<br />gi~~1 1 i ~~ rAV('O FINAN(•IAL SERVI(`kiS
<br />~„K..,.
<br />t;R\Nit)Rtti# °320^~~2 '1212 Sdef3t 2nd Street
<br />~~ Stud1 e?s=s. '?ichard .__.,.,.~,.,.'tadlev - - ;* nda~ Grand Islandr~l
<br />633~~r~s*_ MacArthur ,ward Island Tie 6F801 Ha7.1 Cour_t~ ,!~HA~SKA
<br />S --
<br />AGRt k.U RATi !H t`HARGF C)ti PRU511SSORT' VOTF tXE('97FD COhftIRRFNTLY NFREW'1TN: ?'%. per month en that part of the unpaid,_bahttee ofi_.-_
<br />rhr Amoum Ftnan:•ed nn: encoding Si,f#iiU. I+'i; [xr month on any part thereof rzceeding 51.000 but mtt rzcetdutg 55.600; It,'a~per month on thetaatamder-
<br />7_i
<br />"- ne,ri Tindn
<br />r~tls ut k tT of TRt sT. Nadt this __.~- day of arch _ 3a ~~ . bctmetn'tlchard_~a .--• 3 Stud~~,g
<br />txremafrrr railed TR l'5TOR, whose add re.x t F~-~_''_--cast :`3 - thtSr and ySiand, '_E,6~30^and C1ay I~ t2nge',^ta ~- ~,/~
<br />_ __ .___. htrcrnafter ufkd TR C~STI 1 ~hnsr addr s~ :s.^~~2n..'~EeIIG1=_~I•Si~.$_ _ ~~ ~ ~~ci~-
<br />and .4Y(y0 I-IhAht'tAi SkRTIt't5 i\TTRti4~i'tOh.4C. 14(~, a :iehraska a~r,rlruration, herernaCter called BENEF3CIARY, whole addtm h
<br />1~;? ~et?t ~nd ,t.,•eet r,..and Ss'artl, :2i<0,
<br />~.- _
<br />W9Ttit SSFT}t Fhar inna+r t;R 45 TS, i-nhYFTS. tit LLS ¢tiD K RRAtiTS TO TRCSTFt. Iti TRYST. u'IT}t fOWICR OF SALE, the following described
<br />,.,.,
<br />proprrn. s;tuatrd m__._ .."~_:. ._._ _ County, hthraska
<br />, ':tact of '..nd co!-prisi*:;- a ~•± of 'ot :?ee~s:ck's 5uhdicisi,on in the Sputheast ^uarter
<br />of Sectia;: ~,°+_een ;"-}. '"atr;.sh?r: w'evea ', ?:ortt:, =dope ',_ne {9} 'test of the 6th P.N., ixa
<br />..all Cour+.t:,-, '••"erns.a, r:cre ra-tzcu;~r ~esr-•ited as ?'(:Maws: ?~el•inninS at a point on th®
<br />SoutheasyQ°' o° =:tsri;r•i.';r -cey:>ie, ... ' he " of ,_•~tnd I l~.d, fall County, i~febraaka,
<br />said faint '-eir:t 'ee `?~'~ ree± :,o+.tte3 to _ - and ^_! tee t?~:dred Thirty-Nine (339)
<br />:'cet ~oath~arester_ -°ror.; `>;e 'icr`re•?e± .oz-r.e,'• o?" .~.~.;?•>„'r' ,;oche-ct:'s Subdivision; thence
<br />ot;theaste - :,tsra2'e' +c .t=; "'c ~.Aaster' _reccf ~~'d :_o` ~ distance of fine Hundred
<br />port cr:e „ix .. ~..~. ':".') °ee*: ner.ce ._o •..~~r?e4 er'_ ^rraLe) to the ?IOrthsrester2y line
<br />ei en :o+ ;s _strince ,_ -'+'+ ;_,. .. °'; ~ *. a::oo ''ort':wes*e-7.-, parallel to the North-
<br />easter,.. _r.e o` ~' ic` 3 ° f-r.'-: e _- , p - n.?_rar! ='ort'= tae a_ .t .,ix 'T'ee.±hs {14'1.6} Feet
<br />tc the '•.outs-easte.-~ _^e or "itc i';?^ ae:., *!:er,ce 'orth~aete^.•, rttrailel to the Northrtesterly
<br />_ine a; _.aa_,_ `r>t a ._stance _. ..- "~ eet tc `_*ts -ace of TMe~inn:np.
