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<br />221-A--0+t ECH ANlC`5 LIEN {Rtvisc+l 7962`
<br />T_ i -
<br />- ~ trittf ttaf7Ttetl by:
<br />Adores.:...RL_. _3---.flo.X_SIIB.~._.~r81nd..Isl2.tld..
<br />E Zq.-81...- NE 08801
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<br />_- - _ 'Y c- xT man ~rneral SupP1Y HovaF Ltnfeo~tn~N~-c^4r.
<br />f4gainst:..Bogler..-aud_Lez1i.~.Ba3.7.e~r.-----•--..,......
<br />4315 _Blauuel~...._~rand..~r~.atxd,-..NE.-_--.--
<br />L1 r. Cr.
<br />Cgnstruction_ Cgntract__-__
<br />_.C.axsistet--zl].ow.aaice----------------._...____--_______________ __~------3-Q56 00_.__
<br />~--1f.3_.Ra~.d..Raz.._agr~amQn~--- - --------- - --------- --..';..-._..-....-.' _.- ~_-~~..2Q3! _7_fi----
<br />' d-directl to-.Hn e_ t.77mhar_ __--_--_-- ._ '
<br />.-Ra~_ os~__ag~~g~rtt .................. ._- --- ----- - -._.__:~------------r------?,_QQ4~_4Q_---
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<br />i__c.~edi.~..for _al~~rat~.o~~_C?-nsulation and ; --- ------- -------~. -- `- - --- -
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<br />-------- ~------- ---------- i a
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<br />1 ;
<br />stai,~ ~~r ....Nebraska .._._._.. '
<br />L7~i ..,,t7 7 -.,.: '
<br />_.-.46.1.1 ............._--..._.... !.-tluri...
<br />.<P,lfcuttts, .._.-...1`S1~G.0..~aC.~C_ -_ _........-_ .._.__ ............. burg first
<br />duly sUca±n, <rn his calk ra FS R+..t dry '. "; nn+} ~r m re• -• _i "- r'.:. _ _. -. __------ .. _.._..
<br />-` - r
<br />materials. and srnprruemenss : `ruF Yrtu ~ a~ ..:ne K>n~.~7edt,~ Pne unrlers•.`g7sed i
<br />jnr tits .ra7d ..Roger and,Lezlie Bailev, husband and wife
<br />_ ._.
<br />under a° ._LSTltZEII.- .. -~•-_,., 1
<br />ja,,h~xebuildiapz single family residence- ---
<br />an the ial[a2sHrrv ?ai, ~ier>: ~.r nrr,=~i ::l =::+x,.. ---: - l.Ot ~t1e (l~ . a~.l.OCk TWO-. {~~_+. (+].le^aEr........ "
<br />Subdivision.,--,-Hal.l.County, Nebraska. __-__,i
<br />- ,...
<br />Tiiat at the : m€ tatse .:+x;-n ~ - ,, ,: r-=, : - ,;;; ... ._ ,.,... , _ %ereundrr_. .. .... ..
<br />-------R~g,~z...ansl_.l.~z~.i~- 8a,i.1~Y. husband. an~i- wife were. iw~cr.~x~' .~,~~er ~~ .;aid r~-;~_;_'
<br />..._that,.Mike ?Mack was, the contractor on said building acting for the
<br />owner.
<br />Thal fire date of the nest xsem iurnxs~t<,*` n;s ::t:c:'sr+-~i :; :;s OA- Qr- a~Tflltt..-QC ~Q~?~X...~,.~.+..-~.~~and :iiu
<br />date ~i the tart i#enx -~•a.;_.. February 20, 1981.
<br />.~I~aKt;nathrr aic;es i;ta! saui Gxc~+' <.::>snva~a :+n, t~ ,-....,,.. . nis?;'d ;or, deit'vared af, and ;=sea: ih ,
<br />fRtd ~ Lir f'TM}nL{e.S JR ;etG ^CS'E'c a -`S 'h:' ~-..,--s ::3T+"..:.
<br />.. ,,
<br />That the prises thar4eu' tkerc~nr . _ ;:vct °r;ssen. ~<- .,.. ~ ? .; .=iue rn said act~unt the sum of ''
<br />Ttxree-.Thousand.,. Eight.. Hundred-.Twelve and 79/i00 ($3_,812,.79}.Dotiars, tha# sa7d`'
<br />,i-a=,,. ~ ~%~: i. -aed yrerxsses iar the full arwunt a^i
<br />.,
<br />atecswlt, to-rtst: Tha swtn '~f ~ 3, $12-. 7.9 _ ~. ~ c:;.~ i~serrst risereon at the isoal rare.
<br />E (rangy the-_.. 20th. -.di~v of-. - Februar _ _ ~ 81. nd rurther a/frrin# sny~s ~n .
<br />x
<br />_ _ _ .. .
<br />i l4lIE6 __- _ _ _..._ _ - ._
<br />i .j bf:J r'2 is 5.r !k~r~u` .- . / - ~. Jfi i~x SS.
<br />day a{ - _. r
<br />{ ~C LtYti'st 57rjC tom. 4tiST?'tSfi5s3ile i /~j~/~
<br />' S~'i'AY~: OED __ ...:._ -.__ _ ... _ _.
<br />i Y ..... _ ..... ............__... ....... .
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<br />- .-,,. .... _....-..,_..aey f~..,. _ . ~..... 7..d.
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<br />.._... ~-.. L'... -. - - -
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<br />y~-' ._...-- t _
<br />,Yi'Otarq ~ 4sir.
<br />~[,r,=.{ -~,. -.,z-a.~r_,xss tnztaa nnd.fil+vi Per -c+z:~eara + .
<br />-..,e FZ - -r-.:. ~ ~?r,~}a ~(3~ite c..( ~ai[i C.r,.unty 2ha i -
<br />;t ?rsbe.
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