UfiAA.Fml~A Pasftfon S
<br />fattrt T+et3iA 42'1:1 #F1! ~ 1 "" ~} ~~ .~. ~.
<br />(>Ite.,,:i5.~4} REAL ES'CA"t`E ?4EC}RTGA£rE FOR NEBRASKA
<br />~ JN.tC?R'1',aAa6F s rte atui tnteiea•iato by ._...._...._:.._.s~tP_s.__.~. & _Elnor J...____._..._._...._
<br />- .»~---FAr+rs~a __„ltsi~e-furl:..:~-:~:__:....~...r_._~...,:._....w-. -
<br />rssidirg i:+ .~~5...:_..._:.._...,~_.,..___~__.._ ....._... Gowtty, Ne#srasbta, whcssa post afftce addrssa is
<br />__ __. _,;._._,i~;.:,....~.a..:a~`~eS?_,~~1~~....~7$~_~.$~~dit~-----------•~- . Nebr:eta ,.fi~$~~.:..... ,
<br />Mein z:t#ai ","
<br />k1 ~ iStttc is 't+ct~t$te~ to tbs Untt+td States of Atteetica. acting ehrauaEt the Fumen Hume Administration.
<br />~ tJtatdd Stotts #~g~tatiant of Ai¢icuhttrs; htrte#t+ called she "tovemment," as eridenced by one ar more promissory note(s)
<br />«x attptiag ~teeatettt(a}; berths caEed "note,,. srhub has b€tn esetuted #sy Borrower, is paysb#z to the order of the
<br />r, atatUtcs acceltsntfan of the street indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by
<br />iiastrttr: ~ ~ dew as foifdarr:
<br />_ .t Artttuai Rate Due Date o~Finai
<br />t;it#~~rFa2tftnt6-tt F'rrrc~{Amowm a jnreMtt lnstu8mercr
<br />~i I$1$T $'9$r~UO.OQi S$ I~x~k` 1 9r 2W1
<br />~ ~'s 1981 Sr500<00 12.25$ i3taI+ch 9. 2002
<br />(if eies nttaest rate g !r» thm _ _-.% fur fartn ownership or operating laani sj secured by this instrument, then the
<br />r~s stay ha c-h as prnvidrd in tht nots.j
<br />Ana the note evidtttcaa a #uan to $arrawer, an$ file Garecntnent, at snv time, may assign she rtou and insure the pay-
<br />taent thereof pursuant ttt the Caasaiidstod Farm sad Sfttral Ckwxtnpment Acz, <x Titfe Y of the Housing Act of 1949 nr any-
<br />ather statute adminfasred by tltt Farmers Hrnttt Adtttinistrauun.
<br />.!k»d ii is the putpcs~e and intent of this inururttsnt that. ,envng ,szhtr thins. at sll eimes when the nutr is held by the
<br />Gnvetninent, ter ttt thr surer e#tx Gc•+rtrnt'nent should aasigt+ this instrutncnz without tnsurancr n! rite Harr, this instrument
<br />shstl secure pagmartt of the Hatt: but wktrn tEm Hate is'.tatd by an insured Htstdcr, :his t,^,s:rutrrnt shall rat secure payment
<br />xhs ac*te ¢sr attar#t rte f#t,: debt ts.itltncta rherwby. bnt as zu the note arai such debt shah constittree an iademrtity mo<-tgage
<br />m srnue the Gartrrtmtnt against toss utrdar its itswramr €osttract by reason of any defaulr by Botrawxr;
<br />1~ Axni this inatruntartt also set.-ores the reca£rtur~ of say interest credit ar sutusidy which tnag k>c xrantcd to the Antrowar by
<br />ems. sri,."st aw,.cnt -~i,~a~+,. r~ Ts ;. -.~i ~' ~. $9:i-z.
<br />N[7'td, "f'#iEit,El~}RI;, in caasidt?ratic;n ctf ti,c toga{aj and ~s at a#2 eimra what she note is held t>y thr L:avernmtnt, ur in
<br />tl3€ txwtzt tits Goverttm+tnt shaulil asaigft retie itssvutnctst without iota€ance of the payment of the note. to sacutt pxtmtgt
<br />@avtwgttt of tbx nett astd any rerxearats sad erttsttsiona thereof and anv sgrestneats cvntslnxd therein, inrludittg aay provsaiDa
<br />het thr ~y~snt of art ittsurattce .x et3tcr t ,br st alt ti.;xs when the note a hxtd b3 at: ictsured haldxr, to ssrurx ptr-
<br />&attttattcc of Bnttawcr's agre+ttttent herein to ins#esnntfY ~ sore barmiest the C:ssveratnant aytainst iasx under its ittsuranrx
<br />costtxttct by teawa of arty dsfattti by f4ottawct, aad {c) in say cvaat and at alt tsnes to secure the prompt payment of all
<br />aditaatxs anti eapattdintats ntsuc .*y the Gcwtrnt~:ns, with iniettat. ss nertinafte`t descri6a~i, an.i ti:m periormattet of every
<br />ett~>t1t-f ate- agt~.est of Borrower s.?t~taiass{ hrsitt ur in any Pletncntary a~r ctmeat, $orrower dtx£ hsrsby grant,
<br />b~;gsitat cunt*ty sad-aat~u, whit getterai warsatsty, tsetse the Gavernt~nt tits follO+rxttgptop~ty sitaatea in the State of
<br />wbr>~ca,Ctntn {iea; ._.__t. _._,.2.:.~:''f- ~~ T_C:~Y~..~St_-t.~f._th~cse~~ .~:
<br />meter ~ ctf ~diCt3tatl 2S. ~ l~ Nar~ts. al.r , of the 6th P.M. actre
<br />~arg3l . ftt~ rAa. l~snt3 a~ t3~e B~ twzrl~ of
<br />~t+e €~ # 25 & st~xtixyg fly en 1.#3e Nr>xth lute of said Sir .128$,33 ft~
<br />to tl~ p4a~t of begix~iaq; the>ace tiefle^tinq left 90024'14" acxi nss-irg Southerly 560.69
<br />~. ~ t d~lecs:i~g rim 90x14' I#" aid naming wt~terly 12$8.33 ~. ; tt>iaace defleeking
<br />r 89~-35'45t" & zvsning 1~rtherly 660,.68 ft, to the P7Erx'th lure of said SE14tF tt~e
<br />~3n~ rises 90P24'1i" ~ naul,ing e1y cart the Ntsrth IiAe of sair3 SESt 128.33 feet
<br />~ ~ aE ~5ti?y9~' s~aitl erect t~taitsfaag 18.54 asses =or le+s
<br />FmtiA 429.1 Df$ f.Rty. 5-15-74;
<br />