<br />ey30 ;-03i~ ;3.. °7~ ~t `-s':~`,-+~:U~ - ><.a• ~c.-r, -,}.,
<br />tearthrr u~uh ,f tut! Loge an,f .*nrn,vemrnts ro t at ter - - .:a. .,.i n ~~+snng.. ,hades. •.+, :sash and hhnds, and hexting, lighting.
<br />plumt+mg. gas. .:k.r e .-mrtlaung .r+ner,it arc end -. rirt++-. r ! ~rp:- r -~~ ~d ,• ~ r t .eon ~hrrru oh. dt .~_. ,µ nich. kfr the purpose of this (feed of
<br />trust, haA t,e deen'w.d lix ru rrs and urh~ t r:. !•c [nv: !-,err;,? ; n;e '>a centra; *nd .,ppu:;r^,xncr. pet tarmng ;,, r;~ prcy>zrty abate described. and at1
<br />,tents. lanes. alley r_ pasuge , u u_a_r r-h -CK.- ~-. ! , .,;tee ..,. .- rm[n h.:h=Hem. nr m am~wisc appertaining and the
<br />reserxtons and rrmamdrn. a':1 :.. ,rh,.'h :+;~+rrrrd •.. ircrcrna!rrr a.:trr --, r,r,r,
<br />h~ ,n
<br />T(l H41t A`:1) f(3 ttJ ~LGt rht sh„vr-.tcs.:ie,rd t~•emrr. +.+;h t _ -: -- .~-~.._- • -• ~sru i,,•r~~t!, t.: r,-;r. ac<sa~re and auigns. forever. ia+:
<br />nc~ purpose. _ •r j._.,•* r - n r :. i - t -: .+.:. 4ionn•s•red t <rmnr,en `I .tu. „t the SG-: c[ Nebraska
<br />uhxh nwy t 1~~P~ rt .h.ssid ~! „,+ 1,x. .,ar,tr :. , st, rc!cau end wanrr
<br />I mstevr ,.Ise, +s fo Ner,rtt~IBi ,. urs~ar:d :•::,s,:, .~ ~arJ ,: .- ;trine :. err; :, .<,hcat an.f uk: that wine, u-r[h ur u=ithuut taking
<br />~szra=n>n ,= eh< ~FJ rr - d .t+d - r - -- h 'cult suth„rums llerafta'iarr to toter upon mtd
<br />p:rmists and: - 12~ .., , ¢sr„ -- de }u.r-+ - . -, h; ...,fat red ors. her,-hr ukured by any lawful meant including
<br />appa~mtmrnt :,7 a tea-rterr m 'hr name .-, .r•t} parn hrr.~ ,r^, .i e:, :, .end asPe'nti•. .. -.prro trop and :otlecttzin. mrludmc reawnxbtn
<br />anornrs .frt.. alarm any urdttrtc,tnese +r*urrd h..o _ ,-.:. .,d,. :, Tr_u: .. .e., _.n. .,_-..s.n,
<br />tt1R THE Pt~RPi3St tit Sttl RIAr, , Pc r::==:n,a r:_:, -., - .. -. i,crra:. !7t Pop nxm .,t the pnncrpal aum unh
<br />snttiear, as pnv.Wrd rn a.otdanar u+a; :iu .. r,,. an:i :=~nr.~n. -.,,,"v~:.un~::s 4otc 4,:;ermanr thrremal let :efcrnd to us "prnmtru.r?.
