<br />81--U~:12<~iQ D~E~ ~~ 1"RI1ST
<br />THIS DESF~ QF TRUST is mad,; this........~6 .... . .......... .day of ..... M~?'~.............. .
<br />i9..8~., atntxtg fhe Trustar,.G~?BpFY. T., ;$teg~sc3n,a~td, Susan:. M., S~eaenson;. t?tt$1?~~t~. #is~ 9?~~~s:
<br />j o3PIlY..atid . *raF~ 3s}-;;h¢ir, otan ,;ig}tt...... {heresn "Borrawtf~") . :............................... .
<br />, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,Ioteph , H, ; Badam# „ . , ........................therein "Tntatee"), and the Beneficiary,
<br />7~~~,ST, FETi~AAL_ SAYIZ~GS AND Lt7AN ASSQGIATIt)N OF LINCOLN a ctirporrpeiotr or~antzed and
<br />extstmg under the Iaws of.. the. State of Nebraska ....., whose address is.I235. , N , .Street
<br />Lincoln; ,:~ehraeka , , .. , . , , (herein "Lender"}.
<br />BoRttowtzR, in considerat}on of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrtwocably greets
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County _ of
<br />...... Hall ..............................State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot une 1), ?lock Gne i}, ~slard 3eres ttmcer Two (2),
<br />being a rep7.at oY Lots ~'Jne '1?, Two '?), THree 3), give
<br />(5}, Six c; and Seven (7?, Island _~esea, Cit,-J of Grand
<br />I~lsnd, :?a'J.l Co~u: ~~ , _;ebraska.
<br />3129 West 14th Grand Island
<br />which has the address af ....................... ............... .
<br />(sheet} ecrtyi
<br />Nebraska 68801_ .. .. (herein "Property Address")
<br />..... , tsamte x,a zm Gatlet
<br />TOf~ET'H&R with all t}tc itnprovernents now or hcmaiter erected on the property, and s11 casements, rights.
<br />appurlenances, rents {subject however to the riBhu and authorities given herein to Lender to coElcct and apply such
<br />rents?, royalties, mi.^.;.ral, oil arx} gas right= and profits, water, water rights. and water stock, and all fixtures now or
<br />hereafter attaches! to tlrz praperiy, aA of which, including repiacetnt:nts and additions thereto, shall be deemed to [x
<br />tired ren'caia apart of the property coveted by this Reed of Trust; tired al3 of she foregoing, together with said propert}
<br />{ar the ie.asehabi estate if this Deed of TTl,s1. is on a ieasclroi€}) art heron referred to as the "Property":
<br />To S6GttRE to Leader (a} thF repayment of the indebtedness evederrced h} Borrower's note dated . MSrCh .lb,. 19$1
<br />• ........... {}krein "Note"), in the principal sum of. THIRTY ,EIGHT, THOtSANG, 5,IX.HiiNDRED .~NI}. d0/100
<br />_-_ . , ... ___. ,__~_ _ ___._,______~_.Y__~_~~rs, with interest theretut, providing tar monthly mstal;ment~
<br />of. principal and ittts-rest, tgith tt~ haL~nce of the it~e}aedness, if ttoa sooner pasd, dut: and lhryable on ........... .
<br />.......• .~..~~k .....................: the payment of all other sums. with rnterest thereat, advanced
<br />in acctx~iatxte hemwith to protest the secwity of this Recd of Trust; and the performance of the covenants and
<br />stucnts irf irittt-rowcr herein contained; atMi tbl the repayment of any future advances, with interest.thercon. rnadc
<br />tp rr ty+ Lender, pursuant to paragraph 2 } hereof f huuin "Future Advances" t .
<br />Htfr ~ettattts that ~grgwar is lawfully seised of the c>:tatr hereby conveyeu and has the right to };rant ;u,.i
<br />e~tvsy the tY, tlrar the terry iS uttetxumtxred, and thaE Ftprrawer will warrant and defend };LarcrtUy the
<br />title to the properly a~}ttst ttll claitttr, arxl deatancis, subject to env daclarettons_ casements cx re~trictiona tested in ,t
<br />seAediz#e of etc'efxions to cos~ragc in a{zy title insurance policy Irrsuring Lender', int.°res. ;r, tfti f'n~ rt}
<br />''I~tys. r' f9 j.
<br />