<br />
<br />{4} Ta tsa the lean evidenced by the note solely for pucpaus authorized by the Government.
<br />(7} Ta pay when due all taxes, Bens, ' eats, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or messed
<br />against the property, secluding all cltargea~and assssmtents in connection with water, water rights, and water stodc_
<br />pertaining to as reasonably necessary co the use of slit real property described about, and all texts and asstssmeata levied
<br />upon this mortga$€ or the Wort or any ittdebtedness hereby stcured~ar agunst any legal holder hereof ar of the noes of of
<br />said itulrbtedsuss uetder the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to tore Government without demand reseipa evidettedag
<br />such paymtnts.
<br />{#~ Tss keep tkt _ ituured as-require~r by and undee insutanee galicies agptovtd 6y the Government and, at its
<br />ret{ueat, rv deli~r sue. p~icata to the G-cxernmtnt.
<br />(9) To rtairttain improvements in gird repast and make repairs re~uirtd by dte Grn-ttnment; optxara the prapessy in a
<br />gesssd ~rtd huabandmanlike manner; comply with such farm conservation practices and farm and home management plans as
<br />dtt Gasernmegt Pram ttme to tune may tescribt: and net to abandon the peaperty or cause of permit wane, lessetttng ar
<br />~spasment o~ails~ -"r. ~t or without the written consent of the Government, cut remove. or feast ate;
<br />tettber, gravel o• c rtiate~h ceps as may be necessary for ordinary damestit purposes.
<br />t10} To h, d regulations affecting the oraperty.
<br />(21} To pay or reimburse the Government Eor expenus restsonably necessary or incidental t.; ~e prottcdon of the tsen
<br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement of or the compliasxe with ehe provisions ltcreof and of the note and any ntpple-
<br />trtetttary agreement ~whrthtr before or afar default). including but nut limited to casts of cvidenct of tide xo and survey of
<br />dte property, casts of rtcorditsg this and other instruments, attnrntys` feu, trustees' Eets, court casts, and ezpensu of
<br />advertising, tilling. sad conveying the praptzry.
<br />' (121 ~:esfher the praperry nor any portion thereof or inxertat therein shall be icaaed, assigned, sol$, transferred, or
<br />sacurabe:ed, valtsetariiy or otherwise, without the wrttr~n canscnt of the Government. The Government shall halt the sole
<br />anti tzclus{ve ruts ;u mortRa{ter hrrtunrser, including lot net limited to the power to grant consents, partial teleup;
<br />su6ardinatians, and sacinfactian, and no insured holder sha11 have any right, title or interest in ar ur Litt lien as any benefies
<br />hereof.
<br />i 13f At all reasonable ihnts drt £;avttrsrse: t sad is agenxs may inspect ehe property to ascertain whether the covenants
<br />and agrttmrnts contained istrtin <x to env supplementary agreement err being pmrfarmed.
<br />3~; The Guvmrnmrtst may a; extend =~r -:tftt else maturity ot. and renew and reschtdtde the ppayments on, the debt
<br />cwidtnctd by the Ware csr any =ndrbtrdncss ro else Goverrvncre xcurrd by this instrument, (b;: reieax any party who is
<br />liable under the Wort or :or the debt fmrn i[abiiity to the C:orrrrmrnt, : c! release portions o4 the propem• and suhordinatt
<br />its Ilene. and !dt wam any ntFer :•7 :ts ri~,t, under then instrument. Anro' and all this can and wilt he done without affecting
<br />the Sire ~,s the priarits e>f thss sns=cumrnt .tr ;:urrowr:'s err env other party's liahllity to the Government for p>yment of the
<br />retest tit debt secured icy tlsu tnstrumrnt :anirss the i;overnmert says athcrwise in writing, HOkEVER, any forbearance by
<br />dre t;avtrnrtunt-+-lttthtr caner cn ~.aftrn-on rsrrcismr; any right car rrmedv under thu instrument. err otherwise >4fordtd by
<br />applicahir law, slssll strx lxr a ware r ,v' ,.€ prtcis:~u the exusac +rt any such right car remedy.
<br />!35`- ;{ aE env time it sha11 appear to tkt L;crvernment that Botrawer may be able tc oFcun a i.,an frnm a production
<br />crmdie asaociatian, a Federal lane! lank, or other responsible coupmrative or private credit sourer. at reax>nairle rates and treats
<br />for loans Car similar purpoxs an~° -+rrtarls .:1 rtmr. P,arxtnves wul. upon the t;overument`s rrrluest. >ppS*' *,:, and accept such
<br />lean in xuffscirnt amount to ~ay rhr rx;tc and any :adrtrudncss secured Srercbr and to fat 'err any +t ,, . nccusary [n br
<br />purchased in a eaaperativt lenzling attenty ir, c;,nnr.t:C;n with suds loan. '
<br />tt36 ltrEanlt :rrtrurda: shall ;nnststutr ..it=suit -,ndtr env tither real estate, ~.r vudtr an< t+e:sur.al r:,prrty or .ether.
