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~ ~, <br />~. _:~. <br />3 <br />T~tB twin tMr-- ltlth _ day of ~.r. ~Y~l?__...__.____.______. , 1S gla, by ~ betweatt '' <br />~ I3svc ,ive Thpsen+rit2 and_Edeltraud *,aria Thesettvitz; hushand and ta'ife each in hfa and ' <br />f : _ her nwt rm0i vht ;:r4c3 ac: snn~3~s* ~~f ~_S2~'h~'r _-- -- ;. <br />r.. _. ~~ . _~~_ . <br />ed -1#al.l. _.Coantq, fdabasNts, as mmtgag~pt_..5._.. and Graml Ia}and Ttuat Cotnpsnq of Graqd lalred, a ewrporstion j <br />E - ar~lad mad egg une3er the Lira of erit$ its prfetcipsl vffioe sad-Pf~e of -bns®sss at Grsad-Island.- ;7e~sslta, ss ~torEgagee; i <br />Tim said mm:tlpgar..~_ g. far and is aratiae erf thsaom of -- - _ - 1 <br />Ttrenty Three Thousand "six Hundred Thirty-Six dollars and- , ,4 t, <br />is f6araavptotr{ !ice assigns, <br />~, - _~ fatawer, afl tka Mf#awangdurrfbad reel carats. aitttated us the County of __...- __t~?? Z.._.,_.._~~_ _______ <br />R, _ sad 'm'iss of !+iOhtBaf:a. to-srft: <br />1~t ~?ne Hundred eighty-Threr_ (183} and Lt>t ire hundred t:i~hty-Four (184), Belmont <br />`r <br />E- Addition to *_he Ctty :~t ~`=rend Island, "al? ~"oun*_y, ~;ebraska. <br />`'r <br />-Tax w~ all hsstmg. su cgndgaonu,;, Itghtd7aC, amt piumbmg esgtapmmt antt fizturea, ir~eludmg xsBana. awnings. stetm windows and <br />dparx. aadw~dew ahsdae rsr ttlittds, treed oa ar in c x,nettim, wdh sad pronetty. whether she Eamr are noa 4~wted oa sakl ptopeity or hereafter <br />p thaecoa. <br />T[1 HAVE A@tD'1'O 41flLF TtfE SAME. toga6drr whit elf asd sieguly the taoemeats, heredNaatntts aced appurt~aaas tharettnW be- <br />> or io ael4wiaa sg~srtitisietg, latavrd, and warrant Che title to the sues. Said r s._.. hereby rmeseat __-_ with said <br />esarbgsdar that _--` ~he:u ___ _.-- ~.5~__ -. . at the dediveay itsreof, =tea kwful ar.aer .. ~f ttta p[amitba aboaa c~vayad sad desrsibed, <br />lady°-- ire ._tpresd eta geed asd iadisss+~k cetera zrf iah~re tharatn, free and ricer ++f ati eacnaibrarteea. and that _.~. ham wilt <br />relrreet cad dafsad the itlJiatbeeata Omar apimc the tialete sad demsttds of off pareses whomaoaver. <br />t'ttSiYl1)6D Af.WAY$: and this inwueuaeat to eaacvtad and de~iverad to scone the pryasent of the sum d _. <br />'~rrs~.'~"',._:._r.~-.~:.~.._~, - ~t~-~~~ :r~; .:3nd_-f#- ~yrlsb->s~_ ----i. <br />- -:'ieltitih6atMS& tbseltat, togatEwr ari;.h attrh charges sad sehanaes as may he due sad payabk to said ataytgogaa under the terms and eweditioae <br />9Y tlr~ p~ngporar3 mts of ear dots 1>aaneitls sad secwad tat+aby. esrcttied by sad mortgergor _ _ ~ to dsid tnivt~rAa~n. PaYebfe ss eapm~aed <br />selid ttgfM: ~ fe seegs ttp pa9arasaloe ol. aH the terms a~ ctxrdititxts coatssnee! therm. The t~ ai acid notes era heeby ircatporatatf <br />iry`'tilatt(stsou. <br />16 ~ Waglss~oasadagnamasx.of tLapatsma hataso thst. this afrall also aa[we any furors advrocas made w said ntoctgagor.