<br />~ 1--(} 01131 MtQI~T~A~]~
<br />°:*r„~ t:':ri~-'~ ~ ; tom.... g?'.~ ....ag a;`........... man...........,
<br />Tit. ,R~. betwoett the Mortgseor, ......... ,f? c .rf. 3°,f~sscsF' .................... .
<br />. _ .. . . . .. . ... . .......... . ......... (herein Borrower"), and tt~ ~, .. , . ~:~ '~. -
<br />.. , .~A~i e ................................... .......... , 8 COTpO~tiDa oi~aniLOd, aA~
<br />tattler dtt dsws ~ ...................... Nebratslra.. _ , .. , , , ,,whose addre3s is.2TY1. N 39CtAb. g~H~e.--~"~t~
<br />,fir .t$raixl.ZsEa~s3,. I~azaB~. S~QI ................. . ............... (6er+an "I"),
<br />W~tr.Sas, Borrower is indebted to Leader in the prinoipal sum af..Tt~ty. Lrc .tbonsAUd .aad. ngl104.-
<br />.. ...........:.......................... TJollars, which indebtedness is evideaxd by BO[EOti1er'ti attRas
<br />dated, ..lrttrCh 9„ 1481.......... (herein '°Note"}, providing for mottthfy itffitatlmertta of principal. wad in~test
<br />with the baiaaee of the ~ if rnot socxter paid, dtrc and payabte oe.. AR~I . l.. Z0,1,] . ............ .
<br />To SseuaE to Leader fa} the repayment of the. indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with iatereat tltenean, the
<br />pa,~ment of aIt outer sue, with interest ther~tt, adv8nced in acctsrdance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />. wad the perlormssace of the covartsnts and agreements of Borrower herein contai~d, attd (b) the repaymeaR
<br />d say fttttate tutvarura, with it€tersst thereon, mite to Borrower by Leader pntsaant to paragraph 21 tirreo[ (barest
<br />"Parana Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender tt~ foIIowing desetr'bed p[aperty
<br />tot'atrd m the Cammty of ................... . ...... . ........ . . . ..... State of Netnaslra:
<br />Tfz= 6sssterly 43.8 fast of I,at Nine f9) in Block Ten (lf!}. in Gilbert's Second Addition
<br />to the pity of Grand Island, Hall touaty, Nebraska
<br />whites-has tha addeda c>f...... ,14Q6, Melt .13th...... Granid , islarui
<br />tst+..a tcYrr
<br />... ~~ ..... , . (hrttdn "Property Address"}
<br />ttisrle awltsceoal
<br />'1e+~89tt1tP.tt fail alt. the improvemenu nciw or hereafter crecicd an the. property, and aU easeatents, rights,
<br />lariat, reatX, rr,I~aft, trameral, oit and rights and protfts, water, water rights, and water attack, and afC
<br />tt~tiCfr.r ~ horc~ttar art m the property, alt of which, ittciuding replarU~tttenta and-ac{ditions thereto, shall be
<br />~ be tt a- part of the property coverrct by this A4ortgagL :and ati of €he foregoing, together with saw
<br />pry ('t$r Mate [# '4lortgpge is to a tea~ht~d}are he€ein referred to as the "Property,,.
<br />x csev that ~r is iavtfulty sailed of the estate her+day cuae~+~~d and has the right to nwrtgage,
<br />~~Y ~{Y> tit the Prc+pGrt} is unens{urst+ered, and that Horr€~Wer wifi wurant asc9 Mend
<br />gr eie tilt to the Y typsinst a!i gene ~ dematx setl~est to arty aieclarl:tiona, eas><rttcnta ar restrictions
<br />ti~t~d iri to tam ~d rw-~ptirrm to covetay~ io any tttk insaran~: ttrr#te~ irtst3ritia-i.etr.~r'~: intcnst in the f'tvpert,•.
<br />1'~IFB 1/ g f
<br />