~AQ~T~l4iGE 81-~ tJCi.2 ~. ~~
<br />THI$ ilPt)EId1'IIBE, made this _----_)_ 1.yly ..__--- day of _, _.f,{g rc,h._,__-----__ _-- , 2>$}___, by ettd' bi~vetut
<br />Gars J~Stobbe and 3oyce E._St~bbe, husband and wife, each in his and her owti`rilht'
<br />. anti as ¢pnffae nF,._t'a1e.__Cit}1flL.~.--._-.---------------.-----
<br />_` s_ f all . (:aunty. Nebrva5ca, as vnrtgagor S and Grand iafsnd TrasG Company of Grae~ Is4teed. a-fin-
<br />orgateiixd and aiciatfng antler the lava of Nebraeics with ifs Pfincipal office and place of busifrpea at Uraad Ishmd, Nebeaslrt, aav inartgf~aiC
<br />dPl'I'AIF.SSirTH: T(iat said oortgagor S__. , f~ sad in mneidaeatton of the eum of _._ - - _ -- _ -_ --' -
<br />the receifrt of wh~l: ie hereby aclafowiedged, do .-._ h theca tx ~~ _ ~ -
<br />Y prenenis fnortgage and warrant i~f? A~taMG~ assigetr.
<br />forever, QU tlfe folbwiag dteeribod real estate, situated m the t:ounty of _._ -.---Hall -^`~. ~..°. "'-.,.._-~~.".~..,..~.~»-
<br />aad $tafe r• Nebraslu, to-wit: -
<br />Lc~t Three {~}, Block 'I`went»-seven (2i) in Gi.lbert's Third Additifln to the Gity of
<br />Grand Island, tiebraska.
<br />Together with ail heating, air co~itioaiag, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixturex, including screens. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, aitd window shades ar blinds, uaeci an ar is connection with acid property. whether the xnma are now Incsted on said property or herea,,.ar
<br />plnt~d thereon.
<br />TO HAVE Atli [) TO HULD THE SAME, together with a!1 and singular the ter,mnems, hereditanfenta and appurtcr El~rsinto be-
<br />kenging, or in aaywif~ appartainiag, [oraver, end warren[ t~ rifle w the ssme. Said morgegor.._~'_. _ htseby covenant -. _ _ with said
<br />fnongagee that __--they--_ _ _.~t=~ .. , at the de(iveey bettor, the iewful owner s-. of the p~emiaes ebave conveyed and deasribad,
<br />and 3r'S~_-attired of a good and indefeasible eautte of inheritance cbaceia, free and clear of el! encumbrances, and thet_-.._the~will
<br />warrant sad defefid the tills tharew farav-~ against tree claims amf demands of sit persona whomsoever.
<br />PtfQVIfySD ALWAYS, and thin instrument is executed find delivered w return the payment of the sum of _ __._ __... __-__ .__ ___,-
<br />Four Thousand 'I'an dc_Llars ,and., ~)OllOQ_------------ _---- tfoflarafs----"--x010.00
<br />_ _ i,
<br />will! intsisat tharaaa, toget$ar with such chaYgtw and advancaa as may 6e due and payable to said mortgeg„e under the terms and conditions
<br />of the ptpmiaepry ante of avert date herewith and second hereby. exetvted by said mortgagor . ~ _ to said mortgagee. payable as expressed
<br />itf said note. and to secure the performaooa of all the terms and conditions canteirfad tbsrein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />6ereitf by tea te[ersace.
<br />It is cha iateatioa and agreement of the pariea hereto that thin axfttgage shall also secure any future advances made w said mortgagortL.
<br />by said owrt8agas. tad aqy and a4f iadebttdaeea in addiiien to the amount ebave stated wliic3, acid mortgagors, or eay of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, book acenunt or otherwise. This moetgege shell remain in full force and effect between
<br />tae patties hereto and their hire, personal representatives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including tuwre
<br />adva~ee, ate paid is faL' witb iatere%.
<br />The raaregagor---~. hereby assign __ _._ to said mortgagee ell rents and income arising at any sad all cirms from said Property and
<br />hereby sutaariae saki caari,gagee os ire agent, at iw option, upon default, w take charge of said Property tad collect aA rants and iatronfe
<br />thefsfram end apptp tar emeie to the ptfyiaeat d interest, prfacfpal, iafaiiraace premiuasa, lases, aaaeaefnsats, repairs or improvements
<br />ae~eaaeary to keep said P>'oPartY is ttmentaWa condition. nr to other chargna ar payments provided for herein or in the cote hereby secured. This
<br />[sift aaeigoaaent alfalf contiofle in !nett until the unpaid bnlarfce u( sad note is fulls paid. "The taking of possession hecaund~ shall in no manner
<br />prareat rK retard said s0 tae creliectioa o1 said sums by torecloaure nr utbemise.
<br />The fadtfca of the mwigagee to assert nay of its rights hereunder at any emfe shall na. 6e conatruad as a waiver of its rsght w saserC,the
<br />soma st say tster time, sad to ineiai upon and enfarca strict eanfpltaace a~th all the t«rms and provis~ns of said note anti of tkis mortgage.
<br />H acid mpitgagpr. s shall ratUa to be paid to said mortgagee the eptare amount due it hereunder, tad under the terms and pmvisfons
<br />of said aWa hereby aemtad. ipchtdiag future ativattc~. and say estaaak,ns or rvaewals thereof in accotdac~e with t!m tetras and proviskfnx
<br />thtrapf, sad g acid rao[tpgor . $_ - sffdl ~ wits al( the pravisfana o[ saki rents and of this mortgage. than tl~n preaenta syaU be void:
<br />othsrwire to rafmaitf is fall !pros sad aUatt, sod said rortgagee abet! 6e entitled to the passessiun of all of acid ptup~ty, and fmv, at its optiaa,
<br />dat~sw the rfsoia of said mtt sad rU indahtedfeeas reattseaoted thereby w be immediately due and payable, aid may forttelaea tlfia mortgage
<br />a tails nay other tsSat action W protect its right. Appraisemeat waived.
<br />This fnortpse abet! he binding upon sad shall enure to eht beneSt of the hear, executors, admfacstratura, sutxreaeem ofd earigns of the
<br />rasPSdiwe panics hereto.
<br />IH i~Iia~'iiSfi 4YHnni":(if', said 8[artgagar.a.. ha _~.e. hereunto sat-._-Il'ti:.'..r_. -__. haad_~....che <fay sad yea! first above
<br />tva04iun.
<br />~~
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