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<br />3. The mortgagor oovenanu sod agrees that it he shall fail to pay aid indebtedness or any part thereof whexr <br />~Se. or shall tail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument ar 4he promissory note secured hereby, the <br />erf~ire indebtedness hereby secured shall imnrediatelp become dne, payable, and collectible without native. at the <br />eptioia of the mortgagee gr assigns, regardlexe of m:rarity, and the mortgagee or his assign may before or after entry <br />sett said property without appraisetnent (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of <br />sgpre~sinent) <br />f ri at jttdieiai ale purenant to the provisions of 28 IJ.S.C. 2001(a) a or <br />(n) of thti optics of the m~ageo, either by auetian or by eol:eiugon of sealed bids,'for the h#gheec ~ <br />hest bid oampiying with the tetras of oak sad manner at uaytneat spet~ificd is the ~ of ale. fierR <br />giyiag four weeks' notice of the ti,rte, terms and place of anch ale, ley advertisement not less than sews <br />daring each of aid four weeks in a newspaper pnbiished or dutribnted in the cou.+y in which aid property <br />is aituatod, all other notice beit-g hereby waived by the mortgagor (sad aid mortgagee, or say pintas os <br />bebsit of aid awrtgsgee, may bid with the mpadd indebtedness evidenoed by said Hotel. Said atde shall be <br />,_ held at or os the property to be void or at the Federal, cwraty, or city oourthome for the oauaty is whim the <br />Frapertyr located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to ezecute for and oo behalf of the aortgagor tuad to <br />deliver to the pttrduaer at anch uk a ers~eient.convganee of aid property, which eesvgance shall eoataia <br />teeitaL d to the happening of the default upon which the eraxntiros of flu power of sale herein gsasesd <br />depasda; a~ the said mortgagor hereby cotrtitntea and appoints the mortgagee or say a+~t or sttoraey of the <br />aaart~. the agent sad attorney is fan of aid mortgagor to make anch reeiuL and to ezeeate said <br />ossvgattee and 6eeeby eas~rmttnta amt ageees that the reeitaL ao made shall be e6eetnai to her all egtnty or <br />right of redemption, hom~rcad. dower, and all ether exemption of the mortgagor, ail of which are hereby <br />exptetsly waived sad ~tveyed to flu mortgagee: or <br />([tt) tale any other appropriate action psesuant to state ar Federal etatntc either is elate or Federal <br />court or otherwise Oar the dispwition of the property. <br />In the event of a sale as hereinabove provided, the mortgagor or any person in poseeasion render the mortgagor sha11 <br />then octane and be tenants holding over sad shall tortbwith deliver poeseesion to the purchaser at crash uk or be <br />summarily d'aporeeesed. in accordance with the provisi~a of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power <br />and aZSencY hereby granted are couplal with an inurrst and arc irrcvoeab{e br death or otherwise, and arc granted <br />a eumnlative to the remedim tar collection of said iadebtedn«a provided by law. <br />4. The proceeds of any sak ~aati FeoperRY in aoeordanee with the p::oediag paragraphs shall be applied fit'K <br />m Pay' the sew amt e:paasas of said sale, the eapetasea incurred by elm mestgsgee [ar the PurPou ~ pretesting a main' <br />raising said property, and reasonable attorneys'fees; secondiy,to pay the indebtedneeseecured hereby: and thirdly, <br />to pay any surpf+7is or Exi`?S to tS:z px~ or pGruts< 1_;,_!ly enti}led therHO, <br />5. to the eras sow prepmty a sold at a judicial foteelasare uk or pursrtaat to the paarer of sale hereiaabave <br />granted. sad" the proceeds ate out sa>tieient to pay rho total iadebtedras~ seeared 1e7 this iaa'.rumewt sad evidersoed by <br />aid Peantiasary note, ebe rpatt~Oe will be entitled to ~ de6eieacy judgJe~t for the emonnt of the ateFriarcy soithest <br />ra~wd to arPntiaa~at. <br />6. In the evens the owrigegor [ails uo pay any Federal, state, or local tan assessmen4 income tax or other ta: lien, <br />charge, Ise, or other expense charged against the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorised at hi,s option w pay <br />rho arena. Any atmm w paid 6Y the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part o[ she principal amount w[ the <br />®edebiodsaa avideacrd by ,aid ate, subject to thz earns term and casrditiorn. It the mortgagor shat! pay acid <br />discharge the wear evidenced lay said promiiwory note, and shalt pay such sums sad shall diaelsarge all taxes <br />ssd Roos sad flee ousts, teies, said expenses o[ making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, ihea this mortgage <br />ahrU bo saoodad and stuasesdsesed. <br />1, Tiro aoveaaata 6etsln tantaiead shalt bind asd the beaeiits and advantages shall iartre w the resPoctive etu- <br />aterara asd sselgoa a! tie Parties horetea fiver used, the singulu Hasher shall include the phtral, the pieta! the <br />aittgnlar, sad the use of any gesdr; shall iselsde :u <br />>k lYa wa:. ~- of say eova~naat hrrrsin or of the a67iaatim secured heresy shall at any time ehespafaer be held <br />is bs • waiver of the terser hereat or of the note sesused hereby. <br />4 Ia e~aaP#snoe with section 101,1 f d) of fire Rules and $e;ulstioas of the Seeall liwineas Adminis4yetioa [l~ <br />GF.R, 101.1#d) 1, this ~ u is tae sorotruad and enfotxd in aocordaose with applicable Federal law. <br />l~. A ~ daetsp order, or jwlgasent holding anY provision or portion o[ this instrument invalid or un- <br />~_slatili-awl in anY way isnPafr u peeelnde the eetaraerreat of the ramaiaipg pevririsss or postioos rt <br />,iw~lr+upout, , <br />epo ;ri~vi~ <br />rsa r..s. xr [Mal <br />