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This forth is used in connec- <br />r~x~` (''t tion with rmirtgages insured <br />®A i l7t~dT~j' under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the tiationa! <br />8 ~ '~'° ~} Cf ~ ~ ~ ~ Housing Act. <br />THIS MOHTGAGfi. made and executed [fits 13th day of Mareh ,A. D: <br />tq 81 . by and between Gregory b. Graviette and Nancy J. Graviette, Husband aril wife <br />of t3tt County of Hall .and State of )•Iebraska. party of the first part, hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor, and ~~~ &, INC. . <br />a corporation organittd arM existing under the laws of Nebraska <br />party of the seeand part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br />WITNESSETH:'I'hat the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty six thousand eight htudred <br />fifty and No%100--------_______~~~ ~__ Dctllarst5 36,850.00 ).PaidbytheMort- <br />gagae. the ,reetipt of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain, Sett, Convey artd Confirm umn the Mortgagee. its successnrs and assigns, forever, the foliowingdescribed <br />teat estate, situated in the County of Hall .and State <br />of'.tiebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Ten (10), Piper's Glen Subdivision, being a Subdivision of Lots Eight (8) and Pone <br />(91, Warren Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />of the Sixth Principsl Meridian. containing to all <br />meat survey: <br />acrys aerx,rding to Guvern- <br />{) HAVE .4:dR T'O HUI_ll the prymisc+ahuse descnhed. with all the appunynance, thereunto belonging and including <br />all heating. plumbing and !ighling future, and cyuipmtn4 hie or h~rrafter attaehad to or u,yd m connection v.~ith,aid rest estatt <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its succrssoro and asvgn,, farevtr- ihr Stvrt~gur repry,enri ta-, and covenants u-ith, the Mortga- <br />gee, that the Mongagur has gouil right to ,e1i and convey ,aid prrmi,t,. [het they .rte free from yncumhrance: ,rnd that the <br />Mortgagor will warrant and deferni the :emr agatmt the .au fui clam[, of ati per,un, s:hum,ue+yr: anei the ;aid'stortgagnr here- <br />by reiistqutshex all rights of M,me+tead, and ail martial nghn. ytther m law ur m equity.:ind aI1 other euntingent intere,ts of the <br />Mrtgagor in and [o the shove-described premi,ys. the mtrmiuo k+eing t,~ cunee. hereby :rn absolute title, in fey ,imply. inciud- <br />irtg ell rights of homestead, artd other right, and ~niere,t, .+, .,t.,rr,atd. <br />Pitt)VIDEf) Al.yi'AYJ, and [he,e p:esrn%, are exrcutyd snd deh:eryd upr~n the ful(oa irgcunditium, to sit: <br />T!~ Mtxtgagur agrtt: to pay to %hy ~foric.sayy. o.: rdet- the nr:n: ip:,i ,um of '19'tirty six thousand eight <br />hundred fifty and No/100-_---_-------__~___ i)ullar,t~ 36,850.([0 t <br />wit}[ interest from date at the rate of go~~an per sc[[[um t lq, Op '%) pyr annum o^ <br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said principal and interest ,half rte pay afire :rt the orlicr of <br />SUPERIOR P~7R2GAGE, ZLdC. <br />in Grand Island, Nebraska ae at such other platy as the holder of <br />the note ma> designate in writing, in mtinthh in,taliment, of Foar hundred thirty six and 63/100---- <br />f)ullar. t5 $36.63 !. n+mmending on the first day of <br />ISay 19 gl . and tin the iir±t day of each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />ttrest are fully patd, except that the final pa}mtnz of pnncipai and tntercat. if nut ,uonyr paid. ,hall t,z dne and <br />payable tin the first day of April 2011 : ail standing to the term+ul a Certain prumis- <br />sury [tote of even daft herewith rxtcutrd t+y the ,aid 1lortgayor. <br />-t-ht Mortgagor in order more full} iu protect the .eCUrity of this Mortgage. agree,: <br />i, 'that he will pav the tndtbtydne,s. as heryinFsefore prnvidyd. f'riviiege is re,yreed to pay the debt to x~boie, nr in an <br />amount tQual Eo urtt or more munihly payment, nn the that arc next duy tin the note, tin the first day of arty month <br />phut to maturity: pruvidrd, h,rwevrr. 3 h:st warren mntce of an intentrun to cxyrcise ,uch privtiegr is given at least thirty t)Ot <br />days prior to prepayment. <br />fltat, tub~ther wtth, rnd m rdduirm tu, the nxunthly payments ~,( pnncipai and m[etest payable uriht te~tr4a-of-{ht <br />rite securtd hcret?y, tht :Mortgagor w itl pay ru the Mu[tgagey. tin %he Firvt day of taCh month until the xai11 asxt; h fu(Ig.gaacl, the <br />toltuwing some: <br />fal An;uur+t =ru}fi<ienz iu psavtda %ht Ftuidtr hareof with furuls to pay the next nautt~ge tnsuran+.~ premitltztlf~t~s_ <br />atstrurrtcnt and the n+>te sccurtd torch}' arc insurtd, z,r a tnvnthlt charge (ire tiro crt u rnr~ttgq~¢ tn~ttt~Wt~-pry <br />rrttr+rrti tf they art fte'td by %ht Stcretary n1 Htaus%ngand Ctrban t~tvelapntent, as irtlirrw4: <br />t tI f1 and ss+ lrastyt 'ss satd «,<rts ~>f suet: elate and [fits ms%runttttt are Snsttred r}t art aistsur~d under tfta pttt- <br />vS6lans e,1 the Naarrnal Housing Act, an amuustt suffi.itrtt tea ~aectttnulate in the ttatsds rat the tthkcfer un+•i <br />%t+rF-aE~sn arts 3=a3A+rr+a,er~ av to u~t,~ne~ cw;.,tr~s ,;fs:«2 `y"1':4TF,{)t ~iF:.HPtA[±tid <br />tiUU-t#2 t+t5lA t9-7Yt <br />