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Ir" <br />8~-I14r135 <br />MORTGAGE _ _ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23312 <br />~~ AI.L. MEN BY Tr.:sE PRESENTS: That Rur~lf F. Plate atxi Seannice R. Plate, (Lis wife; and <br />Tim C. Plate, a single person; <br />Mortgagor, w hetber rxie or mine, m oortaderatiun of th t~ of <br />Fifty-two Thousand and Nc/100 _--- _ _ - -------- TMid.ARS <br />marred to said rrtorigagor by The Equitable Btri4!-vtg and Lawn Association of Gnnd Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, ttgton 520 sbmes of t~ ~ <br />aid ASSOCIATION, Ceriifipte No. L , do herebp grant, convey and mortgage tmto the rod AS50CIA770N Ute foBorriog <br />deseribeil real estate, situated m Hall County, Nebraska- <br />THE NC]}?PH 5l-UIIJTF~39 A[,~ EIGL3T Tf2flliu FELL' (N17.8') OF IS?T ELrEVIIN (11) AAID THE SOVPH <br />FIFPY-f~t~7r', APdD SE.Uf3V TII~IiI-LS (559.7'} FS~'I' OF iIJT T~7 {10), 3I.:OGIC TFIRh~E (3), SOtJTfiERN <br />r~T2ESS ADDITIQN TO 'I'EEE CITY OF GfiAND ISI~AirIL), L;AT.T. QJUidI'Y, <br />together with all the tenements, hcreditunenis and appurenanass thereunto belonging, including attac3ttd floor coverings, aV window taeens. <br />window siudes, blinds, storm xnnduws, awmrrgs, heatc,-rx, an atndiitoninK, and plumbing and water eyuiprnent and actrssories thereto,puvgri,stovea, <br />refrxgeratars, and other futures and eywpment now o: hereafter attadird to ur ~ssrd en .unr+ecirun wtih said real estate. <br />And whrre;u the said murigagur has agreed and d<xs iureby agar that the :nurtgagur shall and will pay all lazes and a~~Mnts levied or <br />assessed uptm sax! premises and upon this mortgage and (fir twnd sea.uied thereby rx lure .he carne scull become delinquent; [o fumis6 approved <br />insurartcr uprm the hwldvtgs un cud prenc:sec situated rn the sum of 5 52, 000.00 paYahte to said ASSOCIATION aril to deliver [o said <br />ASSOCIATION ttx prrix:tes lot cud insurance. and not to acmn»r ur perms any waste .+n .x about Btd premises: <br />In ~ of default ter the perfurimncr of any of the terms and asndiuons u! this nxxigage or rite bond secured hereby, the mor[gagee shall, <br />on akmand, be entnkd io iiriniedratr possession of the rrwrtgaged prem:scs and tix mortgagor hereby asvgtts, tran$en sad sets over to the <br />mortgagee ill the rents, revenues and rnwme to be derived Grum the rixrrtgagrd premrscs durtrrg suadt trine as the monw~ indebtedass slsall "tMlra <br />unpaud; and itte irxrrtgaget shall have the pa»wee is appoint any agcni .x writs a rmy desrre for the purpose of repairing aid premises one! renting <br />the surre acrd coBecrmg the rents, revenues and income, soil rt slay pay out ut card mrvme aLi expenses of repairing aid premises std Y <br />armrrtesion: and expenses mcvrred m renting and ritanaP,rnK the sazre and of co{kcteng rrntaL< thtte(rum; the balaniz remaining, d any, to be <br />applied toward ihr drscharge u( v:d nxxty-sge mdrbtedr+ecs; these r~hts ul six mur;~,agrr may be <xerciaed at any tirrte durtrtg the existence of stilt <br />dtfau}t, irtespective of any iempurary waiver of the sarrir <br />These Presents, howest•r, arc spun ittc C'r+ndtirun, "that it the surd Mortgagor ,iaatl repay ,aril loan un or before the maturity of said shales by <br />trayirtent, psy ,runthtY ;u card .4.SStX'IATIf)'~ „€ the sum v,+riiferd m the l{rxxl ,reutrd heeby as interest and principal on raid loan, on or beforz <br />the Twentieth day of each acrd rrrrv