<br />s~tsrity instrurnent held =;r sasu€t-d 1*r :Set t,nucrn;-nrr+t anti rxtcut[d :.fr assume:± c,v fiarra+.~er. ,.n.t ;.riauit ar=tier >r=y such
<br />oxhtc secut-ity itssttumrnt shall c gnat uu de'au.t irrrrumfet.
<br />r 3°t; SHtS3JLD CtEFAfSLT >r:rm cn else .ptrtormance ,r ,S ins a ~r ;[ -rs bli[z,ats n :. thu ante.-n at - ----rd hs this
<br />instrurmm~t, x should the aarnrs r:arnrd -s borrower t e ~,. i- e-,>€e.l an .,.c~*mprt nt. -~z e si+. >ny ,ne ~i the panics
<br />named as Botrawer be declurd : hanksupt, r » :.-saiven. r~r [nai.e ar. asssstsmrns t-, the ?renrfu :;f creditors. the i;ovrtrr
<br />tntrtt, as its uptian, with cx witSSwt nttice. may. 'a', d=tSarr *.ht rattle amcnae unpaid ender the note and am [ndtbtedness
<br />to the GQVrrrursen>_ hereby secured immedittr`s~~ due >nd payaatr. -i-- tar tar ar.rturt of F,x:rr~r,xer ;nc:sr :nd -yray rtasona6le
<br />expenses for repair ar maimenarsce :.>{ ,and take passtsssar::+[. ,pl~eratr ..r rent rite property. c..[pon application by it and
<br />patsduction of this ittstrsmtut, wttlsaut .xhs€ rvulencr .red ulihout rrtxuv .f hrxnng :>E sand :rppiicu[on, have a receiver
<br />tippoiettd fox Clem proptrry. with tF~ usual pewees c+f rttrivtrs sn kikr :.-ales. :'.: i~rreciosc tlsis instnsmtnt as pmcidmd hmrc{n
<br />~ by law, east (. t; enfatc~ say and al': a;thrr zrgkts a:n::r?:el~a pr.~v,•iKd *r*s:s_ ~-•€ l,m~ nressnt or future law.
<br />38; Tht pprr~tscc~~cds aE fartclusurt sell sisaii ht spplicd us ate toi[ovrtng ardor to the payment +,{: ai custs.rd zzpenses
<br />iacidtm to tnfaretng at compplying, with the provissons hereof, h; any prior lienx required by law or a competent coure to
<br />6e m paid, ;c} the debt tvisienced by des note and ail indtt,eedaess to the C,;uvtnrmrnt secured lsereby, dj inferior Bros
<br />of record reguirrd by law ar a competent court to hr sa paid, e) a the (savcrnmeet's option, any other indebtedness al
<br />Htusvwer nsvitta to rx insured by the Government, and ; 4` any baLncr to Borrower. At fortclosure or athcr sale of all or any
<br />put a# tl~ pprtoperty, the Government and i3 agents may aid attddrurchxse as a strassger and msy ply the Government's snare
<br />a{ the purt:hax ptxt by crn:iting such amoune an any atbts at Borrower owing ro of insured try the Govrmmmn€, in the
<br />orders prrau#ted above.
<br />(lt?} )rsatttswer agrtu that Elite Gorernmtnt will not lst bound by any present car furors Stott [aw, jai proy~ding for
<br />vaisLttsaa, a homesttad or extmQxion of ehe pragerry, h; prohibiting maintenance of an action for a deftcitncy
<br />t of~~>mur' the amauat thereof at the Eime wiehin wleith such action must be brought, ic; presexihing any other
<br />statute of lirntta<tions, {dj allowing say sight of redemption or posttssion Eallcsvring any fareelasure salt, or ?t,S fimititag the
<br />svatlitions sshich the Government may by regulation impose, inthtding the interest-eau it may charge, as a casdition of
<br />appso-irtg a transfer of the property to a new Aarrower. Borrower cxpressly waives the hetrefit of any such State laws.
<br />Harrower hereby rtlintluishes, waives, and canvtys all rigts ts, inchoate ar consummate, of descent, dower, and curtest'.
<br />
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