t 223-a-MECHAtJiC'S LIEN ~ $ ~...~ (~ ~) 1 ~ ~ r j Hultman and Felton & Wufr, Walton, Ne. 68A61
<br />~iiex claimed h~,r ..f!fa~'4}?...d~6......_..........- -.........._...-°°----°-........r~.X......
<br />S~nitarY.._Plumb-ing-..CompanY..,...Inc.-•---------- Against:._.Rr_.D......~Q4?~t5...~~ld...~Q~.~...~la~k......---
<br />~ 6?4 W 0th Gran.
<br />f .4ddress_.....r......... ~-.... d Island,.-, ~J,E..- ..3121..B.ten.t~foQ.d..Ds._-,..-Grand....Lsland,...l
<br />' rg_... -- Dr. Cr.
<br />_ ; ~ Processing fees----------------------------------------°-----' 25
<br />----------- -----•------------------------G----°-------
<br />---------------
<br />i ----------------------------------------------~!------------
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<br />Hall - ------- ...................- Count}'; ~ :':
<br />Ajfwne', ..A.Qa~~.d,...L._.-.ti.~.1,1-y-•---~?.~,~e...~r.~.s.i,~~n.L...o~...S.an.i.t;~:x-_~l.uw.b.i.~ng...~s~a-------= b¢ing first ~
<br />dxly sworn, on kis oath says tkat the foregoing itemiz¢d xcount ~f work. labor, skill ............._..-........-..--------•..-................
<br />nurtesials, and impravem¢nts u true and correct: thaf same were done cod performed aced furnished by tke undersigned
<br />for rke mid.-..A_...Il,....Goonxs.--and_i.nis..liank....- - --... -- -_. .
<br />t
<br />ruder a' .....ktl:iLLen.--....._...-.... - ----._ .. contract. -- ... -_ _ _ __ - -. _ _..._..-- - -- •-- -- °- --------------°--•- I
<br />for rke'.-....P.lumb.ing ...........................-------..............-..-----.._of n ...n.pN...hcmg_...---------....---------------......-......----------------- i -:;
<br />i
<br />E
<br />on tlta following lot, pxere ar parcel of land, xRC:•..-.LQ.t...S1X..-.(.b1-,..-~151~~...(Jll~__(1-~--,---~.I.~Il.t)Y,09~.-.----.----
<br />Second Addition, Hall_County, Nebras_ka__.-__,,._.___ -_- -._
<br />i
<br />. .. .. ............. ..... ...-......... _ _..-.. -.. _..._._ .-... _ - _ _. _. - _ .......... ......... ----•----- --------- s
<br />................-- -- - - --.........._...--..._--................- --.... -- ------------- - - -- -__ _ -- --- - _ _ _ _ ----------- - d
<br />Tkat at tke tine said contract .czs made and labor and materials furnished and delivered thereunder ..................__..
<br />R..---Il.._.L`oo.Itis._~~d--LC3,i.S-..H~31k-- ---.. ...._.....-.__.. _ ._ _.. _ _ _.__. _._u~as the oxoner of said premises' j
<br />. ............--- - -...... -- .._... -- °- -- --- ...-..._.-....__..._ -- .... _._...-...__.. -_. - ..... - -.. - - -- - - .._...-.. - - ----....-._ i
<br />Tkat tke date of ike first Trent frr»isk¢d and delivered :c~as..-...lanuar.y....31y...14.$.Q.-__ ...................._ and ehe
<br />date of rka last iteax ~~ -.~.~iKAf.T.K,I-....:d_ 14$-U --- __- -- ,
<br />t- _-. - _ __ _ -- __
<br />fi~~+usnt fxtker stater tkat said labor was performed on, and material; were furnuked for, delivered at, and xsed in {
<br />raid bxilding or premises on and betzaeen the dates sparifred.
<br />That the psires charged tkerefor era fair and reasonable, and that there is now due on sad arcoxnt tke sxm of 3
<br />Eighteen._Hundrec3.sixty-_five...dol_xa-~~._~.D~_nq[-~.00--.-.-.-.---.-.-.-.-.----.-.-.-Dollars, rkat said" j
<br />ILQna1d... Ia,...h.e11k.,-_.Y.i c,e_.I?r-es.id,enL.- o-f---Saszi.zar.}---Plumb.ing_-~n....-----------.---°-------.•----------------_
<br />s
<br />_.----_........------........_..-..__ .-_.-- .................. _ -........._ctaims alien an the said premises for the full amoxnt of f
<br />t
<br />raid arroxnt, to-wit: Tke scot of $.. 1.r3u5_.U.O ..................... ..._.....tagetker untk tnierest thereon at the !egad raft,
<br />irons tht...._..---.._--......doy of -.:- - ... _-._, ---., :g........, and furth¢r.a~iant says not
<br />~ .. ~, ~
<br />astrutr ~t i~*ar~~ ..._llnnaid..L_...hall.y..,....1:ice...Ples-idelnt-------- ---_,--•-.-----------..___...----- i
<br />aethl ta. ~tat~at~
<br />11r0oierEtw-ti`Pit3;4&1 __-Sanitarv.F?iumeing_Cam-panY_:.._Inc-....---_._.-..-
<br />', ~~ 5'rbsrrtbed in my presence and sworn ro before me this_.r ........._ ............... ..
<br />j «iay of __..~i~.~GiL .._...._.... _ _ ---..,._..........._._., !9.-~-f......
<br />~: , .
<br />` ~? yf ~, ,tx-~~
<br />~ {$ce ceverat aide #ar isairu,?iaaa'} ;Eeotafy Public.
<br />i &hA'TR ~-._._.._..._.._. ..-._-.....__......_._.__ ...___-..._ ~ F;nteresi an numerira! -Ender ntid Blsvi fur rFCeni
<br />- j ~~ iu the Itegia:er ut Deede f)i[ke u[ ®aid County the
<br />i _..--......---'~` °1............ ............ 18.._ ...- sf.. -_..... ..~ictaek and__ minutes . P9.,
<br />t
<br />i trod tbcQa'sed of Ffoair .......... ..._ . ._ 41.. _ _.... - - - gt 1~$.,.. - ..
<br />• s ...... . . ..... flex. <<t i-k4ds ~.
<br />i ~- - - Ileputy r
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