munch, until card iron is tally pans, pay all taxes and:rssrssments levied agains[ said premises and on this Mortgige <br />amt the F3ond s~ecuied tturrhy, tseturc eielcnyuen~y. furnish approved mswans upon the huaWings thereon m the stun of 552, 000.00 payable <br />to sail ASSOC1.4T10N, repay to vrd !1JSfX't.4TT(JN upon densand alt nx+iuy by n pax! fur such taxes, assessrrunis and insurance whit interest at <br />the maximum legal rate tfu reon fnnri dory ,:f payment all of which Mortgagor furebv agrees wpay; permit rro waste an raid premises; keep and comply <br />with all t}ce agreements and a+nditrons of the Bond tot S 52 / OQQ, QQ ihrs day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, soil oomptq <br />with ati the requircmtnts a>i the C~unstirutron and By-Laws ut card ASSQi~i.4TlON. then these presents shall trernme null sad wid, otherwise they <br />shall re:m:n in full foyer and may ~ fr=rectosrd at the uptron of :hr sax.1 ASSOCIATION afar failure Ear three tnanths to make any of said <br />payments ui tx• three nx+ntku m arrears .n nuking sail nwrthtY pay ~Unts, „t to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of aid Brxid; <br />uxl Mortgagor agrees to has a recrivri appointed furt}iwi[h in such furrclusure pr.xsxdmgs- <br />if ttseie cs any cttangr m uwrrcrshig of itrr real state mortgaged herein, by sale ur utherwrse, Fhen the entire retraining irtdebtednns hereby <br />sutured sha0, a[ the optxin of The t~:ywtabk Building and I.aati Aswcrxtxrr, of i:rand (stand, Nebraska, become in»rnediately dtte std payable vritbor[ <br />feather notice. acrd ttce anxxutt remuning dtte under sax( txiruf, and any other band for any additiorul advances scads iheretmder, dta6, Gom the <br />date of exrrctse of axi optics, btu isnercxi ar the maximum legs! rate. and this mortgage rmy then be fwecloxd to atisfy the arootmt dot: nn fad <br />bond, and any ut}xr (xmd for additrunal advanrxs, tugrther wit:: all surrss part by said Thr Equiubk BuBdi»g and Loan Assoaaation of Gruel Nand, <br />Nebraska far inwrana, lazes and assessrtien[s, and abstracting extrnsx>n charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the rmaunum <br />begrl rate. <br />As pruvxfed m the Fkntd secured 'Hereby. ++~hrir th,= ~rx,ngagr rrrtu;ns to effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additiural atrtw io the <br />rmkers oC sail Bernd, ttr<•ir arrgns rx su:xssixs m imrre~st, whiclc Hunts shalt the wrthm the security of this tllar[gagC the same a5 the foods tNlgidlly <br />»curcd tlrnrb}, the total anx+um ,+f nnncapai debt rut to rased at an} tine the urigtnat amuuni of this murig~e. <br />Feted this ... -' o __ - <br />ia`it C. Pate ----- <br />A. t)., i9 <br />~eannT.ce a <br />S7ATF; OF NEBRASKA. ~ ~, iTn this .lay of 19 , befrttm tin, <br />COL-RtiT'Y OF 1#ALI. <br />.fir uridcrsrgrud, a Notary Pubix m and for said County, peraoraiFy lama <br />RtLCsolf F. Plate acrd .7eanni~e R. Plate, ttis wi;;e; anti ~itn ;.'. Plate, ~sirLgle ~ykrtownto <br />.~ <br />rpr tar be tfx :<ieutical pcxxin ~ wtx=rr name r,.- i3Zr? altixrd to Eire atrrvc instrunicnt as nxxrtgagurg amt t~leY severally <br />n-`ktrrrr-kd~ii the ~d r»st; u»tent to tce Y_i'kE:1 L- vulun4arY alt and dccJ. <br />WtTNtr:SS my Fsarw amt Notarial Seai itx date ahxrsa' <br />M. i'nrmraasxsaxc r zprrrs }j'~ p 6 ~~, 1 Jf ~ ~~ <f ~ t fi_ ~ f ., r -tt ~/ <br />S - _ - .... <br />Nutuy Fidrlic <br />W Ya,ar ar ~ ~- scar M a+l.:Ha <br />,~ ~ ~~ <br />~ ZtatrtU ~ aga9N it, rya <br />