~. <br />10' said tsantrt~ra, std asr sad aif iedaixedeaes ut sdditia+ to the amewat show stated wLith said eewrttptgoa. or any of them, may owe to <br />acid = hostnear cvitlnaeed. wheRttar fey etas, stook aocooat a othp9rtee. TWe awaygga shell remain w tvli force and effect betw~n <br />tlis pltiire hantfae emd-ifaeit ttaira. f ram, a;~reesare cad asst, until a8 awtunta se~veed t:ete+erdet, iaelttdmg future <br />eiraasr. sea ptdd in fitit witft interaer.. <br />'f'ha 6--- >>raby esaige _--.. to sate! ~ all cents sad int»raa arising at any cad aH Lianas ftem said peoperty sad <br />a~eitAaeies aa4d tx its aggast, at its optmn. upon defaeeit, to take clttcge a€ said propm'ty aml collect all rtffita and irtmme <br />t>laeelcads-aad-i#rtsmst~-fo t>Lggssamt a/ .- t~ta~ f. i ums,taata~aseaereaema;tapsita or°~ptovemept+ <br />.teilosatssidpallast3 ~tostrtshlttmsditi~. or to stirs cLlegas or paymmta provided ~ hetebt or m the acre ~'ahY scented. Tlms <br />:set tnai~mttem aheit>;st faxes ttW.B tree ttrtpaid tuiaztce of said twee ss fuilY paid. The taking of paaeaaiott herauader shaft in no numter <br />_ p:nrlw3:aer;naetd;ariA.aaartf~tn tfra.-ot-said soma b7r hxe~uaure m etfusw+ae. <br />T4a failsttcni tits to ewer esahr of ~ rigita Leraomier ~. say tyre simil sot )b coaetrtted as r waiver of i4 right to aaearr~ the <br />atges at ~' 3Yrfrariimre, asd to lariat sod sadaraa strict campliaae3e wink aH the term sad pmviaisne of acid cote sad of this atartgegn. <br />- [! aatid~lyywt crag emxet to La paid w said the aeries •aaettet +~ it hereunder, sad u~oder, the tmim sad pew isweta <br />ei slid aMS LasaY!!r sabered, iadildigg talus sri,tioow, sad say aatetriolts or reanrals t be aooerdsaoie with rho terms and ptuviaiana <br />tiiansd. aced iT eNd -s~.. dead ' wil6 sil thx praviaiena of amd crate sad ~ this mextgtyfe. tkpe chess prmaeu.ahalt ha void: <br />4f~tRa$Iafiell~mintl;9WillohsesttiiRfrt.aad laid taart6yal bsaatiuad to t7fs paraaaaaoa ~ ed of said praym6Y. rod mnq. K ire option, <br />dlgll~iii dwieef ss~ mreps~i l4 lsilMtldrne ngeaaas~tld sJsarairy is t» isteFY tfes sad paYahia-and may fa+mdoas }Adt aprt8ilta <br />ee sr~ sttfr atlrs ilgr~ 1421sM is pIYIMC ihl tjgpG, A~eatsroatrt rrsfssd• <br />"t'leitma~ys sill ba bi~ldil~ayaasfad e4a31 sas!a to tfw Laee~t ~ t!w 0cirs. asetattas. uora. aat~saawra aed asrigm ~ the <br />1 r~o~a its4llis Meta. <br />j ilM=. .. -- ~ S1f#l:~ia[1P. aawF---. r' _ . tss ,. `~e. futauat+e aai _. t 2te #: r:. - _. h:~ ._ ~ _ the dsy asd ;°sac foot atrov+r <br />, ~ ~ .. <br />;3afe .. ~_~~t t <br />I:d~lerettt3 ;~nria l"tz~!aenvfir ") <br />