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._, <br />i.stt$sr"s vrritten agreement or applicaists law. Bormwer shalt pay the arnount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manetter prorided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Aay atttosvifs disMirsrd by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thtretsn, shall become additional - <br />irtda$tadneaa of Botrowtr securt:d by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />arrx+ttn~ shaA be paya#+ie apon rwt~t frt?m i.tttaier to Bnrriswer rer{utsting payment thereof, and shah hear intettst from the <br />data of dtstntrstment at rite tats payalfle Errors time to time on otnstanding principal under the Nate unless payment of <br />its at:srch rate'A'ould be comrary to applicable #aw, in which event shah amounts shnlt hear interest at the-highest rate <br />ptruaiadtile untitr apptiraabie law. 1Vnthing ctmesittes! in this #sragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any ezpertse or take <br />any action hetr~indtt. <br />& ) [.ender may make ar entree to he made rcaxmabit entries upor. and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that i smler shah give Borrower notice prior to any stxh inspectitsn specifying reasonable Gauss therefor related-to Let>r~'a <br />interest in the i'roperty, <br />g` Tice prrn:etds of atsy award or claim for damages, direct or comitquentiai, in connection with any <br />ronderanation nr other taking of the Proprny, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hetthy a~tgrred <br />and shall ere paid !o Lstrder. <br />in the event of a total taking of tilt Pmptrty, iht proceeds shsl# ise applied to the Bums secun~i by this Mortgage, <br />with the taetss, if any, patd io Borrm+ctr in the went c,f a partial taking of the Praptriv, unicas Bortower and Leet~ <br />othetwist agree in writing, thtrr shaFJ ht applied to tfic .ums saurtd by this Mnrigage such proportion of the proceeds <br />~ :s equal to that prtsporti.•stt witirh the amotm[ of the sums secured by this bfort_gage immediately prior ro the date of <br />t~iq, ;zant to the fair market valor of the Pt`npcm° +mtixd#ateiy poor to the date of taking, with the balance of the. procesda <br />paid to Borrower. <br />if rite Property is ahatidancd by 8armwtr_ ,r af, after ttr+tice h}• I_endtr to Borre~r that the cottderartor oflera to trtake <br />an award ar settle a claim for damages, Bormwer Ennis to respond m Lender within 30 days after the dais such notice is <br />taadtrd. t.ttrdsr is auttrariatd to collect atxi apply iht prncteds. a; I~rtder's option, either to restoration ar repair of the <br />Prope:ry or to site sums stcttrcd by this 4i:,rtcaitc. <br />iJa#ats I ender atui Btrrrpwtr .,titerwtsc agree .n ,vtitinF, env such appiicatic,n eff ~.rrxeeds to principal shall not tatted <br />Gtr postpone the dot tats ,,F the rnonth#+,- ;nsi:limerts reterrrd to in paragraphs ? end ? hereof ar change the amount of <br />rush imtatitnsnts. <br />i6. d®rr'a+rer-~ i3dessed. I'.rtrcnsi:tn :,; *he a,me tr:r pasrrer:t .,r modifis=anon of amorti2ation of the sums secured <br />hS' th.s fifortgagc p~aot~ by f.t:uier to ens sta<'~'ssGr :n intrrest ,,f Borrower shalt not nptratt to tclesat. in any manner, <br />the tiafsility of the original Borcawer ;;red ticxre,vtr'+ suctexsars :n Interest. I_erder +ha31 not he required to commence <br />prrr'ersdiags against c,sef, ussnr :+r ;must to estend t,rnc for S,as•ment :,r s+thtrwise modify amoniution of the sums <br />~urtd ?ty this .