g ~.o... i3 tt 1 ~ 5 ~s IYIQRTGAGE
<br />Thi, form is used in rimnee•
<br />tinn with mnrtKaRes insured
<br />under the nne- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />7`HIS MCtRTGAt:E, made and executed this 13th- day n[ March ~p D.
<br />t9 8l , tsy and txtwern Robert Bradley Jacobsen and Lannette Rim Jacobsen, husbant3 -
<br />~ the Cacf*n of ill ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part. hereinafter calte9
<br />tY
<br />the Aitrrtgagor, and Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporation organized area existing u»drr the taws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part. hereinafter railed the !vfortgagee.
<br />WITN>SSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty six thOtisannd eig3st
<br />hundred fifty and- OOJi00 - [krilarstS 36,850.00 t,pazdbytheMon-
<br />gagee. the receipt of whrch is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sntd and by these presents dues Grant. Bar-
<br />gain. Stli. Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, fnrevrr, the fallnwittg-desctihed
<br />rea# estate, situated in the County of hall ,and State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />Lot Eleven (11), Piper's Glen subdivision, being a Subdivision of Lots Sight (8)
<br />and Nine (9), Warren StLbdivisio3n, in the City of Grand Island, Bail County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />of [he Siz[h Principal Mrridian.:unt:uninx trs::il
<br />merit survn•:
<br />.,, rc, ~ca,rdm¢ tc+ Gay-rrn-
<br />-t ti HAVE .4ti#) T[} I{t)t.l) trtr prenusr, .r+a,,r dt,~tti.ru. °°+:!h s!i the app:,rten;,n.t, thtrrunnr hrirrntttnir :end meiudinp
<br />all heating, p#umhrnttand #igtttrn8 tixturr, and r4wpmrni reow ,:r hereafter ~atauhcd t.. or uud ;^ ..,nnecann ~a rth ,aid real rtitatr
<br />tutto the Nortgagec, anti t;. zts ,uc.rs.t,ra .=rid a„+ttn- ;=+rr, rr i he ~turtgagor rr^rc~rnt, t: .:rid .~+~ rnant, ~ uh. the ~tortF:z-
<br />gte rh,;.t the Mangataor ha, tttx+d r>_~ht tt ,r;! ; rid ,nmct ~-aid prtmt.r,. thai they .+re free [_r~rn ~~n~amnr:,ncr_ .end that the
<br />Sfortg:+gor will warram .end dotted the ~nme nyam,t t3:r iaa tu! <i.um, .d al p rr.nn, „hum,vr~ rr.: rid +ht^ ,:ed Von<ag+,r hetr-
<br />#:y rrif'tr;urshe'< afl rrght, .af ,r+.,,.r,tea:#...nd ::ii =nartt:si n~trr~ either m l.r:~ + , rrt eyuits.:,nd ail ::t her ~.*ntmxrnt =.atr~r,[, <,t ±hc
<br />Siorigattor to and to the ahocr-tien::rttx.? prcmt.e,. the tnirnrton i+rmgio Conve} htrthv an ahwiutr !tile, in Ier ,nnj+lr.:nclud-
<br />uqe aI! rights of ircrme,trsd. and ,+t her nxh[, .+nd rntrtr,;~ :+, .:ftrrreaid.
<br />FrRC)y`iDEB.yI 'd A'r S...nJ [ht+c pt e,ene~ ~r cvecatrF) anu dcit~erru upon the fr+itr,wrni,rndttrun,.:., a tt
<br />ThE ':~tsHiga~w aLtrtr, t+, i.as tt, t#tr ''*i.~rtr~:tttrr. ~+r :.t der, the principal sum t,t Thi-rty B1X thOLl5and eight htIrudred
<br />€i€ty and 00/100- fkrilar"< 36,850.00
<br />with intetrst freHn ,:ate ai the rate ut I"ouI'teen per ~~rntunt ( 14. GO ~~ t per :,nnum un
<br />the unpazd tea#artce untd pazd Thr ,ard principal and inters+t ,ha;l ht nayahle :tt rite „dice of
<br />superior r t9artgagra, Irtc. Grand Island, Nebraska -place as the holder ut
<br />«r at ,uch other
<br />the rtrz[c may drs:LCr[atc to wnnrzg..n monthly :mtailnrrnt, of gotu hundred thirty six rind 63/100--------
<br />Ikiarm :b436.63 .commending an the rust day t+f
<br />~V ;4 at ..md on the tint day of each month therext[rr until the principal and in-
<br />terest ate fu!#y pant, e3eep[ that th< €taai payment ,+f prur ct;+r-; rrts# intrrr>[, it nw wonrr paid, shalt he due and
<br />payable +±n the first day of April 2011 all arcwding to the terms of a pertain promis-
<br />+arg trots o(evtn dale hrrewnh executed M [he ,:ud'tan~,ag<r.
<br />Thr 4tortgagar in order more fully u, protect [hc seruritt, of this Mdrigagr. agrerx:
<br />i. Thar Fce wii# pay the indehtrdrxss.:zs hereirztrefotr provtdrd. Privilege is reserved Lo Tray=the debt in whole, oEinrap
<br />arnourrt eyua# tzr ~,ree nr ;noes-,rotrihfy payrunis on tfie principal that are next due on the noie. ~m the ;lest day- tsf ari' rttontlt
<br />prrctr ter maturzty: F'rttvitfed- however. °fhat wnsten nonce o! an intention to exercise such privilege is given at i+..at tlgrt9 tom)
<br />day+ prior to prepayment. -
<br />_. l"hal, tzr,#rfhrr wrth, and to adr/itiun t':+, ihr naEntth#y paynrsnts of princrpal and ifiterest payable u~tl~+lli~-:##t~t41'.:idl+!
<br />n.,tr secured herthy, the !tiurtgt$yxr witi pry tct the tiltzrl[er, ern the first day c,( eaEh m._rn#h until r#u satfl.rr4tt#afaDy:>khs
<br />f o#ityw ing .umx
<br />i:r! Ameaur[ wi#it'ient [« provzde the f:o3c+xr #acrrof with firruis to pay the next ntrrrtgage inautanre inertdwa it-t'h£5
<br />!rstrvzrreent utd rha note secured hereby are insured. are a rtonthiy r!rargr tin !lore aj s rrtnfdgr~G ir~t+cc pr'i'-
<br />tr#.'dfrri :t they arc ftrfd by the Secretary a~f {i:sz.rsrng ant! Urhaat I3cvr#trpttten2, as fa4iowt-::
<br />iii fit and cs3 irstsgss eaui nstte t,t even Batt and this inxtr[rrr~nt are tnxured or are rrznsured under the pro-
<br />vzaxxts x:f [Fze 'vyttorrzS I{r,uxirtg Ae[. an ana~tznt szzffiz:ient [;z aasutruriate m rite fsarnis of the holder one
<br />ti't',1'I'N; r t[' ~ t;iilt:t~lb.t1
<br />ray,, 3N1~.~t4yrt{,sirr~ <,~y taa usul u+ua nerer:+r .s rrtr.awrsd
<br />~•rtil +37 [1iM ti#~79t
<br />