<br />- I ~ eu tin <ti,-uted by iarstor and paa~ in the
<br />n.vtt"1 ttated~ :a eti.. .1 ~:.:~ _. t .: - - _ - _
<br />4rdtr .ti Uenehatar,. .n the ,,nn. yam. ,,.r:, :r 3 r - _. ,ad .~ t..r .n. ,,.e tt ,_ r .mat pay meat cue on~arch 1~1 „6~
<br />:n as ra;rndcJ, 3r:crrcd ~°•~r+,hn:utrd '•~. --~nvu s! .=r ~rhmu:.c- .?r Payment .,I any additional advances, wtdt tneerest
<br />thes,mrn, as uuy hereatrrr bt i<aaned - krnrn. wry in ,. _ -:. uen .un: ~:+ y'.[1nn,UU wrrhm #0 oars tram the date ±ht+ bred of
<br />Frost, i.f The pay inept •:! an; - , 'na; t.a - .. - .. .., r ss.:n o; +.~ ehtrd padres, with mares[ thennn, where the
<br />amoun tz us advanctd t. rt=recr rhr .c utter .. ,ar_:r ..h ,.a na., .. - ,; I~-rrl ,-. fru.r. (`v lny :rncua!. rritnana~m_e r,r estrnsion el ~ttd
<br />pmmtsvocy nett, or ant ==thrt age rnxn• ~:= pay whr.h ;•,.n .. ., h.urur,•d qu•.ei,.r
<br />All PaYtrants msc3s by i tint .n hr .ay>gsur,n k. - ± it f t'. shall tw Ppit i t - i _ er • „rare
<br />FIRST Fc~ rhr pay terror , t !sacs and a unto _ ,..,. rn_a...n.. _.rr.xa a_am ~ ve1,t -~.u,es, .nuus:r.c prrmmmr. rcpan+. ^n:f ail r,thcr charge
<br />next expenses _agtnd r.. is patd ha rhr l peeress
<br />SEC(7NU fe the lay nine ,=t meerc., due ~~n rard t= a_
<br />1'Fi1R~ 'Te qx Pas aunt •a prrna y+ai
<br />2iy PRt)Ttt`t iHt. SH i'Rill Nt Kttit, IRCSI VRr~: tUlt!r.iti1S 4NU 4C,Rk tS a keep card prcmtxs insured :,canal Isrss b} fees and ether
<br />tta[ards, caAUlh and canttr@¢rn. tee uP '•~ [he :ui} ,afar _: .ai nn(: r.,,rmrno ha •hr pn=a•~ison+o( Nenr6cwry m such manmr, in such amounts, and m such
<br />.:nnpansca a.s Brrxftawrv nu> r :rnx ~.. :;roc nt~Pr.,,c. and !.^. .,.. pr•.,. aYd: ;lea rs!xnsc• „t c.vlircttoni shah, at Brneftswry •s option, he apptm! nn Hid
<br />mdtbtralnrn, whrtttrr dear ... ., ., ,t.r r: t ,. ... !c rr--env .., lots f ruse„r wd( grvc rmmedtate non.r by mad to ehe Rtrtef'xiarr,
<br />o=ho mar matt Pn><,t ~,; i!nr dr~r„ n~dc ['v,nrpa,~a- wet nn::~, ,nc~_~a.h ,ev,m [*ao> =„n.rmrd rs htrcbr authonxrd and 4urcttd w mnkt par-meet tdr
<br />su.b Ions 3fm.tis nc~ T4rrcita~rarr mrtraJ .: .- •~ _~ t.= ~ .,!! rases arsd snecut a snntnts sr any kind i#wt hart 1Fearn .,r may Fx kvred or
<br />a>aeayed apnn said aprenttus. uW ::, deft- r ~.,3crrc=.-..a -:•a+its: ~ :tee Rrnrt [awry. '#r „ffi±~ul ra.espt ,how-tog psymrni .d ah such razes anJ
<br />axswsrtnts ,3t #n t.M_ rr ,< Maul! ^. t~av:,r -c:drr Ynr a:~:epne a+.,r r. henrbcwrr. its .,peen, Hwy tad phct and ktrp arch msurant aMarc
<br />prawi3ed form Cage rhn•uetr.w: ",r nit ~. ~: `he fared ~_~ ._ - rn.l vat nc~ =cs>„n, htc prrmwnu anJ chuges rhrrrfta:: Sbi pay ail said taxes and asressmr»ts
<br />ssaMm::lr4rineznnrg ear .s7sd.r :lrerr, rt. a:sd ? Par nerd .. :,, ..+.txi, - ea!! br derma:d -a par! r:t the nvdrhtrdneu sravred Sty Shts !acrd eat
<br />"rwt atgf Shall be vmmrdatdy doe dint parable he irust~rr~-. httkis~i tan• -1, t .~rp yep are huddings and edvrr rmprovemrnts nod r4tsung cr hrrraftet
<br />etrt+aed rn gs}1Rt rendrna,n ant? rcpau, n.,- .cnfnut ,~r wOrt an. w - - . ,ard premr~s a.,rtctan ra recirirtiona of record ar contraq to #aw. and
