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8I -u!l ~ 32t3 TRUST r>,LrEn <br />THLS DEER OF TRUST, made and entered into this 16ttr _., day of Haralt _, 19 8I <br />by and between .t_o iedph F- Martinez and )isles Trustor, and First American Title Itsauratsee Co Trustee <br />Maatittasp ttuetsagd and wife ae point tenants with right of aurvieorghig aad Act as teaenLa ist <br />and Pcrstai Savings Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary. eet~ast <br />Wi'TNESSETH: That the Tntstor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings. improvements, and fixtures of every kind now <br />or hereafter erected or ptaeed on the real estate, situated in Ball County, in the State of Nebraska <br />ILct Your (4) in Block Elevta (21) of Lembert's Addition to the City, of Gr+md <br />' Ial~d, Hall CctnstY, tde4raaka. <br />and paissessian of said premises now delivered unto card Tnrster; <br />T(3 HAVE AtiD Tt) HOL_D the same. wtth aft nghts. pnvtfrges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trtstee, <br />his rxrcuiars, adminrstrators, freers, and asstgres tarr~er_ :~r.d the Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes <br />unto the Trarstrr all right. rule, ~latm, tntrrest. herrtit, and cstaie whatrirr, in and to the above-described premises and <br />v ...!; a ;d e. .• part thereat- whtclt is r;t•.rn h a; restifts Seam al3 law, of the Stair of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption <br />af~homa.stead. And the Trustor canvrnants with the Truster chat he wdl forever warrant and defend the title to the same <br />against the lawful clatms of all persom whamsorcrr <br />IN 'TRUST H4WFV'L-R. tar rhr tollar+rfttg do cubed purpose=_ W'LiLRE.45, the Trustor did on this date execute a <br />promissory note rvrdeneeng a loan ir,r the pnn:epat amount cif ~ _-- __- 1ZF~4~~.2~_----_____---and interest <br />thereon aceording tr? the arms of rhr note: coed note heinQ payaf?le in roust monthly installments at The office of the <br />henetician :and t3nai payment heeng due an 2latsh_Z9t2t _ -__.---.------_- 19 91 <br />It is agreed by and between pontes berets that rrntrl tiling of tiori~e of Default, the Trustor shat}: (11 pay all present <br />and future tapes and evessmrnts. ernera4 and ,peers}. ,gauist ;:ltd property before the same becomes delinquent or <br />aatianahle: t'i keep all +mtarrivr!nrnt>. t.e~ted ~m the land insured as niay fsr rratuired from time to time by beneficiary <br />,rgainsi toes h} Sire and z?thee fiarards..asuaiire. end canttngenctrs, m such aniaur,[s and far such periods as are reasonable <br />and may hr rrquued by henrtictan-. and to keep at] pohctes of such incurancr ie, force or rffrer upon the property herein <br />dc-s:ribrtt cuttstantly avrgned and deltvered to benetz~tary, t31 pay- and compty~ with a{I the terms and conditions of any <br />iirn, Maim or indebtedness that may be srntor ta or take precedence of this Trust 1?eed as soon as arty such payment an or <br />of such ;Sen. ctarm ar tndrbirdness sftail 6ecornr due; and upon failure of Trustor to keep any said agreements, beneficiary <br />may nay such tax, pay fc?r such tnsurancr or pay off ;ttcti liens ar claims or indebtedness as the case may be, and the <br />marry so expended with tntrrest at 1 v' per er.num strait t?r srcure:.t by this Trust Derd, and the Trustor agrees to repay the <br />same upt?n demand, and upon failure io da so rhr halanrr of ihr attached note shaft become immediately due and payable <br />at the option r:f the bent#'iciarr: t~# specifically confer upon the !'roster rhr power of safe as provided in Nebraska law; <br />r~ i retain passes~on of the pteatt~s and ctalkct the rents and revenues therefrom. <br />upon pagr;rent of all the sums secured by this 7-nest 1)rrd. rhr Benrfsctary shalt request the Truster to reconvey the <br />property and slsal# surtrndrr this Trust Deed and all notr> evrdrncing indrhtrdnrss secured by this Trust Derd to the <br />Ti-ttstre. 'Cnrstre sh~l reconvey tt~ prct~ierty wttftaut warranty to rhr parson or persons regally enlitfrd thereto: but if <br />default br made en the payment of card next cr any hart t::creot or any of the uitrrrst thereat: whzr, due or in the fai[hfnl <br />,,^.erfarntattce of any ar rttlrrr of said agreements as aforesaid, then the whole or ;std Hate shalt Isrcorne due and he paid as <br />nrrrinafter provided, and thrs deed ,half rrmam to Toter; the trustee <rr ht, attorney may proceed to ,elf the property in <br />its rntir€ty or Sri pare~ls at the option of the trustee hereinbrforr describe{i at pubtis auction, to the highest bidder, for <br />cash Hawrver. rhr power of sale herein conferred upon the truster shalt not hr rxrraised unfit { 1 1 the truster shall first <br />ftte far record, in the oft3cr of the register of deed; at each county wherein rhr tntst property ar some part or panel <br />ELttrrt>f is situated, a notice of default, identifying the truster by stating the names <?t rhr tractor and names lheretn and <br />giving the btx?k and page where tltr same is recorded, a description of rhr trust property, and Containing a statement that <br />a breach of an ablittatian for whittt [he trust property was conveyed as security has cncurrsrd, and setting forth rhr nature <br />o#' 3uc1t breach anst o#' Iris eteCtitm to sell tx cause to br sold such property is sattsty the obligation; and tom} after the lapse <br />crf riser lt~: eltan one month, the Irusirr shalt give na#ice of sale as provided by Nebraska law..~fter robes of default anal <br />lapse of n€?t lrs~ tLtart am month, rhr truster ;halt give writtzn notice: of Lhe time and place of sate particufariy descritnrrg <br />rhr property to #?e sold by pubhcattan of such notice, at tease tiv~'times, t>tt:-e a week far.tivr carisecutive weeks, the last <br />pubhcattan to hr at least t0 bays liar sot more than 3ti clays. prigar to rhr sale, in-.some newspaper having a general <br />;:rretrlation to sash county to which rhr property to 1?r uald, or sortt+i• part itrerrs.fF, is +ifuatrrf_ Upon such sale, the truster <br />staalt xaresitr artd deliver a decd of ;:anvcyance of tfie property shtd`{rf.tlt~ purehmutr ar punhasern thereof and any <br />staz~~trnr ar re:itaL of t?et in such deed tr, ,efalian to rhr rtcrcfse +~ah~tta~er a#'~aie anti .ale ref the property described <br />*.tt ± ~ . p.., <br />