8 I ~--- () t} 113 ~ MaR~AC~
<br />This Aortgage is entered into betwzen ~+ ~' ° at'><I I~. ~. ~r ~ ' ~---
<br />idife __ ~ __. . _ (hen "l'k±~t?) an•¢
<br />_' ~ ta'?t°"ia:aaiitt ~,~-: f~' f3f<~'El ~SI~3}. C~'st~ .T.S2d27df ...b~~~S? ~~,fa,:,.~'~
<br />is indebted to Mortgagee in the principd snm of $ ~.Q •QQQ. i3Q . ~ etidtaaae~hy 2detit~et'a ante
<br />dated- ?T=t'± ~ ~ ~g$~ (Irareia "Note") prosidin~ €ar pa}*merrts of p><inclpal astd Ittb~eat; antler.-tlie_-5>oe of ~e
<br />!~Z'C$t 1r 14$4. -
<br />tn6ebtedness; if sat aaoner paid, due amt payable on____
<br />Tosxcore the payment of the Nate, with interest as provided therein, fl7e paymenE of art other sutna,.xith interest„
<br />advaitc~at by 3iartgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, earl the perforrriartce of the c~!easataierd agtermxant><,of `
<br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and coov€y fo Mortgagee the [at3oiris~ derni)red
<br />poperty !coated in ~l~all _- County, Nebraska: -
<br />I,ot art (1Q) Le Heit3}ats Ebtrz'th Subdivisicgt, Hall Ctxmtyr reYsas)ea
<br />1'ogrther with sit bui}dings, imFravrmenL,. Crxtures, street.}, allrys, passageways, Easements, rights, ptiviteges and
<br />appurtenantxs kocated thereon or in snyw+u pertatnrng thereto, and the rants issues and profits, revet5iori5 aftd rernaitDiderS
<br />tbereaf; inctudin~, kut not timited ta, hPaung and rtxrhng equrpmPnt ar_d such personal property that is at4ehed to-the
<br />improvements so as to rsnstltute a (xture; alt of which, :nclvdmg reptac•Pments and additions thereto. is hereby dedar d
<br />to be a part of the rea! rsiste secured by the tarn of [has !FiongagP and alt of the toregaing tming referrercl to herein as the
<br />..~pt`rty,>
<br />?<fortgagar [urihtr conFanan is and agm~s, with lfangagtr, a+ toilatvs
<br />1. Payment. To pay the indehtedne: s and the rnterrst th+•n+tat a, pnivtdrd an this iltrrtgage and the Nate.
<br />2. Title. '•Mrtgagar is the owner trf the I'ropert) . na+ tkc• right and authunt~ to mortgage the Property, and
<br />warrants Chai the lien created hereby is a first and prior irea or. ihN iartapt•rtt-, except es may txhe: xise Ere set forth herein.
<br />'fi't T'he Prapert}• is subject to a MongagP wkerc~+n - . .. _ _- -- -_-._.- ~_
<br />~ the Mortgger, recorded at &wk __-.--- . i'agt' at LhP Hart-gage Itecards of --.--- _ County.
<br />Nebrsstta, which Mortgage is a Ezen prtw to the hen created hereby.
<br />titrr'F pFraF Ei£fl£ yr Pant: ~t'sn-a:iEY'~' ........ 2~..'r
<br />3- Taxes, its To pay aben due all taxes, special assessments atvd alt other charges afparuE the lropeKy
<br />and, upon written demand by Mortgagee. to add to the payments required under the hate secured hereby, wtdf atnotmt s
<br />may tite sufAcieat t+r enable the Mortgagee to pay such taxrc, assessments ar other charges as they 6eeume dar.
<br />- 4. It~uat3ce. Ta keep itte impmvements rises or hereafter latxted on [he real estate daecribed ttenif innutd
<br />a~tiasi damage by fire and such other hazards as Mortgagee may require, in amounts and with compfitriexataepaaYfe.to.i6er
<br />~, sad with tom payable to the lortgagee. In case of Fay under such policies the ~`P ataAaOaFaed to
<br />adjust. coFkct and eotnpromiee, in its discretion, alt t9aims thereunder at its sate option, atrthoetrtedEoettt~rtrp}lytlte:
<br />prorai~ds #rr the r~ of the Proprrty vF upon ttte i[tdebtedneas secured hereby: trot ~ai./tfilr_ _-
<br />tisane ustd the sYmi secatred hereby sae paint in full.
<br />5. $t Is'eettorr For Traces aed hasarance. ;LUtwiibstandanganything eorrtaiaed is 3 aatd {,Is+w~PEfo tM-
<br />c~trae), ai~.g~or rsrefl ply tee the biortgr at the brae of paying th8 ~fy i~a~s.`~:c+o:yi: az.:."..`..."..:, - ,
<br />~r-tt.e7ftlt of the yearly taxes, assesstmnts, haaard irtauranar pteariuara> sad. gtouod red6t (if retY l rates, atur'w t-
<br />pricufty irrer Iltts Mortgga, aN as reasonably estitnated from time to tlnre fry the ~dciet+e.'lTie tt#awtttam mid aMrtYtt
<br />tudd trI' the ~ xittrrntt interest and applied to tIre payment of the item in tgor,~ 4 whidt aiatitr rrsYeAa.a~e
<br />deposited. 'tRe want paid to ~ hrreuader ate pledged as ad~tkuta[ sir£ority ft>g tlir Ssdrbsem.a~ at:eits! ivf
<br />pay W ~ tht' praoua! 8f any deflciertcy betwerrll tfte a3€tiW~tl-~ituetiAUr~prr~,-Iptil~t~irpe _
<br />pert and ground reatc and the deposits fit tstitod~r sritbin I4 days a[tfic +gall is +r ~a»i afnrt~Pr rs~aaes~ _ .
<br />p>Eyrrtrat €2rrrrro#.
<br />g. tia~air, ]tenonee trod tlae, Ta promptly raps±:: re#rn+P car tr>'as3d any lrui#atingr er Haptu,raratanb noncan
<br />tax t~ fhcaperty; W aa@pp tlra ~y In good txnthtian anti rn~r. rritJrvttt wtiste,a f~a+r ftt'aet'
<br />athxr Ilrsas sat exprbx~y SWfrOrdlrt~#YtI ttr tfit Ilen-11er[tbf: not to rpa,]~r, s#ffer iK permit ariy 11i1t',iNOI tr3tl[~ty lrl!! tgil-
<br />h# car rr~ratr the r~sta at lAts iSvtprrty Icy- any art or aaarsalcrn us sat, and to ctrngrly with tIf ~ttc oE_ kM vriglr
<br />re~eKt to ti's ~y
<br />