<br />This rztarfgage made and entered into this 3~ ~. day of Mash -
<br />f9.~_, by and betsvetvt CLiC #nvesttt~nta
<br />(hs'rt'i~,a€t~r referred to as mortgagor}and Gomn-i~tiai islational Barak and Trust Corttpany
<br />- -- tfali. wtto tnsinrains an office and- lace of busiitass at 429_ ti. Third - (hereittnftar referrttCt4-as
<br />:nrfrt _ '- p - street in Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, l+iebraska.
<br />~UFt'l4ESgE7'tt, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />dace hereby mortgage, salt, grant, assign, and ennvey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, aU of the fnl-
<br />lowing described property situated and bung in the County of ~~
<br />Mate of Alebrgska.
<br />Lot 226 and the Nozth 3.C feet of IAt 227, all in Belmont Addition to.
<br />the City of Gratxl Island, Hall Cotanty, Nebraska
<br />together with all rite tenements artd appurtc-names t{tereta be{onging, all €he rents, iscttes and profits thereof, and ali
<br />easetnerris rights, royalties, mitterai, oil attd gas rights and profits, water, wafer rights, artd water stock, and including
<br />al! Mating, plumbing, refri$eratian, lighting, eaZt!iptneru and alt fixtures of every dtti~7iptivn (xlonging to the
<br />mortgagor [tow or het`cafter a[tacheri thereto or used in canncctian with the premi.es herein described and in addition
<br />thertta the fallowing deu7ibed properties which are and shall he deemed to be fixtures and a part of the malty, and
<br />are a portion of the s£t:urity far the indebtedtt~s Mrein Mated. t! t' nat[e, state "none") None
<br />To 1lave artd to paid the same unto the Mattgager, a+ herein provided:
<br />The rttortgagor is lawfully seized anti possessed of and has the right to sell and convey said properly: that [he
<br />tartar is frce froth a!l encumbrant~s except as hereinabkve recited; and that :'Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defeml the title aforesaid thcre[a and every part thereof against the claims of art persons whantsaever.
<br />This iti5trument is gives to secure the payme[tt ~,{ a pratr[issctn note dated ______ 14arc$ 3j 1~t3I
<br />in tM principal sum of ~ ~~, {F4Y?. tTp -"_~_ -_
<br />-.--.-_- -------_,._._._.. signed try -.William R. Campbell, gob Wheeler,
<br />in bdtait of ~__.__._~____t~ e~tase -__--__..._--_.--
<br />~Y.ti_-.._----.----..._----.__.____A-------__-_ and Stuns L. Cannon
<br />a3s9, as sttsit [xxe a-dotes. may. Cram tithe w titrtr br tnodif~d, rerteav~l or extended in writing.
<br />la t#ft_ev€rti the tint to sgid real estate is transferrr.sf, ar contracted to be tramferred, from the undersigned for any.
<br />rHioA of by +}oy rssethad whatsoever, the entire prittcipat sum and accrued interest sh4!I at once become due -and
<br />p~SYAble at the t~icteott a€-the holder hereof. Faiture to exercise this optiau because of transfer of title as above stated
<br />is oae itatta}tce shall tint constitute a waiver of the right :a ex€rcise the satr-r~ itt the rv~nt of any st!bs€~ucnt transres.
<br />1. 'f'hb tsorigagar covenants and agrees as fail#iws:
<br />ab ~'o t~lptly ply rate ind~`t~dt~ss etrid~rtz+ed by i Proraissaay Hate at the times and in the manner
<br />thacaitt 1•
<br />b, Yo rttAy 311, [ assesstttrn;s, water rates, and other governmental c,r rnunicilydt eha[ges, ['inns, nr
<br />~twoe, fc:€ which prevision has hat t+cen [Wade Mreittbefore, and witl prarnptiy deliver the offieiat tc'ccipts
<br />thrrefrrr to t}se , tttortgrt.
<br />~.- fg pay s#tctt ta.ItCta*~a snot firs ate array br lase-tarred in tltr pxx~ttctiun and rstaintenan~e of wici [rrupeYty,
<br />trir~di~ the 6c~ of-any attaunry trtnpir~yet{ by the Ynt~igagrp For rase coli¢ctiptt .t6 any .it Ott! of able irW~btcclnc:ss
<br />trelat rcc~rrat, set [trrr+cttavxttc by rrtctragagec°s sale. t~s £trurt pr:~rertiny~s. r>t rs! girt ~athrr t+tiyttttcrn t+r OrE~iCrdiit„
<br />after€xYSft staid prstf~tty-
<br />