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$1~- ~#~ t2~~~ <br />Lender's wtittrn agreetnrnt or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amoemt of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 herrnf. <br />Any atitotmts dishursed by Lender pursuant to this paragrapfi 7, with interest thtrean, shag become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower s«urcd by this h7ortgage. Unlecc Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, sitdt <br />amounts shah be payable upon nonce from ".ender to Barrawer requesting payment thereof, and shalt hear interest from the <br />da~ of dfchte.-a.-rnrnt at tltt rate payable Pram time to time an ontstand3ng principal un~r the t~iMe unless payment of <br />irtttsest at such rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear intettst at the highest retie <br />pttrmissibk tinder appiieabk taw. Wathirtg contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to intttr any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />g. Leader may make or cattle to fie made reasonable entries upon and inspec:iora of rhr Property, provided <br />that Leader shall give Harrower ntt[ice prior to any such insp«tion specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Let)der's <br />ittECTeSt in the Praperty- <br />9. Coademaatiait. 'The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation arather taking of the Property, or part thereof, ar for rnnveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc htreby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />in the evrnt of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums s« this Mortgage, <br />with the czress, if any, paid to &srrawer. Tn the went of a pattial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lettekr <br />-atirtrwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to t)se sums savored by this Mortgage such proportion of the ptnceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which [he amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage imttxdiattly prior to the [late of <br />taking bears fa the fair market value of the Prapertq immediately prier to the date of takin¢, with the balance of iht pttxxrds <br />paw to Barrawer. <br />if the Property is abandoned by Harrower. ar if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers ro make <br />an award or settle a eaim for damages. Borrawrr fails to respond to i.cnder within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender i4 avtharized to colleet and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propert}' or m the sums secured hs• ribs Marteage <br />Unless Lender and Borrow°tr otherwise agree ~n u-riling, any- su.h application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the montfsh• vnstailments referred to in paragraph: ! and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />streh instalimenis. <br />1B. Barrown Not RNeased. Extrnsren ai rhr t:me t"ar paamenr ~,r modefiration of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by [.ender io arte~ succtc4ar in interest of Bortawer shall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />th< kabihh~ of the origins; 9araw~ and Borrswer'c surczsnrs .r. interest )envier shah not he required to commence <br />prcx:eedings agaitur such successor or refux ro extend rinse for payment „r otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />ucurtd ley this Mortgage by rrasan of any demand made by itte atig,nal Harrower sod Borrowers successors in interest. <br />11. Forbearance by fender Not a 0.nv forbearance by I ender in escrcrsm_e. anp right ar remedy hereunder, or <br />atherwist afforded by applicable law, vhait not tx a waiver .+l :,r preclude 'he exercise of am su:h right or remedy. <br />TTte prcevrcmrnt of insurance er the payment of texts nr other !:env err charges hw Lender chat net he a waiver of Lertdtr's <br />right to aecderate the maturity of the mdcbtednr~s ~,ecumd !*v rho '.f.,rteage <br />i2. Resazdfea Ctnrtahtlr/e. .~fE remcdtcs ; mvidrd ~n this MartzaRe are distinct and nrmulativr to any other right or <br />remedy under this Martgagr ar atiardtd by law or egwn~- :,nd may ',e : xerc:srd ~encurrtntly. independemly or successively. <br />13. Sneressan sad .4ssi[as Boated; Joieia and Srrerai I.iabBity: £'aptlorrs- l?te covenants and agreemrnts herein <br />eantained shalt hind. and the rights hereunder shall inure ro, the respes t,vz successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />sufijcet to rhr pros~sians of paragraphr 1 . hereof. ,1ii covenants anti agreements at Borrower ;hall he toint and several. <br />The capuons and htadings of the paragraphs ~f this Martgaee err far .oavemenct an)v and are not to ht used to <br />interpret er define the provisions hereof. <br />i4. Ns#ice. Ezctpt fa; any notice ttquired tinder applicable law ro be given ;n another manner. !a! any notice to <br />Barrawer provided far m this Mortgage shall '.>t given h.