<br />ea permit 9enrfacrary r, enter at ail , was left trine. ,. 'tu• P -t*_Y ~ ova *--rurg rnr prrmrsez. n- t., ftma,re c,: der*:ohsh any Mrildm€ lherctim: tev ;ts aa•r
<br />WvnrPtlY and m a Rte deaf atrtmanl:kr manner am 'oaldmgs x-hu h~ a-. r~ 9imagc'tf ,r JeNrn rd iherevn. and ru twy, when due. all ctatms far Ial>nr
<br />pF.ta:t~ u.: ma:erts.'s rwa[rr' `hrrr-a, tar Thai -r sJ7 pa: +ra.m .y 'he mdebeednssi ~ [ r.errbr and {rrhw:n eA .athar r.tttigaltr n' an *uR
<br />;..rrapliatxe reirh the •crms .,- aa:d Promrsxen ti, t. end .h:.x Itrcd .!~ 1•u.; rhr Ifu; rhr itme :+t pay m. ne nt the mdrbrnclnrs-s is<nby .r<urrd ,. a~ any
<br />prxtnur therrrrt. tray tae rx trncird •+r rrtrex~ed. ar.d :ant t'r,r •;:.n. :,l rmnes ha-tern dcu rtbrd may, u-frho+:1 no[*. t, hr rrteaxd [re,m the hen hcrea+f,
<br />,attltauat rsdrea err atia~itrtg !ha perscasai taahiln} a,t and ptr F.,n „r •:+hr P :*I !hcs !?led :.r f oast. , f?wt hr d„es hereby farcver u~arrani a:v7 uiil
<br />'-art'rtr de#end the Sella tnd pxn~r~ataa+t elrtreof agatasE rive iaa(W .!arm.:+r nine sad~aii perwans wtmtsuerer-
<br />17 ~ Mts"ElALY.Y AtiR4ED THAT:
<br />?f! mss! Ire4iz:< [aJ re Haas ataS pav:.atnt •,e der any ~- as hereto pr=eve=led, „r d any a; Stan, =,r t'te~rrdmg to r,ar:t menacJ xhkh marrtiaity aiteeta
<br />YeARiis~ty's maeits: m ebr i4cmues_ rlxn $rttxfa~emv =,r Inrrtee, hue unhow ::Nte -i ~? .= clo v and uttfhi>ut nntu• to .+r demand upran l'rvstex, nett!
<br />if{tRri~B gC7rsr3n(. Ttraartxr tram any c,bttpm?n hr:ts:ndrr, .m . make ,.r ;1., the sarrtc- and ,^:a} pa}, purr hass.=, .=*ntr.+ „ .amprotmse anj rnrumtaane:e, r#:argt
<br />:a tiKn. -h nt ohs iu~tmrnt of rHhee a ors r<. ~f1ta onf 1'r,:pen} and m ttirreis+rrn m~ sue h !wales mar a yr IeaCChrv and repsn t uturevcr dine*4nie in
<br />t&a atx:stissse dtu~trexxt crt hsarfitraag car Trazrer rather mat drEgt ;kcraar} <irrreltn AlI win: s„ m. urnsv! .. riperrdrd by H<nrtr,.ucy ~:r 1 rustCe .halt tr•
<br />w[3tna:tt ¢em~# ttnetediaisTq dot and ;ray stet Sty f. :„ .. shad br r rn+a•res. .,e *r~gttr.+ r.. r.• #4:, -. _ . r tax. end *hal: hr rrcurs+f hr-:chv
<br />[;! ~trr>d ±ac Frssnracz r,r any t~r4 tttsrcn€ :ws tai~r Cy- reawn .•: ans .ondcmrura.n fr:q rc,3rnc. Nenetr. ran .r>ati Nc•.nnriref r. .afi rcmlpnr.~atran. awarria
<br />a:aJ ,rvtet t+aYS~srt2x =-Fr..nrP.u- aeW t:r e~stt ens za:nr =,.; ttrt tndrhrednex rec ,c ~ nsn-tri
<br />?A} a7 aa.~tyt nga K*ayman+.N atx, am na<tm ze4nrr,d of fee <-s dud dasc. - xt Fe; .tzc a:z .r, .: - _ ,. .,. . .,_ -- cell, ifertcl=e +_,:, ahaii
<br />wwss sea sy]9a e,, xegw» F'rrrogtr± +.arn+en, when Jae ax a8 oeh.r prin. r+ ae. ured . - ar. . art a.r:... -a+i,,. , !n,n ,i a -hi atals,
<br />aid: e*a~tt rt.rrrs--+ rkfar}; <nd ::d <3t~a txnv tar «;##, t,• ,. :+nt>aid r.a#an=..; ,-i td ,;ah-# rdn r.c is t7cr., ,. - ,n. ,-,ir-*,. *ai ,.• r , .r.: r:., ,,:
<br />ve<u-e-,.t,rv .mar ..,.,w,,.. r..,r a1r !SSr r.-f a .. -n set... k,e.,. -. ... •- .:,., u, , ..,.. ,. ... _.,,, _, ,.,:ear
<br />as sa tY iarav a aa, ..~ ra,rrar. t, .sae.. ttxww ter
<br />