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8I~ ---~~(i .I ~ 1 ~ <br />RELEASE ~~ ~3R7°GkGE <br />In ~tsidesatioa ~ hdl payment and rnmpliance with the cxmditions of a mortgage <br />made by Paul fi. Lowell and i)S.azte L. L~11, each in his and her unit right and <br />as spauee of each other, <br />to 'FfiE EQLtTfA$LE LiLfILDINC AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND. NE$RASKA, on -the <br />foilara~ing desrn"bek2 prt:perty, to-wik: <br />LflR' 2~S+I t lo} , ~t sI~ 2wII.vE t Ia) , art ~i'trAl <br />Imo, xrr A1~TI`t~crl 7C3 'IHE CITY aF c3tAND =sLArro, <br />rlt~. <br />which .~ mortgage bears data SegtHnher I4, 1977 ,and <br />;~ recorded as Doctnnent Imo. 77-005454 <br />of rite re~corda of Hall County, tiebraslca, said Associakion hereby neknovkdges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />same. <br />In ~ttness whereof the said TIIE EQL'ITAHLE RL'ILDI'.tiG .AND LOA\ ASSOCUTION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE$R,ASliA, has cttused this instrumenk to be signed by itt Presidont and attested by its <br />Saksctary this 2ttd dgy of ~ !Hatch A.D., 19 gi. <br />- - ~ ~ 01/t~lf~ ittf~ dQil1 a#OCiOfbiA Lt>F Cirfittf~ i~itld, a~Ca <br />r <br />. . _ _ - ~. ~ Presidenk R. E. Ki2)tt~Il <br />. ////; '' 1 <br />' Se+xetaty ///L/~J/.2mtes W. Olsat <br />- SfA7E OF NEBRASKA <br />C13iFA1TY OF HA1.1. ss. <br />On this 2t~ day crf i'9aICIt A.D., 19 81 . before me, a tiotary Public <br />daly c~ntm saki gttatified far and residiag in said cartntY. P~~~IIY cane R. E. Rlrtteart aaxi <br />J ~I. (?lit57et <br />- E6 ~ to be fire idrstk3rat puts wb;<se names ate affixed to the above release as Presiden4 oral Sexxetaty <br />s$ iei#l and the inskrmraent to be their voluntary act atui deed amI the voluntary <br />set and dead ~ the sai:i TtIE EtjL?ITA$LE 817ILDL~IG A.'dD LOAI3 ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />i~+-. <br />Vt~osees my htmki sad awttuial sail fire '+lay and yesrr. above written. <br />~ioft4[y Pubifa <br />