<br />This farm is used in connec-
<br />tion with rnortgal;es insured
<br />1t•,~oRT'!"' A ('t~j' under the nnc to four-family
<br />i~'1 E lTt•~,a provisions of the National
<br />B ~ ~~~ ~ ~ I~ 5~ Housing Att.
<br />THIS MQRTC3AGC. made and executed this 16th day of J)iarch ,A.~.
<br />t9 81. by andlutween Terry J. took and Pataila t;. Cook, husharid and wife
<br />of rite !County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first pan, hereinafter ca#!ed
<br />the Mortgagor, and
<br />SUP>~tZtrit t+%TRTGAGS, INC.
<br />a corporation organized and txfsting under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second pan. hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the card Mangagor, for and inconsideration of the sum of Thirty five thousand nine htsxtdred
<br />fifty and Nof100------ - - Dollars IS 35, 950.00 ). paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. the rectips at which tx hereby acktxrwledgtd. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Sar-
<br />gain. Sett: Canvey acrd Canftrm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns. forever, the fo-lowing~ieseribed
<br />tea! carats. situated in tits Ctxtntt of Hall .and State
<br />of \etxraska. to wit:
<br />Lot One (1), in Black Sixteen (26), in H. G. Clark's Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth principal Meridian. containing to aB
<br />mentsurvey:
<br />acresaeeurding m Guvern-
<br />TQ NAVE A?JD Tt) HQLD the premises abet4e descnhed. with alt the ;,pnurtrnancrs thercuntu helvnging and including
<br />:dl heating, plumbing and fighting tixmres and equipment row .,t hereafter attached ! ~ ur used in cnnrrction with said real estate
<br />unto the Martgagte. and €o its successors and :tasigns. forever. The ~turtgagur repress°ntz tu..rnd cu~enanis with, the ~7urtga-
<br />gee, that the Mortgagor has goad right to sell and umvey said prrmists; that they are free fn?m encumbrance: and that the
<br />Mortgagor wi)1 warrant and defend the same a~imr the !awful claims+~f ail penuns ,vi:umsar+rr: and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by reti~uiches all rights of hnmtsread, and all matTtal rights, erther in law ur in cyuite. and ati uthrrcon4ngtnt interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described premixes. the intentitrn brine to can*ey hereby an absolute title, infer simple. includ-
<br />ing at! ttgltts o(hamestead, and other righu sad mttrests .,, afurra:uri.
<br />PRQVSDED ALWAYS, :end these pre>rnte are executed and deitvertd upon the tul,`uwing conditions. to wit:
<br />'fire S;artgagar agrees [ea pay to the Rturtgagrr. ur order, the prirtcip:ti sum t+f Thirty five thousand nine hundred
<br />fifty and f'a/100 -_-~._.._.__««_-.--_- EAdtarst> 35,950.00 }•
<br />wtdt interest tram date at [he rate al Twelve and three-eights per czntutn ( 12, 3750 e) per annum an
<br />tttt unpaxi balance untilpaid. Tht said prisn:ipa} and tnterrst shall he payable at the office of
<br />St.-,geraor i~rtgage, Znc.
<br />in Grand Zsl8nd, NE 68801 . or at such other place as the hok{er of
<br />the torte may designate in writing, in monthly im[aitments of Three hundred eighty and 20/104--------
<br />Ek?Slats t5 38~. 20 ?. commending on iht lust day of
<br />.'day _ .v 81 . an tin the ltrstday tit each month thereafter until the principal and in-
<br />ttrest art fully pant, except that the fnel payment of prncipal .end interest, if oat sooner paid, shalt be due artd
<br />peyahle an the first day of April 2011 ,alt according to the terms of.acertain p[ctmis-
<br />wry runt of even dote herewith exrcuttd by she said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor in order mire fully to protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees'
<br />;. That he will pay the imtebtednrss.:ts ht:einhefore prc,vided. F'rivdege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, ortn aa.
<br />.rtt+rs~t r~~l to on.~ or tiwce monthly pyymtnts an the principal that are next due on the note. stn the first day of any rage!{ir
<br />prtar rte maturity: Ruvrt}ed, however, "that written notice of an intrnuon [u e.xrrist such priviitge is given at least thirty!`-~)
<br />days prHtr to prt8ayrrtent.
<br />"_- That. together woth, anti to addttum tt?. the monih1y payments tit principal and interest payable utvfer the terms of tits -
<br />nsrtt secvrtd htrthy, the Mortgagor will pea t,t the Mortgagct. ern the first day of each mtmtfr until the soli! Hate is full} paid, She
<br />fallowing sum+_
<br />i~t) Amount suf!"!sitar t,J provtdt the ha)der tttrruf with funt;s to p,ay the next mortgage insurance premium i)-this
<br />?r:suutn¢nt and the cute stcvrtd htretrv ate insured, or a nrnnthly charge tier lieu r>J s mrnttt~t irrs+ra+:cr' paw
<br />rifprBri tf they are held by the Seti°rttary of Noustnp and fhban Drvtloprtxnt, as ft,r)tows.
<br />ti) tf and try long as said ttt>te of assn ,late aad Lhis ut~rrunxnt arc insured t,r our rc!nsured uttdet t$t pru-
<br />vtxitrrx ~.t the r.+fattonai ti+.rvzing Act, an amount <ufticK nt ter acitnrtulate to tttz hands tit the ttr+ider uoe
<br />~+wacatc rrr.a~7rt3!it arr,,.;;n +msv to urea u~+or wuwv „at+taureW '+i' i'r'k: t)t' " t':ItKASh..:i
<br />.tier}-t371A3At f974t
<br />