~~~ - Ot)12~p a.
<br />a.[1`pked iay.iaw or feifera! regulation. Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must
<br />tee in"amounts equal to one'or more subsequent pr!ncipal payments.
<br />3. That in addition to, and together with, the monthly installments provided for _
<br />under-the terms of the aforesaid Promissory-Note and ahy other Hates or agreements for
<br />add+fiional advances as pr€~vtded (ierain ldertgagor w-ill pay as an advance payment to
<br />Mortgagee ~-the first day of-each-month until sa!ii Note and the fatal 'rndebfiedness
<br />seoureci ',ereby is fui4y ~a,id, an amount estimated by Mortgagee to be Buffieient to ena-b1e
<br />the "+Sort~agae t'o pay al [ -!-axes, assessments !general or special }, rents, and other
<br />similar crrarges'against-the above described premises, as the same become due. Such
<br />advar.ee payments shah be paid each month #cgether with the montfily hstallments-provided--
<br />for under !fie terms ai- said Promissory Note and any other Hates or agreements for
<br />addif`ionai advances as provided 'Herein in a single payment and shalt not be, nor deemed
<br />to be, trust funds but may be commingled with other such funds or the general funds. of the"
<br />Mortgagee,-and no interest shall be payable in respect thereof. h4artgagor shall promptly
<br />forward to Mortgagee afi hilts for taxes, assessments and rents and Mortgagee will use
<br />said advance payments for the payment of said b!ils. ~9ortgagee may, frorR time to time,
<br />a$ its opt ron, waive, and after such waiver, reir:state any and afi provisions of this
<br />pararr-:~ph requiring such advance payments,•by notice to Mortgagor in writing. While such
<br />waiver is in effect, Morteagor shall pay a!I taxes, assessments and rents as.otherwise
<br />provided hereinafter.
<br />4. !t the total of the advance payments made by the ?~,tirtgagor shall exceed the
<br />amount of payments actually made by the u rtgagee for ,axes, assessments or rents, as the.
<br />case may be, such excess, afi the option of the '~?crtyagee, shall be credited by the
<br />!vortgagee ar. subsequent payments to be made by the !~'+r.rtgagcr, or refunded to the Mortgagor.
<br />!f, however, the rhanfihly advance payments made by the ~'~rtgagcr shall not be sufficient
<br />tc pay such taxes, assessments and rents, as the case may be, wren the same shall become
<br />due and payaG!e, then fire rvfiortgagor shat! pay to the i~rtgagee any amount necessary to make
<br />up the deficiency, or or before the date when payment ct such taxes, assessments or rents
<br />shat! be due. if at any time the Mortgagor shah tender to the 'Mortgagee, in accordance
<br />with the provisions of the Note secured hereby, fu(! payment of the entire indebtedness
<br />represented thereby, the Mortgagee shall, in computing the amount of such indebtedness,
<br />credit to the account of the t~+arfgagor any credit balance accumulated under the above
<br />paragraph. if there shall be a default under any of the arovisions cf this "~brtgaoe
<br />resulting in a eublic sale of the premises covered 'Hereby er ;. the P~;rtganee acquires the
<br />property otherwise after default, }he lvk~rtgaaee shall apply in such manner as ?.lertgagee
<br />shat! determine the balance cf advance payments then remaining in the funds aecuru,iated
<br />under the above paragraph, as a credit against the indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />5. That i r: the euent any of the . tenth l y advance payments pro~,• i dad 'Here i r: .r r, Nn th i y
<br />instaiiments provided for under the terms of said rromissorY iJOte and any other rates or
<br />agreements far additional advances have not been made by the tenth day of the mor:th in
<br />which such payment was due, a late charge of up tc ten (i'li} pzrcer.t of the arr~unt of said
<br />monttsly paymer;t may to assessed by the .4sscciatian t;~. 4o•aer the eixtra expense ir+valved
<br />ir! handiir;g delinquent payments. The Associatic-n sh:;l! not be ae!igated to acceat any
<br />manthty payrr,ent made after the tenth day of the mcntn unless said rrx~nthly payment shall
<br />oe accompanied by the full amount et the late ohargo assessed by the Association as
<br />provided herein.
<br />6. To pay any and afi taxes, assessments !general cr special;, rents and other similar
<br />charges levied and assessed-against the premises, t'hi.,f=fortuaga, cr indebtedness hereby
<br />secured; be#pre they become delinquent, for which ;revisions teas neat peen made hereinbefore,
<br />and ire defau l t thereof -the M~lrtgagee pray ;;dy tine same, and a i ! rrraneys so advanced w i th
<br />interest at Id} a from fihe date of such payrr+i:rif sha!€ be repaid by ~!brtgagor upon
<br />demand, and shall be secured by this "dortgage.
<br />7. That P~tortgagor will keep the improvements on said premises insured against Ices
<br />(.froth fire, lightning and other hazards inciudad in the standard extended -coverage endorse-
<br />ment plus flpad insurance where required by =:artgagee} +., an amount pct less !hart the
<br />unpaid balance of the indeb#edress secured hereby, with Less, if any, payable to said
<br />Rsspciatian, in a F`ah:part' or companies acceptable to the Association; and should such policy
<br />or policies contain any prow°ision that could limit the in>urance ,^~mpany's !lability tc~
<br />pay the amount of any {oss or damage up to the butt ar.;unt for ~~n:ch policy :+.!-ter.,
<br />the amount of insurance to be provided she!{ be in an amount sufficient ta, a# a!i times,
<br />fully protect the Association. if Mortgagor tails to procure er ,maintain such insurance
<br />in die"mariner-specified hrrre'rn, the r=ssaciatian-may, at its. option, procure and pay for
<br />-such insurance,-and al! moneys sa advanced with interest at 14 ~ from the crate of
<br />s~tdh.papmEnt shaft be repaid by Mortgagor upon demand, and shat! be secured ty this
<br />~~€`?'~.
<br />~, That the. Mortgagor w i l i keep the bu i !dings ;:pan sa i d prG;m i see i r, +3c>:;d repair-, ar,d
<br />ne[f;ter commit nor permit waste upon said Land, nor suffer the sah,e premises to be „sad
<br />for ariy unlawful purpcssa. !'~trfigcngcr further agrees that xrthaut the wri ten consf.nt of
<br />rtort,€ ~edFrB$ Savirtg~- and !-oan no bui idings ar additions to existing bui f''t ;cs s9i , ±,e
<br />arectzd artd 311 parking and landscaped areas spelt be satrsfactari!y maint3rred.
<br />`>. Tt:at ir< the evert the premises or any part thereof be ta~cert or" damagEad ,y tea:~c,n
<br />-r :n 5' pu~tl s*~ iti~srOv@rrt@rt or eandetrntation p r4Ck:fid'i.n+_,~~, or UttdE?r r. {,!xf =:if ~~minen~'-r c'~iLm2ii 'i,
<br />_~ ur,y :_rtf:~r n~nne~, '~1~-tgageQ steak t be anti fled i tr ou} itr: Fc, ;~omm~±r;r~-,_ .~;;~ ,r _.
<br />