MCJI~TGA.GIE 8~ ~.a o l~ i 2
<br />'t'his mortgage roads and entered into this . 3rd day of _ March ,
<br />l+;*._$1__.. by and tattween CWC Tnvesttasnts
<br />;IRre:ttafter trirrcd to as mortgagor) and Commercial tlat:ot:al Pink and Trust Ccnnpsny
<br />(ltereiteafta rtferrcd to
<br />mortga><ee), who maintains an office and place of business. at 424 W. Third stt'tet in Grand IsEtmti,
<br />1-[aft County, Nebraska.
<br />iYttt+r8S5Er3lt, that far the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which 6s hereby acknowitdged, tht tttostgagoa
<br />does heroby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigas, all of the {~
<br />Cawing dGSCZibed propetty situated and being in the County of Ha11
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot 227 except the North 3.0 feet' thereof and the North 6.0 feet of
<br />Lot 228, all in Belmont ,Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />together with alt ttx trttemrnts and appurtrttances thereto t+ekrnRing, all the ants, issues and prot`tts thereof, and all
<br />easements, rights, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profitx, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />at3 heating, plumbing, refrigeration, iigltting, ryuipmrnt end all tiaturr< of every description helonKing to the
<br />mortgagee now or hereafter attached thereto or aced i;t connccnon wuh the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thtrtta the foiiowing described properties whtrh err and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />aze a portion of the security far the indebtedness herzin stated. ttf norte, crate "none") None
<br />To have and to hold the carne unto the MortKagee, as herein provided
<br />Ttte mortgagor is (awfully set~ed aFxi pc::sessrd of and ha_s the tight to set! and convey said property; that the
<br />stone is fete from alt ettcttmhrancts except as nereinabove retired; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />dtfend the titre aforesaid thereto and every part thereof a$aitast the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />This instrument is gisrn to acute the payment of a promissory Hate dated _ t4arch 3, 1981
<br />in the principal sum of Se_~0,000.00 -----._._..---___. rKned by -William R. Catttpbell, Sob,Wheeler,
<br />in behalf of _____ __-__ G~__Investtaents and 3atnes L. Cannon
<br />alga, as sech troll ce Worts may from time to time tee sttadifiod, renewed or extended in writing
<br />In the turn[ the Title to said teat estate is transferred, nr contrasted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />mason or b} any «tethod wfiatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shaft at once become due and
<br />payable at the ekstion of the holder htreof, Failure to exercise this option tsecause of transfer of tilt as above stated
<br />itf (Mte nslanet shall tort canstitutt a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequtnt transfer.
<br />1. Tht mortgagor crovenants and agrees as follows:
<br />a. To pr6tttptly pay the itulebtednsss rvidenred by said promissory Harr at the times and in the manner
<br />thtreirt provided,
<br />tr, To pay all taxes, assessments, water rates, and other govcrnmrntal or municipal charKrs, i'ines, err
<br />utsttcwicit+ns„ for w3tich provision has not been maxlc hereinbefore, and wilt promptip drover the afficial rc^ceipr,
<br />there#'or to the said murtyre,
<br />e. itx pay such s%xpcresci acrd fete as may be incurred in the protctitinn anti maintenance of .aid pn>prn+,
<br />iratludiog the fees of any atttrrttty employed by the mnrtRaeee for the collrctton of atrv er :til of the indrbtrdnca,
<br />berth} sttiawrrtl, or lrxrestlr~ure by rnrsRRa~~ i tialr, err fisttrt prrxeedings, car u* :,rev oth•~r !itiRuttcrn ar prcrcrriltrr~
<br />of#est,ng k;rtd pt-+prrts.
<br />