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ti _ i <br />This form is used in connec- <br />tion with rnortgages insured <br />~~~r~`G`A~'r i' under the one to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />t Housing Act. <br />r ~1-~~c)12~3 <br />THTS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 17th day of A{areh ,A.A. <br />l9 gl , by and between Cary itrtrger and Jiil B. Srager, husband and wife <br />of fire County of Hall .and State of Nebraska, parcy of the first part, hereinafter called <br />tht Morcga~r, and <br />Sttgerior Mortgage, Inc. <br />a cor{xrtation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska <br />party of the second part, hereinafter called tht '.btorcgaget, <br />WITNESSETH: That the said 'vtortgagor. for and in consideration of the sum of Forty £our thousand and <br />No/100------°----°---_~~_~r~~_°~_a_~°_~ TkrFlars (5 44, D00.00 3. paid by the Mort- <br />gagee, tht- rnceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar- <br />gain. Sill. Convey and Cunfrrm untn the 4ortgagee. its successors and assigns, forever, the folinwing-described <br />real estate, si*.uated in t!r_ County of Hall ,and State <br />of Nebraska. to wic <br />Lot Nine {9), in Martin Subdivision, City o£ Grand Island, Aall County, Nebraska <br />of tfte Sixth Frrncipxl !steridtan..unteining m sti <br />meni wrvev <br />.r::res according to Govern- <br />TC} yAV E .3tit) TC) HQI.D the premise+ atwsr destnhed..+nh ai. the appnncn:uue, thereunto belonging and including <br />a!i heating, plumbing and fightinghxtures and eywpment n<,w ur hereafter attatlaed t,? «r u>ed in connection with said real estate <br />unto the Mortgagee. and to its sutcessurs and c„ign,- tore<er ?hx L{r,rtg;;gur repre,ent. t,>. and covenants with. the ATortga- <br />gee, that the Mortgagor has g,xxi right ttt sell and cunsty +atd prtmisr, that thrs ;ere free from encumhrance; and that the <br />Liurtgagur wii! warrant and dtfend the >ame ak~inst ttte lau fur c iatm, r,f ai. pen,+n, ,. hoot+uerer: and the said Siurtgagor here- <br />he relint{aishes sit rights of tuttnttitead. anti al4 maruat rtr<hr°,. ,~€thrr to tsx ,~~ ,n eyuttv..,rtd all a,ther cuntittgent interest, of the <br />'atortgagur in atxl to the about-off+critxd premise.. the intention t+eing t,> .,m.c} hereh~ an ~hsolute title, in fee simple, ineiud- <br />ingall rights of hxnesttad. and other rights and m[ere,ts ;+, ;=ft+re+:ud. <br />PROV1DEll.4L.WAYS, and these present, are esrcuted anJ ~cttsrrrd upe,n the tuiiuwingrunditiuns, to wii: <br />Inr vforlgagor agrer+ tP pa to the Lie`rtKarre. ,+r „rdrt. ltte prtncipai +um ,-~t Fi3rty £t3ilr thC*t33arld drid <br />NoJ100.._,._...,.w~_-----'--~.~~------------- ikritar+t~44,000.00 <br />wt*,it interest frwn date at the me of Fourteen pet .rntunt ( 14.00'x:) per annum un <br />tht unpaid balance until paid- "f Me .aid principal and interest sha(; hr. pa. ahtr .rt the office ut <br />Superior Mortgage, Zrtc. <br />1° Grattt~ Is~.~rtd Nebraska nr at such other place:ts the holder ut <br />the twte may designate to wnttng. m mnn v ins a+ mt6t+ e Five htrndr+~l twenty one and <br />34/I00------------ __ Ihr=fir+!3 521.34 r, ~<,mmending.m the tSrst da: of <br />143y . 3~ 81 ,and un the hn[ da< 01 each month thrrea(ter until the princpal and m- <br />fete5t are Telly paid, exCSpE that the final ,paymtnt of prtn.tpa! and tntere+t. i( nut ,uunrr paid, .hail t,r due ,+nd <br />payai+k on the first day of ,April ?011 .,! ,,.c.,rding u. the terms o(s crrtatn pntmrs- <br />wry natt c:f eren date herrw ith executed h; the ~atd ":1ori Yai;ur <br />TRc hiort~or in <xder mwefutta to ~otect the ,eanite~ oRhn 1{rmgage. .+grre+ <br />!. 'Tha€ Fit wall pat' the irxlehtedness. ~s trr:reinbetore pro+tdrd i'rr-.riegr i; r'e.cried to pad the <tebt in m~hote. or in :ut <br />nrno;;nt equal ru ot~ ar m:?rt rrwtrt;hty paymear. ,+n the p:rnciput that arc nr,r due „n +he nuts. ,~n the t+nr d.ry „r sot munch <br />prix to mattuity; Rnetdtd, iprweter. T"hat wrtrten rrottce ut sn tntennort to earrcisr ,u. h pet<uegr ++ t:t<en ,:t Ie~s,t Thirty +?u~ <br />day s prior ro prepayrttnt. <br />:. Thal. togarthtr wtth, attd m ;xiditton tu. the muruhty prymrnts u1 prmcrpal ;.nd forcer.+t puy:rn;e „nder ;hc term, +•1 the <br />suttt cured tie~hy~ the '.tiortur w iIl pay r,+ [he '.{~€iec, .,n the first day u; €ach m„nih ustlri the .fl,~ n=_,te t. Iuily p.itd-the <br />ft7liF'W7n¢ Bums' <br />I,al Arntwnt sulfhitnt t<, pr<»rtJt the hcdderrtertef wttlt f"ands t.a pay the rest rvnrtgagc ;nsutanc<> premntrn d rho <br />mbtrutreni and the testa stcutesl hereby a€e inrrtttttl, ur a monthly iharfe ten l::-u ,; :r nt<,rrgkL.e rrrstrrnn,~~ r~rr- <br />rrsiterrr/ tf *.hcy arc leeld by zh:- Stcretary of F{ntesng and tlritan Dea'tinpturnt.:r; !,!io+<s <br />tit tf and su long as naui r+utt of ev€xr date anal ?his insts.tntettt -,rt ?nynred ,u are temeu,e<t nltd<°~ tLe t,+,+ <br />~'+e~*ua ut tFre, I'•FStirsn3E l~tus#ng Ast, an amcttrnt sut[rcittrt t;> a«tan7,a3tt rat rite hands ;+t th,~ haide-I =+nl~ <br /><acar errs,- t43M wln.rae , *:7 L7'F' I IF ~'F:I{H:1~h.1 <br />~tNt ~ ++ik [,9F ,rierr u"n: i:Ft'WrY ~i on74W FtwT <br />++t, U-:r2U9M Ifl-79r <br />