I ._
<br />~ __.
<br />'4 #
<br />Lun clarmed by:
<br />FacFSettPr Products, inc.
<br />,,,___- 8505 nI" St. Omaha, Nebr. 68127
<br />~.-_.. . -..:_.,- , . ,- _ . _ .. . -~ 1 ~ L) R Ox'S l>~ Huffman and fe~ ..:.-. ~~:- _. ..___~.:~.~.
<br />221-A-MECFiANiC'S ll@N ~ lion 8 Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461
<br />3J13J Al
<br />10_.......-..
<br />,ggay~Raniiy-_L.-_&-D, Gail 3ohnson
<br />• 209 South Oak, Gr. Island, Nebr. 6881
<br />nr. Cs
<br /> _Contract in the amount of $2782. G8 ~_
<br />
<br />---------------
<br />------j
<br />~--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- - -----, -------------
<br />------------ ------
<br />------ ---------
<br />--------- ---------
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<br />--------------
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<br />_____~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------i
<br />________________________________ _____________________________________________l !--------------
<br />~_____________k - ----
<br />______ ---------
<br />_______ ---------
<br />_________
<br />___
<br />State ofNebraska •••-------••••-_- ~ ;
<br />-- - r
<br />ss.
<br />.Aoatglas ..............°-.--°._ County ~ j
<br />~ , William 0. Blaha, Vise Pres.
<br />~t ~ ---.....---°------------_.---------...--------------•----------..-..--- --.... _----------- ------------- ----•-•-- ---- •-------------°---------°-.....-...._, being first
<br />duly swam, on his oath says that the foregoing iterized account of work, lobar, skiiL-_.-..-..._ ..................•----------•--..°--•-------
<br />nwterials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and performed and furnished by the undersigned
<br />for the said Randy L_ & D. Gail Johnson
<br />under a' ...Soli.ttf~1.-.._ ..............••--°--...--°•----.... fontrect..-°---- -- -- ° -- ----- ......----•- -.......-- ........................-°.........----°•-°--
<br />for the'.----repo'-r°---...•--...•-°-•--_......_°--•----------°-----------°-----.of a .---°--dwe11 ing --••--•-----•----°--°• ...................°-----....-.-.....
<br />on the following lot, piece or parcel of Land, zi_ °.. W.__-' %Y t_ ~>; L~ ~ :; L't ~_ ' !.' '?. P. Rl wv Co_ 2nd Add*+.
<br />That at the tune said contract a^as made and labor and materials furnished and delivered thereunder ........................ j
<br />Randy L. & D. Gail Johnson were
<br />_........... - - .......--._.... f premises' ,
<br />.-._.----° .................---- ----............._......-....----- -- -..._ --- -- saint the otonar v said
<br />.._..._ ........................_... . -- _ -... - --..._........ •------ .. _...._..._- ..._.-.__. i
<br />That the data of the first item furnished and delivered :rau.._aax.....1.7,---1QR4--._ ..................._........--------.- and the
<br />date of the k~Fe item ttlas._----.---Decs_.18s.. ~ }&Q.---------,-
<br />R~nt further states that said tabor was performed Ln, and materi<tG were furnishtd for, delivered at, and wed in
<br />sad brilding or p-eiaisas on and between the data sperified.
<br />That the priers chwgad therefor era fair and rrasonabte, and that there is now due on said account the soot of
<br />TWro. Thousand Seven Hundzed Ei~htY Twn-and_GSJlOG_ Dollars, that said°
<br />i
<br />PacPSetter products, _nc.
<br />.............._...°--_......_ ...._.....-----.._....---------. --.-°---_....----claims a lien on the sad premises for the full anuxmt of ,
<br />said amount, to-alit: The sum of a...-Z.182,-C}8 ............._..........._..._-tr~2ilF~4X 7LK7AXid~~F7ifbxSQX
<br />franx the.....-....18th_.day af .............DecY_._°----• r -- -- - r9_ .R1..., and further ajfrant says not.
<br />.. ,
<br />..
<br />- --°
<br />William 0. Blaha, Vice President 1
<br />.... ~
<br />^ blsitteMai Subscribed in mti• presence and sworn to before me thu-----._.13-th-._ .............-......
<br />.tag. ~ day of ..... fir. .............._._..., .... - ro-.~ 2....., i
<br />..l - /'l 1./:~,
<br />(~ FtY£rSG Bidt tOF tifblritCCOIIS ._ a~~~+LL.f:f_.lY....~.{.'._?3::.... :~......,..._....._..-........,
<br />Notary Public.
<br />~TA'~ 41a._._....~.....~.........`.......__....~........~._-..-..._, ilea. Entered ~~n numerical in(!ez and tiled for reut~rtl
<br />Camt+ .., . .............. } in the Register of Deady Office of sold County the
<br />.............__....,:day ~. ... ___........._.....-......, tft,......._... at .._..._..oclockand.__. _ -..... .minutes. -.._....... M.,
<br />sad r+s~€dad is Rtsoh.........-_ ......... d........... _. .. ..._ .at page.....-..._. _._._..
<br />...._._._._.......,.._ -. .Reg. of th~eds j
<br />RY -- _ t?etnitY
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