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<br />This form is used in c~nnec-
<br />tton with mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Aet.
<br />T.r-tt1c Rln4Tt=AGH. msdn atad oxe~~! this g22ty day at r~h ,A: D:
<br />t~ 83 , by etad lxtween Berry ~. t: Latara L. 1*arscros.~-and- wife.
<br />of the Coatay of Bali ,anti State of fi(ebraska, party trf the first part, het-eittaftert~lled=
<br />the ttdvrtgsgisr, and
<br />BAi~t t~ D~+lIP'HAt7
<br />acorpot'ation organized and existing trtsdtr the laws of Nebraska
<br />party ~ the second part, hereinafter ca7kd the ivfortgagee,
<br />Wi'TNt~eSETH: That the said Mortgagor, far and in consideratkm of the sum of Thirty thswtttand eiriltt husa8z~
<br />f i#'~y and tIo/100---------------~--------------""~Itars (S 30, 850.00 ). paid by tht Mort-
<br />gagte, the recri;x of whidt is ixreby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these pttsents does Grant', Bar-
<br />gain. SePI, Conley and Confirm onto the Mvrtgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the- fattowing-dtserrbtd
<br />real estate, situated in the Cotrmy of Ftall ,and State
<br />vt Nebraska, ttr wit:
<br />Lot One Hundred Severity-li~our (1749, in Bttenavista Subdivision, an Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in all
<br />mentsurvey:
<br />acres according ro C,crvern-
<br />TO !lAVE AND TO }FOLD the premises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and mcludirtg
<br />ati heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment sww ur hertafttr attached to or u,td in connection with said eta! estate
<br />unto the Mortgagee, sad to its successors and assigm, forever. Tht :ytartgagur repre~en^ to, and coveeants with, the tilortga-
<br />gee, shat tote Mortgagor has good-right to self and convey said premises; that they :ere free fnrm tncumbrance: and that the
<br />Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the samr against the lawful claims of at1 lrenun; wttomsuever: and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by tttitfquisius alt rights of homestead, and alt martial rights, rittter in lau or in equity. and alt other contingent interests of tht
<br />Mortgagor in acid to the above-described premises, file invention kiting to convey hereby an absolute tike, in fee simple, inctud-
<br />irtg alt rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid-
<br />PROVIDED ALtYAYS, and these presents are executed and delivertd upon [he fulh>wing arnditions, to wit:
<br />The A4ortgagvr agrees to pay tv the Mortgagee, ur order, the principal sum of Thirty thvuss~d eight htrrtdred
<br />fifty atxi Noj100--------~_---____..,.~__~__~ t7ollar5t~. 's0,850.00 i~
<br />with interest frtmt date at the rate of Twelve &three-eighths Per ctnttun ( 12-3/g `"a 9 per annum un
<br />the unpaid ~ , p said principa3 and interest sha13 hr payable at the office of
<br />iq Dortiphan, Nebraska . or at such other place a5 tht holder of
<br />the nae may designate is writing, in monthly installmtnts of Three hundred twenty six and 26/100-----
<br />Lkrilar~ t5 326.26 1. commending cm the first day:;!
<br />tta , Ivgl ,and un the first clay of tach month thereafter omit the principal and in-
<br />fereat are fatly except that the final payment of principal and interest. if not sooner paid. shat] be due and
<br />payab~ un the hest dziy of April 2011 : a+1 according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />sory note of evcn date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor in vrde. mart lofty to protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />1. ?curt be wilt pay the itulebtedness, as htreint>£fore provided. f'riviiege ii resrrvtei to par [he debt ir, whole, or in an
<br />aautuat~€qual tcsant ur mort rwvnlhly payments on the prineipni that toe next dot un [ire Hurt, un [hr nest duff of any momft
<br />prior to maturity: f~vxi~d. lxrwever,'I'hat written noti.:e of an intention to txercisr such priviirge i, given at le.tst thirty t 30t
<br />days prior to prapaytaetN.
<br />2. That, iv~ihet with, and is :rddititzta to, tttt monthly payments of principal and ittttrese pay able under the terms u! the
<br />tea `::'~~t ~reby, the Mtnt.x Fill, ay to t(n: !+foti~get, on-the l'arst dap of eschtn:;rth:mti! the saitt nstc r+ lolly paid, the
<br />f:,~wittg runts.
<br />aj Arrerwnt sufftcieat to provide the harldet )ttttof with funds to gay tht next mortgage nuurancr mernnirtt if this
<br />tt3xtrurt~nt and #!te rtvte urcd htcreby are tttrxrred. ttr a nicrnthly ;:~arge!tn dieaa e~frr nrurrgrlgr inerrrrrr;e f>rs,.
<br />~T if' they arm iseld tsy tlttt $acretary of ttoashtg and flrtean Davelvpntent, as foitva;.
<br />i_f9 tf atui ~ tiaf4-~S said nc~e of rouge ate and tiffs instrutrnnt are ntsuted =rr set retnsur~i «rtdet the pro
<br />attdons of the lclatiorutl ttottsitra Act. an ~eaitrnt sufficiettt to accuntulatr to the hands ui' fhe huidrr t~rr_
<br />Nraaru #:H/k~ata#tM r.u~n mhr t.w ureMS vnr«t rurrWv rr eKrrw,z+.et tiT-A7'F: tiP ~P:B#ASk;\
<br />.xrt>-s~1Ua~i tn~ m~
<br />