-'tinrtgaRe by rnascxa nt +ny dcrosrtd made >,s :ht :.rigtnaE Bo=rower and Berrrnver's st~~ors in interest. <br />ti, Faahas~e by la~dttr "tier a Wrisrr. Any fori+rararce hF Lender is eserc-asinq env right rrr remedy hetcundtr. or <br />nthtrwist afforded by app#icah#c !aw. s#a10 not tx a waiver „f „r prectude rhe. c>ercise +=f env such right or rtm~y. <br />The pmcurctrsern , r insurar~s szt :hs ;=arrsc;;t ,+t tsxcz ,v +tt;rr +:enc ;,t ~hargee a9v 1 tndtr shall not he a waiver of Lendst's <br />right to rcehrta[t r!x matcnry =rt the +ndehitdness .cu+rrd t,. ,'`n 47o[xpape. <br />tZ Rsaaedisa CIre. •~?# rrmw•e. € rr,v and r„s `siortga gc ire +snt,: ettd ~ umulative to any ether right or <br />rttner#y ,ttzStr rAa.'~ortpagr z,r atiorded',~ taw .r ~ ut :t r; was #r r,c,L:cet.:, n :,. arstit irtdtpcndeatty or successively. <br />i~. .9prtea»rs add :1rts B+atestd: !+aiai +ad Sererai taa~iitr; faptiotts. f?,r .,n-enants and aRrremtnts herein <br />~'uttarrttd si7ail hind, and the €iphts her.€+rder :halt +.:::r,^ t, . ;t;e ;enyxtt,ac,n and assigns „f tender and Borrower. <br />sitbjt~t to €ht prttvisiurrs ..rt' p,atsaraph i? ^r•ret,t Ali ..r:vtcanis utd agrtrman€~ c,r Borrower =ha#i he tout and several. <br />?1st .a~auss and heatiittgs E~f stir patagtapts .,f than 4t<srtgagc err t<., ~.~-nr~en:cn=.e only .,nd ate net to he used to <br />,nterptct tar dtdttt the ~sE+vt3ri txtrta7f. <br />id• ~° ~;'- for -.° :~s:e rr;t;t.'- u° -,pr,ti- ~ a,. '*e grvrn :n ann€her manner. ta) any notice to <br />&orrc=rrtt ptovrsitd fo• :r. ^,tris 4tt,rigage ybalt t:t. ytv ., p nisr tor, - t~>h ~ t:cc hi , rrt,fisd malt :,ddresntd to Aorrower at <br />iht P*cg.+trty Addst*{s „r at 4s:tlt ,sttser ,sxtdress is H+~rr:-wrs r:t:ss dts;;:r:a;c nv r}ott::r t,, #-tndtr as provided herein, and <br />{try arty txatict to I~ne#er ~haii k's Savrr >,t -.r=s-:tta<fi na ,. rrt,;r» te;:c~ri -*:q;+txtei ,, tent*.er's addres-s ,tared herein or to <br />such ctrtticr atidttsa as f ersicr text. ,iesigt die ~~y- r~>tr t ;.s [3;1rr:•u~rr as ; r - ,ttci `xre:n :nv noti.-e rrr"•+ded for :n this <br />ERr+rtt;age shaft "r,a ,ietrtttd to ?;a+,'z bttn ytvtn ,.:~ Hcsrrx" ;,r i <ndtr ~:<hcn ~rvrn in the msatner designated herein. <br />f5. lSailsrri Mme: ~; Se.erahltlie. #?::4 ;.•rm , € rnunga4e c. mbires uniform covenants for naGOnal <br />>~ ated tv+amvnifnrm c+3vsoants a-tth iitititsa# =artnaanrfc irov =.,t,<dr~tr~sn tr ,, c+nsntct;e a umfr~rrn scr,+ret>< msttumem coveting <br />restl propruty. 3?tis ~"iingage chat ^,t ac ertxd 4y t.e ; w „ nr :,:n, t c a ..,. t< c~ •~~ ° «pr€te st locatrd. in ehe <br />sweet treat ens provtatcsn sr ~iau,e ~f rRr.+ >4c.rtgagt . * •Ar tir-te ,ontttcri •ith a~itcahk taw uch condtet shall not aifeet <br />aiher }nrctvisiwas txf ttt+s 'Ns-,rigagt ,=r :he ?V:-ac :.h,:^ .. a:: t,r ;:sep efls:t „•tthcr„t thx _onsir,rtnr; nrt,vision. and ro this <br />eaad ilte pCivig~MS art ?he 4Jcrtgagt sr+;:# thr .=tr ,re •.:~_?,+reti ::4 ?-s ~:.-vtrai<fr. <br />(~. I$Nrtfawsr':s t~.`orp, Bormwer `.iisi+ 'rr '.arra:shru a ,::net>-;tied ::i=py :r ;he .`+~-., ,; eru ,tf ,ht~ ~lottgagt at the titrtt <br />e( extsc:autagx or att€_= tn:vrdatitxn #xrteu. <br />i?" 2'r+~Ser ref !~ °" se ° a3 :+n. 1~ars t .the Pr ~e tF . r sn ,ntertst therein is sold or transferred <br />by Bwrasever avrtias~«drr~ s : -vrttt s ,cast s :zrdirtp; •a, +;,r ..rat..:n .,i a ;aen ,=r enrumhrance +uhtettdieiate to <br />title 6iorigagC, 'tx} the crrat a>t: ,,, y=c:rt#ase !:;=rt:ep ^tc unt: :ntrr;-st ter ~~.