~y tfat'FUt:tuieas~Cl{p Fgy <br />r -, r - •t ~aW NTaar-_ 3t.=. of tipyyy _~._ .. s . - -- ~- yutup I"ublic <br />arra,~na xt { {UAMN~ !t RQtJfiit <br />~ ~ E-ir flw. !f, tIM <br />