- ma,iing ,uch nonce by ~rrtified mail addmssed to Harrower at <br />the Pmpert}' Rddrcss or at str'h other address as Bern,wer mat- '.!rs:gna;e hy, notice to [ender as provided herein, and <br />f'b) any tratirt to 1_rnder she}! fx g;_~en by er;tifted ma.!- rett:rn recrrpt requested. to 1 endtr'c address stated herein ar to <br />such ether address as Linder may designate by nenice t., Bnrrc>ss-er as provrdert here.n. 1m• notice provided for in this <br />Martgsge shall be deemed to have been g;tvtn to Barn,uer ar [.ender e+rhen green in the manner designattxi herein. <br />IS. U~forat Nargtag~: C,orrrniag taw; Stverafii8ty. TT:, 1„rm of martga~>e cambiaes uniform cavenantss for national <br />use and [ton-uniform cavenams with limited var:aurns by r.,r;ui:ct.en to .onstirmr a um(orm security instrument severing <br />real properly. This Mortgage sha31 he gav-ernrsi by =he '.aw rf the turisat:ctran :n which the Prepertv :c located. in the <br />event that anp provision t?r clause of [hie lwfartgage ,+r ilia V,~te ..mfiicts with applicable lax. st.•ch conflict shall not affect <br />other provisions of !his Martgagr ,,r the 4,?re wh:ilt :an hr ;oven :tfrct -->ttho;Ft :he onfl.cting prevision. and to this <br />end rho previsions of the Martgagr and the ti.=tr see de.lared t.~ he severable. <br />16. Isorrawer's Copy. $orrawcr ;hail he turmshed a s;>tzfomtrd ~apy or rhr Nc,!r and <,f thn Mortgage at the time <br />of es«utian ar after rccardatian htrr„f. <br />17. TrtwdK of for Property; Asaamptioa. [+ sit c>r an} east r=f t!te Proprrt;~ ,.r an ;ntxrrst therein is aald or transferred <br />by Harrower without Lender's prior written ;:nrsrnt. c~c?uding :a: ;rte .rratien .~t .i lira er en+umbrattce nilx,rdinate to <br />this M;?rigage, fat the creation of a purchase mc:aeq ,r~sa=r ,nnerest for hanseho!d appLancex. to a transfer by devise, <br />desecnt or by operation of law upon the death a+f a ;ore:; tenant c•r <br />Linder may, at ! endrr~s ,~pt,un. vkclare ail the toms secured by th:s '`frtgage to be <br />immediately due and payable. f.endcr 5ltatl ';eve =..::ve,.1 str;h .,pn.,n !o ac<e!erate +,`, p tier to rhr .ale nr transfer, ).ender <br />seed rhr person to wham the Prapertp is to f+r wl:i nr trartsterrrd rra~h .,greement :n wr;uug that the credit of such person <br />is satisfactan to [,ender atxt that the interr,t ~ayal+k~ ,~n the saute. sec,ucd ha thn 'Mortgage vha!! be at such rata as I.emier <br />shall t-oquest- )f 1_ende€ has w-atved the ~>pitr+n :;~ ..~eicr,€Y arov~da-ci :n th:, paragraph ! % and r( florrowcr's sucttssar in <br />inttresi has ez«uted a w°rintn assumpuan agreetaent accepted to urrtx;u tsv Lender. Lender shalt release Borrower from ail <br />atdigsttans under t)ris Mortgage and tfte '.vote. <br />!f Lt-;3dtr axerrists such :=pHCn to a;;ceterate. [ ender :Halt ma.. )krrrower nuts ~. cif a~aeierataan :n ,ricordanct with <br />patagrapfs ]d hereof- Sur)[ Hence •~ltali 1st.?»dc .! prri.xS .~: na,t !e.:,s char. =1i :fawn fn,m the date the notice is maid within <br />which Bnrrc>wrr may pay C}te sums ia-lared doe. tf Born»er fails ~n pay such gums p«or tc, rhr e<piratian .,f such parted. <br />Lender ttsay, wuhout further n:~ircr ar demand :+n Bor«rwer, nvai.e say rrmrdres xrnuttad by paragraph 1>a hereof. <br />'voat.U"rtcwttt t"ovt>rs~ts. Bc=rrtnscr attd i ender f;trtfter cc>, cnant ,end :agree s ;ni]xvs. <br />i8. Ascrleratiaa: Reordice. Fatcxtrt as prnvidrd is Para};rxph 17 barest, upon laorrower's brraeh of soy cov~tanl ter <br />a!paweat trfi 8erronttr h itds Norigp~e, lstclttding rhr cacraanls fu pry »firn der anp saws second by this 1lortgagte, <br />!.aide( paler M acrrirratias sisal) rolls sorter to lit»ro»cr as prarided is paragraph IA tterrof aprcifying: ft) ffie bittwc#, <br />f2~ibe sct6aa rtgatb~ad to inn sacfi #nrac#; f3> a date, cwt Irss ifia~a JO days from the date [fir notices tnailad to liFortower, <br />bJ wbic# rrnc# bteneb pars[ br crrttit; sad t4{ t#at failare fa Barr Yttcfi Drea<•b as ur brtare tfie date sprciaed in the twtke <br />aarnr rteaali i>. aetec3eiaFiwq of tisa www seenrad by t#k. iiortRattr, farecMnwre by jadiriai prttcrrditgi sad sale of ibe Property. <br />1'br{ s~rr Itartbar lnfosat Borrower of rhr t•~fit to ttitstttatr after aerttcratiue sled tlta right to asxrt in the fwerlaaere <br />priatwtgMq, {ba spat-rx#trtsrr of r tirtaplt ru aer uf#rr drtrtrre of Barrawer to ac~rcttr><tfuo and foracloa,ate, (t {Ae ifttacb <br />lea eat eswad tart ae hafwrr tix deer spre~rd in i#r ttofier, f,radrr at t.rtdrr's +optiart mar dercur alt ut t#e sow xecutrd fiy <br />Ns ter 1~atssr#p der awd paver wit#uui funtw drmaad aid owF {araYtcwr 9v judFttai pretv~dinR. Lettdtrr <br />s#YtR Ya Da callllet itt tat:h prttc trees all exgrtwes a{ f rrrrktsntr, itx'tatilq@, hat amt iirnfird ta, costs of doratarntary <br />trrlAefase, sdteatrae~ told tlge rspurat. <br />14. Rsirtoetrt`a )ti,~a to R+aba:tNr, ''+.:tcvithcxatuftug l_rrscier"a a4.~irxarrs=n o' shs ~.:rrc +ecc»td ;,v this M:*rt@a}rr. <br />Pivtrnaer stall; have !)rr rilrlat ta, fsave an} nr+>s:cedr±;gs t+:gur, tsv 1 rs,dtr r•: Beet;?saC =h , stc,rti:..;~c .iis.ant:anted ai ana trine <br />