Ho. 101, ko7r T2 OUITCLAMI p@[p-STAYS
<br />ARt~1EGT: F-228(20) AFE:
<br />TRACT: 4
<br />THAT........-_......~vid 0. Coo~id}te---•--.....-°-°-----•------------------- -DIRECTORSTATE ENGINEER
<br />in the name of the Swte of Nebraska and for the Department of Roads of said State of Nebraska, under the
<br />provisions of Section 39-1326 R.R.S. o/ Nebraska, 1943 and for arsd in consideration of the. sum of-"~-=~'
<br />•--_.~--0ne_Hundred_Thi~ty-Six and_35/100------{$i35.35)--------------------rr-----~-----
<br />s~,....._............._........~___~_.~a_____~_~_____~___~___.~~r_ -----7yOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, does hereby, grant, bargain, sell, convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto ....................._._..
<br />___---.----•_Leotlard E. Graf
<br />hereinafter knows as the Grantee, whether one or more, the following described real property situated
<br />in...._...-.~1j____._..County and State of Nebraska and subject to any and all existing restrictions and/or easements:
<br />A tract of land located in the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of
<br />Section 34, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: '
<br />Referring to the Northeast Corner of said Quarter Section; thence westerly
<br />a distance of 1,297.02 feet along the North Line of said Quarter Section; thence
<br />southerly deflecting 091 degrees, 54 minutes left, a distance of 50.03 feet to
<br />the point of beginning; thence southerly deflecting 000 degrees, 00 minutes a
<br />distance of 60.03 feet; thence easterly deflecting 088 degrees, 06 minutes left,
<br />a distance of 33.00 feet; thence northerly deflecting 090 degrees, 00 minutes
<br />left, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence westerly deflecting 090 degrees,
<br />00 minutes ieft, a distance of 35.00 feet to Lhe point of beginning containing
<br />0.05 acre, more or less.
<br />There will be no ingress or egress over the following described Controlled
<br />Access Line located in the East Haif of the Northwest Quazter of Section 34,
<br />Township 11 North, Range ° West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described
<br />as follows:
<br />Referring to the Northeast Corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence
<br />westerly along the North Line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1,297.02
<br />feet; thence southerly 91 degrees, 54 minutes 1Qft, a distance of 50.03 feet to
<br />the point of beginning of said Controlled Access Line; thence easterly
<br />88 degrees, 05 minutes left, a distance of 35.00 feet to the point of termination
<br />of said Controlled Access Line,
<br />The grantees, for themselves, their heirs, personal representatives, suc-
<br />cessors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does
<br />hereby further covenant and agree "as a covenant running with the land" {1} that
<br />the land herein conveyed or any part hereof shall not be used for the erection
<br />or display of any advertising sign, device or display, which is not related to
<br />or connected with the use of the premises conveyed hereby; {2) that the land
<br />herein conveyed shall not be used for the storage, processing, sorting, transfer
<br />or any other use related to or connected with scrap material of any nature or
<br />kind; or anp other use, so as to create or cause an unsightly or obnoxious
<br />appearance upon the premises herein conveyed.
<br />The State of Nebraska, Department of Roads, reserves an easement far the
<br />operation, maintenance and use of any and all existing utilities which aze
<br />located over, under or upon the above described tract.
<br />That to insure the observance of the above covenants the Srate shall have
<br />the right to prevent the breach thereof by as injunction, mandatory or otherwise,
<br />and to recover whatever damages may have been suffered from any such breachy
<br />together with any attorney fees and expenses incurred thereby.
<br />~.
<br />Mµ...~; ~ k~l?~ _
<br />aid real property, hereby known to dnclude real estate together deitl+„all.tenements„
<br />hereditaments arld appnrtenancea thereunto belonging, unto said Grantee and to his, her or tngil fseirs, saccessgls
<br />and assigns- fore var. - ~ - j -
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<br />q Qpee '.
<br />v4~~ !!~-~!.:- - _..........., 19.Q-l.. SEAL ~ _ ~- ~
<br />Duly execuaed phis.-..-... ...day of._....._-.. t_ i
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<br />a...>no. or rAs east. ar xstrrsks tf7 - + r.n Snltrss
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<br />(See Acknowledreeat - pusr)
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