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t._ _ ._~~ L.._,~.. _ ,~ . . z Y~ . , , ,..__ <br />f3I---~1(~.~2~fi <br />., :. <br />,,, , <br />. sttttt.~aaiEeaterad~«~. loth ~._. march ~- ,.. <br />19 8l , b7e'a~tl Mevzgs BeYa1 Inc c _ - ,_ :., <br />(has+»iaaf;ea referred to m mortga~por) dad the Admiiaiat:ator of-the Small Baeinas Adariait, as a~ cf the <br />Goversmeat pf tlfisT.kmit~Stateso# Amerlr: ( mort~el, trba m~tsioa-ae-ai~oe and <br />plaesaEbtetiansat Bmp~re .State Buildimg: 19th and Fazmam.Streets, Omaha,. Nebraska.. <br />w~ ~r er°~tacdd. imeaspt of°'wlucli is - dts~ <br />"~rr~r~mr iiB~tr her~q' mdat~e: °tll+ Krymt;'a~+;'~e°avey."t:at° th° made' trbs a°°ceatat'*°r~ awiy°ei f~ <br />of ~ faitsvr~g_s ptrtapetip aataate$ ~° is the Gon®dy off Rai l <br />9ta®e af` Aebraska. <br />Tract of land im the southeast quarter of Section Fifteen (15), im Township Eleaen North, <br />Range Ante Fest of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point" north and k60.0" west of ttie southeast corner of said SectYon 15; Tiieiice <br />running'mortherly and parallel to-the last line of said sautheast quarter"a distance of <br />820.0`; "tfience running westerly a distance of 1,101.5'` plus or minus to a paint oa-tile east <br />line of Cherry Street, being also-`the corporate limits of-the City of Orand Island', <br />Nebrasia; hence r*at$.seutheaeteriy along said east line of Cherry--Street a distance <br />of 935.ft fa: a point 33>b0.` martin: of the .south line of said southeast .quarter; ..thence::., , <br />ntaaing masterly and garasllel to: the squCh line o£ said southeast,. gttarter.a distance.of <br />3b5.3 a ; ti~oce .ruttn9mg ttartheriy ~ parallel- to the east ? i ne. of. saki, snittheast. <br />quarter a distmce o£. 226.0':; thence *+inn~nQ easterly and.: parallel tcr. the south line. oi: <br />said southeast quarter a dis~~nce..of 210.5';- thene,e southerly and:garallel:ta. <br />the east 1'ITp of said southeast quazter a distance of 226' to a point 33.0' north of <br />thz south Iiue of said southeast quarter; thence running easterly and parallel to the <br />south Tine of said southeast Quarter a distance of 8O° to the point of begiffi%ng and <br />cantaittag a5 .45 acres more or less. <br />'y`or;et~er `rfti~:<ad ~ dFbu~in~ ail fnttarea inElY ~ htp nest-tiaaited ao - ~Yatbia,4M hoarteott,-l~lb <br />:.~, veat~taitg, refe+getatiag, iarit+eraliteg, air-ewndttioniag apperatua, sad clevatorx. (the tnsrtpa6pr4hexeby <br />declares tlwt that tie iteme hereitn ewtreaewtrd be deewted to-have been, pennaenatly-. in- <br />arc partaf thee~calty}; rfm}~!! improvcme+nts, now or-ber+Eafter existing=sthereea; tie- here~tageMs-awd <br />a~~ttl-leewilces.mnpN~P~other~.tbereraMa~atslong, er is---anywiaa:~sxrp!•s'taiain![s att~'tbF'a~versiwt-ancl•se- <br />vcr.ioap, renntt+ader utps} cernaindcn, a!! ri~,hts of redemption, snd the rent., issuei:, and profits of the above <br />de~cr,b~,rir (, hokrver,, that the n,ort;~:~gur »ha1: be enli!!ed io the ps.:,e_+eion of said properly <br />awd to Salo a~t~i:tin t~ rc?N~,,ismwFb, and }~sa6ifr.unti! dePa~i-:,hereaadtr}: To Ttavh ands to hdd tote eap.e <br />mats ~ _ - the ucrees4rs in ititer~t:~ the. mnrtgagce forever in fCe simplt'or Stich-other create, <br />if any, sr i6 stgtcd hentiu.., - <br />"i"ba i~ t. !~ 'ss 1!l~~y. ~i,~tad a~$ F~.mted aE ag$ 6.ap tie right to ,ae11 aael_c94avey acid <br />"mil; chef the ~ Ktt~c Ctoea „dl ~ eseeot m hcrcrtabave Waited; anti tai Bin ~' liieda <br />biapae2~, a~pd_ Tt~;>et is i~tcrkst to warraat aml defend the titer afarcysid tieseto and evecg part tluxeaf ap+aot <br />tLrt clerpiria d' all parsottrt~:w.u,~ewyr.. _ <br />"Fhi. is siren w aerttfe the paymcsi ut a ptoaeiatwry sore laced ?5arcn iU, 19$Il~ <br />intbe'pE'sacipai +i! 5 SG3,ZOfl.QO. aiga~ by Jacquelyn K. A1Tt:s and Alvin ir. Alms.;, President ;, <br />iwltrbalEaf, rieves Bowl, Inc. ~ee:recary, respectively <br />Krw rims say :a..'3r rmfe.+ &N•r+r ..¢ V#+++a.~ <br />