<br />-_ ~ tat '!fiat Sn the event the ~fortgai;ors tafl tc .:n rA.ie.^. :ue nn;; rsxes, lei +ud>tinertr, .,r assessments, ¢r fa11 to
<br />eiaiatain Insurance as trereli+.befnre ;.'rcvided ~ iii ro pay rer.cs, tee it ~rarges under the terms of aqy lea4e,
<br />pBY'rtif t, iioanse, ar pr1 v11ege; or Mortgage i. s~ttired to incur Expenses ~ abstract fees, attorney fees, costs,
<br />.:
<br />aitpexises, and ether charges in abnasctlnii wl to !Stigatian, fiortgaxaa may :sake such payment trr prov}de such 7asurance, 1 ;
<br />¢x' uieur sueh obl}gatlon. and the amounts paid ~herefrr :>hall Gscome .a part of the LidebteMess secured hereby due
<br />- ~ affil payable i;mrte41ate1y. and shall tresr L'tLerest frnia ttie date n7 pavmerit at Lhe same rate as provided fordeFault
<br />iu the note
<br />- ~ rcl }m r -u tp - vep,. 'Cy ~>i ^s -- - a~a - r ^rtgTnrs , r h - - -'a - - a s ir: interest Far taking ar deaaging ~
<br />~ Tiy thB-exe^nise a* +a Wert do us+ _h h^i--! r '~ a na_*t a7 th^ --csg?d p } .s 4r any easement therein, the-saifl
<br />',, e~rds .~. .. ..r_b~ ~-..lg ^ -e ,,._ ati -g ga .h. vrtg~.Ae ±. h___by aia .ha lded to rot lent, rerelve, soil--receipt
<br />ttiereFOr R..d to apply th na: ir. pa}: ert ~y +rdenredress, ^atur?d er ;inmatu^ d, secured by~.this mortgage. -
<br />' I ~ ti
<br />tg? 2hat in the event ~nr ~a.~o s ~et.a.lt z -b a~m+~nt r sa13 crincipai awn, ar of any installment thereof, er ~ -'
<br />- 'oF arty intaroat there¢n a t- e t ,e +v~i ;: h rare -ra.. 5 sue, rr Kith respect to arty covenant br ccndEClon here-
<br />- -. ~ a*, then, at the aptian ~., 4e. *.,. gee, .,.a en~i. ...,dress secured Hereby shad ;arthwPth beeoma due and--P4i'abib, 1
<br />snail bear lrierest eet33xt ae ~esc for -id Wore, ?ind the Mortgagee nay immediately forec iose this 1
<br />mort~ge or pursue any Vrtter aval laG =us men 111
<br />!?} That In the event ~ - :s t -et.i ~ r-..-c.e :.his mn zag the Mortgagee ^hall Ge entitled r,G Smmediate 66t
<br />possession cf he -c^tgaFed Z -x;f n she -u r ^~ y appeln ¢Sie to take possession o! said premises, with
<br />the usual yor,? s f ,.cre -very + ix -
<br />(B? 'bat tsl l.i -- cr _er y -• as- re - ~ ~ -.;f ~ t2~i~s ~_ t :sues shall not be construed as a
<br />. wal: er there¢F .+iat arty e -. ^t¢r .tire aai r- rz} F c f1- defaul' f ^serr-aclers shall not Ge construed as a = -
<br />. ~ ,caivar of ama u -rt u -,..a .~ e eta It + _re -avmert ~'f ny ~inorrizat on installments or frterest. !
<br />~^ In as .. iay er 7; c tgagee u~, r a'c su-ant t ~xN n ~ r rents, tees or charges, ~ .
<br />said t2GrtrjagEe hal .eve Ye qr ~* r+ b es d payaGle, to tareelose on
<br />~ ~ acnoun ,77 .uch ~ ? e ~.-. -i r :ar ti- -i2d utn -¢raclosu roceedirgs may be had and +F
<br />f - r me :arcd - r r ^ r r. ..e; .^ -ab .,,_ _.."_-.~ _.cb.,...v._~.. Seretrv .,ec:.red, a.nd this mortgage shall ~ ;
<br />4
<br />f ^arit iniie ;.. _ .1_. .,,° ~.iY .=n~a2~~ ,.._zr. .
<br />i +
<br />!g) ~;at the orr_-agee ~ 3 es .er ~. - _Q - - " n -. n. .v soil ; eo;~aortfzs said indebtedness, release ~ ~
<br />- Sri liebli}t}' 3 v --- ty 'i G s r, ,r. - ~ ~+ rea -~r+tons a7 t;;e rroperty roverefl hereby,
<br />~:Sthout af7ar_t~ng ~ .~.rr, _, .-h.1 ~,3~, _. .: -~ny other party for the payment of said t ,
<br />' 'rdeGtedne=s. .z. ~ u... ~.,x_er. ._.. f. - ..eu ._ s!.,, ,_-ait.:,~?r' to __ ^ea:=ed herspy.
<br />r„'i 1+'an 2~ s u yea rc s,; gal rep:-esentat}ves sad assigns, <
<br />.hat --:_egt ? a - - ~.sr. --. -orsiderstfo.^. Fo^ ".he note secured ft
<br />- nereb}, and t`.a~ ,he e.,c o,~ .r..,.* _ o„ley p^ ~ Sparc;, IescriGe3 l:er Eln, *.tie
<br />~`ort~gze :may - ti~ ~ir -r ~ e -y :u_ + y_ P_~ xd may proceed in the en- 1
<br />~eic'+ds s+ui ,r,zse- vr~ •::... ~~ _ .,'K - ~: ,.._. ._, :~ 'ne _ti~is?ia der ^. ;!iurai
<br />=,te~hgrrs and `.xs *a~..,-s.c:r, -~x-.s:,r, ..,e -„__ __ ~. /~/--,.1.d ~ _ __.. +
<br />r /"~ AL,
<br />_ Dennis~Lane
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<br />,.,_ , i?ernis a Lane and Darleen i.ane, husband and wife,
<br />ststu. i.err,~ nti. r F ~ ~. --.. ..
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<br />_r, 9e r....,+ai'etr •«:.._. ~. - - ,_. :.. .. ~-r - -~ .,,. _~- r.. ,,:.. -..a. .:; .. ,-.e1
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