=uorheia ;:ppF:an.::e+ ~:t s ;ran5ftr Fry devix, <br />de+t er h5' operaeion <>f law z=pct!c :1[c =:,tat3; u: , ~t,t =znanr :.~•t ' <br />t.rn rt to (-ex, ecr_s ~, , :.ter.iarr ,:?I ~hr •,utn. srct[rrd t,v thas !Mortgage to he <br />,taatresieattiy dot arzd psyat+ie E sedtt ,ha e ,r r~ _t .~ n t<n :~ aueeeratr ~f per*r ~„ the .air ,+r transfer. l.encler <br />attd the ptrs:rts *a,!sxtt iht P•a.t: trey i !; ?tt :i,# ,~: + -,:tt rcv,# _- °grrtnen, :ra ~.r:t,ng ttx ~ret3e[ of Hoch ptzson <br />is satimfactort, t}, tensicr .,std abet nt -nee: i:.n}ah#r n +re a.c.rn ...gyred h} nt5 !4iortgage chelt #x at such tats as I.a'nder <br />el~ii t+ts{tytst. Sf lsrtdtr has waavtd the ..;:Sec-:? << :c,-e:er;atc ;Yrr,vt,.tr=d ~ .:hi, sera graph 17, :s nd ;# Hcrrmwer's suec€ssor in <br />,nt4rmt has ta~ut~ a •~rtteen assump;+vn ..grreusrnt a-:.~cpted tr :.-: rt=,e `=v 3 en<Str. tender .ha![ rtleast Bormwer from afl <br />c'bfegHte tender tots '•»fartgags attd the "tote. <br />I# fAadtr ssermaz set4ks uptioh •;r aerttertste, #- racier has? ntad {;„• t ~onzr a as.eitrataon to acerordanr with <br />parttgtapts !t tvctit€f. ~ttc;e noti t .hat: }trx=vide ;s }~nt,d ,t v,,,t rtes :iaa~s fs::m t?;c :art the notice iti mai{ed within <br />whxit l7oar'cs>Krr neap y~y the +tatrx risxiaro t e. #_ & rres zr 'a s , nag - ,umx pr,ur u+ t#tr repiratu>n „f such period, <br />i.,tr~#sr rnay, ,ztt4vt~st €esrtne~ rxr; •r ,,r ;.Sem3rxi ,t, i3or t ..'week ens rertrcd:es pcrmrite.3 hx ~ aragraph #t{ fiertaf. <br />hftl«•t3*atrt+srta i~tyvFasr; rs Bcsrrt+srtr anu' l.e-ceder iurthtt :x.etn<erst ;sari ,:tier J~ fctHusvs <br />LL ~ 1 €ab~. as praridsd ie i'atrsCr+~ # 1 ttYrt#f, • <br />~ 8etrswsr ~ - Sae .=- n Borrmseer t; screech of nay corsunt or <br />is~it~ thtt rnverr:!n4it to pay ~"~a dst nap w~ secur~i ±+} ihir :rasa <br />ttrr ~ stlaft a~ reatics st+ tlcarrewer as prusidtd in psrcKrtyrh #4 hetrtof spscifpis(s: ii} the broscht <br />-ree~ti!!d tUgaGts ttaCh httsath; ?3} a date. oat isra than ~19 dapa front thx dart site nrtties is tatofsd Yo $arrower. <br />sT rfMelrsss# k~aeA tASisf ha rwtB; mttf t4i ritrB fta'~e ro cams sash honest a6 w before the drtre ePttiked is the rtetits <br />+!~? ratppiltls ~+al ttu~ stasis rerasssl t*! tfNs 't7urtttat>t. faeerlnams i+i i+tdirial Prsrttdit~ sad sale .sf the Ftttytsrty. <br />'tifat4ss~+tYtafC fyattltsr taf>e:ras $asasrt+rer ref the rtt~ to rriltstafe after aetttfsratittts and the right to esssrt in the ftuscFo:ners <br />!~ tea trtw:•stsittseats arf a detatif w sap eider Asfetrat ref Sarrasrtr to atctieratioa and forninrttre. ft the ttrpch <br />~ arrlFayrred art es haf+art the ~tr€flhtd ha firs tezeticr. t.rttder st f,eader's opiax rani} ttta•iae nit elf rise sYalta sstursd b} <br />Nis iwNare!~t(Be tg its ittasuatkigsCy arts atrtf ps>ahir wiitraatr fmthtr dstaatrnti sstd artty taesefons bs iaditis) pserestBat<, t.satlet <br />+a>ld #! aatiitia# ss cailsaY kr saris -+s+'sat~+te edt rxpsasta xJ farseivsrrrta, 4wefedintR. bvi »ar3 ttraitcd izr. costs :rf desatttaratarp <br />mss, a#tti~rrctst ew0 ts~e r~xYb. <br />tF+ ~s ~ l~~ •ltrtrs:thztaudtsxa i.ctvoet~ ..;,.=ice at xx ..,; ,he -. .:3t, c; t,y ihSa 4lrrrtRagt. <br />waft '~k~ r~F t~l~t to hx rc aNS ,txrFSresti+~€ hrt~'x#rs Yxc ~ ~,jyy. •n nx srsr Sh '4 -- tyi.~e tts,r.~r=r,ntmd .vt arty t,me <br />