<br />~. The taortgrgor covenants and agrees that if 6e shall fail to pay wid-iadebtethtesa or any part theraW,-,ythd"~t
<br />ti?ae, oe ~haN fail to perform any covenant ~ Nett ofil~ti ieetirumrat of the promirary note atcuret~-~i"~b~ t~
<br />whine indebtedness hereby xcured shat! itadtcdiatrly beetle dire; patyable, and collectible without tt at tfje
<br />sp2i~t of the mortgagee"sir assigns, ergs. 3has of maturity, aua the mortgagor or his assigns may before tii atl6er.mtil~
<br />+'!t d~ property witleaut appraiawtra~t (the mortgagor hatring waived sad asaipated to,the tFsorti3ag-ee ~li3i~:af
<br />~ptl5iisemeat i : __ ~ :-
<br />t t } at jadieial sak pursuant to the provisions of`28 U.S.C. 2(101(8) : or
<br />(a7 at the optiaa of the mortgagee, eFther by auetioa or by wliesttttioa of aeahd b~y`tatr ehtsE)ti~vid
<br />6trt bid etp»plyin~ with the (eves of-rata sad mattaer of payr~t apedf~d is the pabliahad<~anotiasbLstler'~t
<br />giving four wtrelts' Warier of the brae, terms, and place of such axle, by advertisement sot leas tharti?awea
<br />during each of said four weelu in a newspaper pe~liehr or distributed in the t»aaty in which tt pt+dg?etty
<br />is ~uatd, aA other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (sad sail(! mortgage4 of paseoa m
<br />beia~ ai said mortgagee, stay bid with the unpaid iadebtedaea aridaeced by said ante). Said tijale mail be
<br />bold at or ea the property to be sold or at the Federal, eouaty, or city coarthotrse for the ooanty a which the
<br />pretpay w located. The mortgagee l hereby~atrthorixed to execute for sad eta behaif of the sNartgagor sad to
<br />deliver t+o the purehatter at such sale a sn~icient cooveyattce of said property, which coavcyance shall eoatsin
<br />totstal m to the happtaeieg a< the default ups which the ezecttiiwt of the power of sale hereia graatad
<br />dew: sad the acid mortgagee hereby eorrgittrtes and appBiaL the mortgagee or any agent or attoeney of tie
<br />mdse, the agast sad attort-ey is [act of said mortgagor to ~ snclt recital amd to etmttte acid
<br />esereey~tx oral hereby eovmaab and agrees that the recitals so made shall be effesxeal to bar all tgttity oe
<br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, xnd a91 other exemptions of the etortgagttr, sD of which ore hereby
<br />expreasfy waived and rnaveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />(ttt) say o<!ts appte~riate astirxt purses.: to stn€e or Federal statote ei'sher is-state or Federal
<br />emit ar MlserNaiae for the disposition of the property.
<br />rile t!+~1tlltttlLa;attlgar~ceeiutibove provided, the mortgagt~ or::ty person in poasessioe uadcr the mortgagor shall
<br />then become ated be tenants holdirrf over sad shall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at arts!( sak or be
<br />wmrsrarily dupowesaed, ice accordance wtth the prornions of law applicable to tenants holding ores. The-power
<br />wed ,~, ~«i t ed with an ieeareaEantiare irtrevocabk by death or othenriee, and are granted
<br />AlP~ o Rr~C' ketioa a! said iadebtedaeaa provided by law."
<br />a: Fi'it€aHtlily~bat~ aiti(ahtprdpesty in aeeordaene with the preceding paragraphs Mall be applied 'mat
<br />Eff pey dye easrm tttsd ettpaaaea of said wht, the etpettaes ittevrerd by the mortgagee for the puspoae of protecting or tnaia•
<br />taieiag axis property, seA reasonable attorneys revs; seR'eNtdly, to pay the indebtedttesr secured hereby; aad thirdly.
<br />to pay trey stvphta-or excess to the person ar persotn hgtath eMitkd thereto,
<br />S. ha tis ewtst .aid property s acid at a ~ttdieiai foseetosure sak or pnrnesat to the power of sale hereiaabove
<br />grarsted, sand the ptrsoeeb sire trot wiciettt !A pay the total indthtedneas-seestrtd by the iwatruraeat sad erideaeed by
<br />stoat preteeaeary sotn. the arortg:gee wifl is mttitled to + decry jadgroent for the aasotst of dte de)Gcieaey toitJrosrt
<br />regttr'a us o~onaiaeeuwa.
<br />b. la the creM the mortgagor faits to pay say F edrral, .rate. ur lorai ux aNSesutrent, income tax or other tcx lies,
<br />chsrgr, fee, or other expense charged against the property, :ltr monga*er u hereby aulhoriaed at his option to pay
<br />t6a aaaee. Aay cyan w paid by the ntortttagee shall be added to sad hetmess a part of the principal atttount of the
<br />iadebtedstsss evideNteed bq said note, eubject to the vase termN acrd c~ondittotts. If the mortgagor shall pay sad
<br />diarhatga the iadebtedaeas evideacrd by smtd promissory note, and shalt pat such sums and shall discharge all taxes
<br />sad. li#n4 aNd, tin ooats,, test, sad aapapgtya of stabiatt, enforcing. and rxecutiag thu mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />shad! be sNasceled sad snrraedtned.
<br />7. 'l`be ceraeaats hereto tx-utaincd shall biatd sad the 6eae6ts sad adraattaRys shall inure to tie eaaipsetire ataa
<br />°f~ P hete#o. ~l}senerer wed, tbG siagtslsr ntsenber shall itx~dr: t~ plteral. tMn pLra3 tie
<br />y /trade+altall iaelude all
<br />g' Pls tttair~ es any c~r+'teaat hss+eia Ntr el the
<br />to bn s pytirar art dta tetans hares( era( the-note sxwr~ t~sctrred.& abril u easy Ana drrreaftsr be hold
<br />~ with spa 1`%1.1 t d } of the Rnfea sad Regudstiaas of the Sma61 Buaieer Adwssatsatitm [ 13
<br />$.-,~{4) ~'-~ rslrrtrtt is to baatmaeetted sad enforced is accerdaesm wi'~ applicable Federal law.
<br />lid. X jasl'se3aJ decrt:e„ order. ar jtrd~smst hyddittg env prawisiaq o: portion of this insttwetirtt invalid ar na•
<br />tJa4l noit is say yay is~asr w ~ ~ of rite i11g proviitions of porti6ass of
<br />tltit~,
<br />Nye aM rat la.rai ~!~! ii5 Ufa
<br />