<br />This form is used in conne~-
<br />~/~(~nr ~Qv~ lion with mortRaRes insured
<br />17dS/1L 1 ~.ii~VJlJ under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the Nation'sl
<br />Houtring Aet.
<br />~1--- i3[i13~~'`
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 17th .day of March ,A.f3 t°'
<br />19 81 , hY and between Reith M. Zehr and Connie 3. Zehr, husband and taife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereittefter caifid -
<br />the Mortgagor, and ,_ _
<br />Superior Aiortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hereina€ter called ehe Mortgagee,
<br />WITNESSF,TH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration cf the sum of Twenty nine thousand- four htttidred
<br />and No/100---- ----- - -- ~ _- - Dollars tS Z9, 400.00 ), Raid by the Mort-
<br />gagee, me receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sald and by these presents does Grant, BaY-
<br />gain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unro the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns. forever, the fallowing-described
<br />real estate, situated in the County of Pall ,and State
<br />of Ncisraska, to wit:
<br />The Easterly Fifty-Four Feet (54') of Fractional Lot Two (2), in Fractional Block Seven
<br />(7), in Latstbert's Addition, and the Westerly Thirty-Nine and Six Tenths Feet (39.6'}
<br />of Fractional Lot Two (2), and the Easterly Fourteen and Four Tenths Feet (14.4')
<br />of Fractional Lot Three (3), in Fractional Block Two (2) of Evaris° Addition,
<br />both being Additions to the City of Grard Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all acres according to Govern-
<br />mentsurvey:
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with aR the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />all heating, plumbing and Lighting fixtures and eyuipment now ur hereafter attached so c>r used in cunnee[ion with said teal estate
<br />unto the ,'Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the `vtortga-
<br />gee, that the Mortgagor has goad right to sell and convey said premises: that the} are free from encumbrance; and that the
<br />Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same agaimt the law ful ciairns of all prison, w tiomsuevu: and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by relinquishes all rights of homestead. and all martial nghh, either in tau nr inequity. and all other contingent interest< of the
<br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises, the intention bring iu cony} hereby an absolute title, fn fee simple, includ-
<br />ing all rights of homestead, and other rights :md interest, :ts ,,furr,md.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these pre,cnts ere executed :,nd drh+ered upon the folluwingr:unditions, to wit:
<br />Thr Mortgagor agree, to pay W the Mortgagee. ur „rJer. the principal sum of Twenty riirie thousand four hturdred
<br />and No/100--------------_r___~_~~~__tl Dollars+i 29,400.00 ?.
<br />with utterest from date at the rate of Twelve and three-eighthper :entum ( 12.3750 * /per annum un
<br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said pnncipal and interest Khali hr payafrle .,t itle uflice of
<br />Superior t~rtaage, Inc.
<br />tit Grand Island, Nebraska or ,t,uchartherplae:,stitleholderof
<br />the note ma} designate in wnnng. m munthh in<tulimenh „f Three hundred ten and 92/100----------
<br />]h+iian:* 310.92 .~_rmnxndmYUnthehr,tdap.,i
<br />(may iv 81 ,end ,=n the hot Jay of r., fi muaih thrrr.,fter urtd the principal and ire
<br />icrest ace fully paid" except that ttx tinai pa}ment of prtn,apui nd mtrrrot- ti n,n ,uuser ;+.,td- ,ha'1 tx Jae unJ
<br />payable on the first day of April 2011 : ail a~sording ro the terms of r cr: grin prumu-
<br />sory' rtute of even date herewith r xccutrJ h+- the ,aid 44ortgagur -
<br />The Mortgagor in order mute fulh~ to protect the security of thi, Mortgage. agree,.
<br />L That he will pay the indebtedness. s he2tnhefore prucided. }'rrvtlrge i, rrsenrd to pay the debt in whole. ur in an
<br />amount equal to ape or more munthty payments nn the principal that are oex! due :rn the nute..~n the tint ,fa) .~, anv month
<br />prior W maturity: Prodded, however. That written notice u( an tntrnUOn to exercise wch pnvdrge i, given at ira,t thirty t 11?i
<br />days prior w prepayment.
<br />_'. That, together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and mtere,t payable under the teum of the
<br />cetc secured botchy, tfie Rtortgkgur udt pay- to the .fostergee, on the iirsi day of each nx,nth until the ,aid note i, fully paid, the
<br />fallowing wms:
<br />(a) Aruuunt sufficient to previdc the holder hereof with lunds to pay the next mortgage insdtancc ptenuum if this
<br />m,trutnent and the note secured hereby art insured, or a monthly chsrge (ire Ciro :,~ u mrrrpttgr ;ns7cron<< t'jr•
<br />YniJttnl if t#rry are held by the Secretary of t~iuustng and Urban f}eveltrpntetu, as Cuik+ws-
<br />li) (f and au Inng as said note of rvzn date and tlt]s instrument are insured ~,t ate ,:,nsurrd nn,ic, the p;,
<br />visions oi' the'-siattunal llouiitrg As.~t. an amount suffiztcm to actutnu!atc m !hu hands ,:~ the I,uid,a „a
<br />:ter,ia*-;rs GNA at4lM wn.r„t, r.,ev on used,,,,,,, +vrn~v ~: exr,austed ~ 1'.17'h: t It •F:tit{:1tiI1.1
<br />