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s <br />~1--uc~z?o~ <br />9~A-MEAL E6TATte M~tETCiAtdE-(WiM Tarc Ctat~oy Rev. 78 <br />Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461 <br />KNflW ALL 1kiE1V $1f THESE PRESENTS: That WAYNE D. STOLTENBERG and MARY V. STOLTENBERG, <br />Husband sad Wife <br />ai flail Cotntty, and State at Nebraska . itt conaideratiws oP she sttm of <br />Old ii11A1DkED FOURTY-TWO AND NO/100THS (5142,000.00)--------------------°- DOLLARS <br />ixt hard paid; do hereby ALL send CONVlE1f smto WTLLIAPl GOEHRZNG <br />at Hall Courtly, State of Nebraska the following described premises aR4mted <br />is frail G~sy, ass S;:.a of Nebraska . to-wit: <br />The Nozth One-half (Pt's) of tke Southwest darter (SGP`~}, <br />Section Twentp-seven (27), Township Twelve (12), North, <br />Range Ten (i0) West of the 6th P.M. , Haii Cotmty, Nebraska. <br />This loan will not be prepaid unless agreed by both the mortgagor and the mortgagee, <br />hoarever; the mortgagor reserves the right to prepay the unpaid principal balance after <br />five (5) years, The payments each year will be paid to the mortgagee at his place of <br />residence or anp otts=r place so 3esi~~[sataced by the mortgaggee. <br />The iatentioa being to convey heeeby art absolute ti£te in fee stmp{e, saduding sIl the rights o[ homestead a~ dower. <br />'TO HAVE AND Tt) HALD the premises above described, with all the appartetrancee theronnto belonging, unto the said <br />mortgagee(s) sad W his, her or their hems and amigms forever, Provided always and these Presersh are upon the ezprea <br />ewtditioa that it the said saorigagor(a}, his, her ar their heirs, exatvtora adminiatraiaro ar asigrn abaB pay or cause to be <br />paid to the said mongagee(s}, bin, her ar tfseir heirs, executors, adminiatrutan or assign, the priruipai sum ~ i 142, 000.00 <br />payah~aatoliows,tawit: as per belay amortization. $142,OOD.00 <br />March 1, 1982 $ 19,823.10 $ 12,710.00 $ 7,043.20 $134,45b.80 <br />March 1, 1983 19,823.20 22,146.11 7,577.09 127,279.71 <br />March 1, 2984 19,823.20 1I, 455.17 8,368.03 118,921.68 <br />March I, 1485 19.823.20 20,702.05 9,122.15 109,790.53 <br />March I, 1986 29,823.20 9,881.15 9,942.05 99,848.48 <br />Much 1, 1987 14,823.20 8, 986.3b 10,836.84 89,011.64 <br />March 1, 1988 19,823.20 8,011.05 21, 812. I5 77,199.49 <br />March 1, 1989 84,147.44 6,947.95 17,199.49 .00 <br />YEAR PAYMENT INTEREST PRINCIPAL BALANCE <br />with iaterext accesdiaa to the 4ezwr sad slices of the taortrasors written pxoatiaary sole bearing even date with these presents <br />snsd shill pay alt taxes ash aseassae~tts levied upon sad r~l estate, sad a1f other taxes, levies and aesesamrnta levied upon this <br />ffiostgaps of the rmta'x~tdt$s this asenaage is glues to scales, befaro the +ensrse becomes delinquent, and keep the 6ttitdings on <br />said premixs iaatrsd for the amen of E N/A Iasa, if any. pays#~e to the said morfgsgee, then these presents <br />00 ~ void, otbenviae to t+e std remain in full leers. <br />i'I' IS FURTHER AGREED 1t1 `That if the said mortgagor atoll fait to pay such taxes or pmruro such inwreare, the <br />sand mortgagee may p.y such taus soil procuro rusts iawtaaCe; and the sum se tsivanrsd, with interest at nice (9) per '',. <br />omlR shall 6e repesd by said mortatagor, and then reengage shaft stead ss sentrity (or the came. (2} That a taitnre to pay aqy <br />~ s trussiry, aitl~r priltrit~{ ar istet~. sstrea the sarcx h€~oraes due. ar s taituro W empty wiUt say of the foregoing '~ <br />sgtesatenis, s9a11 lanes the whole cum of mentey teases sawrod to become due aed eollectitste at once ak t}w option of the <br />tttorl~Se. <br />Siuaed this 5th dry of March .19$1 <br />is presdttx ~ ::tY„ ~?s~.~..~5 ~~~~~5 ,_.~...,,..._.._.__.. i <br />~. I f ~ W~~- sTOyT~s <br />.. f`~~!~ 0....11,. ~'!~-~~` ~_._.... _ ~~,(V~L~Cs1`'C. ~ <br />3~'AT~ OF .. , , A~hratks .. . . ...........County of .... hall .. , ................ <br />Tlta fttet~aislg irtsteuntent was acknowledged befw.e less .. . ............ March .?r............1S ~1 .. <br />bir . ~~~..R. , S~?~TR~..and MARY V. STQLTENBERG, Husband sad Wife <br />0~11~UlC toe of Person Taking Aeltnowgmeitt. , . , . . <br />taass- ~ ass i4 t ., ~ '~ <br />Tz <br />!R'A,'3'1B a!G',.,..__,_...... _._e_.._...,...,,...„...__._.....~_.,...., j Ziatasrad sm rlumesira! irdsu sad !#ud for r+e~ <br />.,-~.__....._..._..._ ................................. ~.._._ ~'~ is-the +~ t7aa~ c~eaa acid C.ewtncr lets <br />....:..,..,,.v.._..,~r ~..._._.~_.._.__,...__._..,__._..,__. kft=~........,, aR....., aad._.._...,....._..... _.aunataa I1ci., <br />aril a~aasaaiai b ~._..._..... ,._.,.~.:.~....~._.,_~..._....__,_.._.........._._, paas,,.._..__ ............._.._....._.,..__ , . <br />..,..._.,_..._ .._.Reg. at Dead. <br />_ ,.... _ _.. _....~ .............. mat: <br />F <br />