<br />Said ;tpay cote was givt+a to secure a loan in which the Smait tlusitress Administration, an agency of the
<br />Unitat. Stataa of Ataettiea, Les paetiripated. In compliance with section 101.1(d) cf the Rules and Regulations of
<br />the Stadt Retsiaees Adntiaiscuion {t3 C.F.R. 10i.1(di ], thta instrument is to be construed and enforced in a~cord-
<br />aa+se ts~stmsitie Fet~at lttar,
<br />L 'The toa+coaats and ~E4ees as foltotvsi
<br />a He wilt ptompt~r pag elm indettmdaees evideaced by mid promiaeory note at the tittles ttad in the
<br />tttsstmet• tJs pseritinrl.,
<br />6. He rill pay alt taxes, attteramenu, water ntu. and other governmental or tnt:nlt-ipal chatget, fittm, or
<br />impeti[3asta.9la which ptmvisie~n has not bttea made hettinbeftrre, aad wiil promptly deliver the official receipts
<br />etiaetot to the said m~tgagwa.
<br />F l~s -~ ~ pap e:poeaes sad fees a. may be inenr•reed in the protection and maiMettanee of acid
<br />pzrpeets•, ittacladrrg the flees of say atteraey employed by the tttartgagee for the rnlketion of say or alt of
<br />t~ i~ hereby seeared, or forecirisrtre by mortgapree'e sale, or rnurt proceedings, or in any other
<br />Ntigtttioa or proeeediryt at£¢eltit¢ said property, Attorneys' fees ressm•+aF,ly incurred #n any other way shall he
<br />paid by the mortRattor.
<br />d. For Letter security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the rrquret of the mortgagee, its
<br />sttectssors or assigns. hr chaff rzecute and deliver a supplemental mortttage or mortgages covering any
<br />addKioas, improvements.. or hrtternrents made to the property itrrrinabove dr±cribed and all properh
<br />acquired by it after the date hereof .all in form satisfactory to n+artgat:re ~ . F'urthrrn+are. -hould martgagur
<br />fart to Curt any rkfault in the payment of a prior ur inferior rncumbrauce nn the property described by
<br />this ittatruateot, tnorlgagor }tereby agmes to }xrntit mortgagee to cure such default. but rnort};ager is not
<br />trbligatrd to da sa: and such adyanres shall bernene part ~F the indehtr+lne,s ,e+•++rrr{ Fry thif instnrment,
<br />subject to the same terms and conditions.
<br />e. T1xe »}thts Brea#ed by this conveyance shall remain i+t Full four and et[ect durinK out postpunrutrnt
<br />or extenaiou of the time of the payment of thesndrbtedness evidenced he -aid promissory note ur an} part
<br />thereof secured hereby.
<br />[...tie will coaeinuanaly msiatain haaard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the
<br />mori}tatpee Wray from tints to time rrqutre on the i+npravements noev or hrrraRrr on ~airl 1+roprrty, ar
<br />wilt pay prnatpdy when due any premiums thetrfar. All insurance s:+all be carried #n companies acceptable
<br />to tactrtga}tec sad the policies and renewals thereoF shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br />lase payable clattrtt ate. fagot t2f atad is fart~r atrrptaLk to the mon~agre. fn even! of taaz, mortgagor will give
<br />imtaediate notice is w»tittg to martgagtx, sad tortgagee may make proof of lass if not made promptly by
<br />raorigagor, alai Back it~nraasx company coacertud is hereby authorised and dtteeted to make payment for such
<br />lac dirtctfy to mortgagee instead- of to morlga}}or and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance pt•oceeds, or any
<br />past tLvreof, racy Le applied by mostgsgios ai its option either to the t-eductitut of the indebtedness hereby
<br />seeurs*i or to the restoration or repair of the proptrtr damaged or destroyed. In evens of fareelosure of this
<br />mortgage, or other tttattsfer of title to said propnrtg in estinguashment of ihe.ittdebtedttess secured hereby, all
<br />ri~t, tstk, attd its~r~ of tLg mortgs9ar ib asd to any insurance polirles dten ia. force shall pass to the
<br />purehaaer uc mortgagee. oc, at the option of the mortgagee. Wray ltr surrrttdrrr+E for a refund.
<br />g, Ere wall -keep ail bui&ihaa}ta and otter Ftitprocements an said },roperty in- }laud repair and condition:
<br />will`perrait, ttts_ ~ ar setter rto waste, impairment, deterioration of said pro}rerty or any part thereof:
<br />in tho;eveat of failure of the ntortga¢ar to keep the buiidintgs an said prernises~ and those erected on said
<br />prices, oc imptovement» thereon, in goon repair, flee rnur[gsger utay tuake snclt irpairs as in its discretion
<br />it reaty deem tt+atea»arv far the proper preservation thereof, .and the full amunnt of each and every- such
<br />}taytuent shall Le immediately +lue utd payable: and shall Le securr.l by the 1#en of this oeortgage.
<br />6. $fe will +mt valuntariip create ar permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage any
<br />liar or lieaeitafesior eratapcrior to the Nett od this mortgage without the written cotesent of the mortgagee; and
<br />' ~ ftirthes; thnt hr will steep end maintain the Dante Free feats the c#aim of all perarns supplying lobar or
<br />titian:r`tttia#taccottrdt~tetiott of seer atrtl aflbuitdiaa ar improveaetrnts now heiug erected nr to he erected nu
<br />`; „ '` 'said .
<br />i. He will trot teat ut assi}pt ans. part of for rent of jai+l martgagrd ptoprrty or drmolieh, nt rrmut•e,
<br />nr ,rubstantialty alter any huildin}t without the writfrn consent of the mortgagee.
<br />J All awards id' tlaeaaXca in coanaetiun with any coudenmatioa for: public use of ur injure to an} of ilrr
<br />property subject to this rartgage are hereby aasignetl end shall be paid to mortgatee: whainay apply-lLe
<br />wnr to }rarenrnt of the installments last due under said note, and mortgagee is hereby uuihoriaed, in the
<br />tutwa +tftn~• twortg;`irir, to etterute and' dstiiver rand aequittattret thrreaf and to ap}real front-any such award.
<br />lt+: 13.t€.~w~ritta}tsr ^} 9tav~s tht ri}tltt totrtepnei the nHtrtttaa}eed prmrtisr,. at any rrasottaLFr time.
<br />" "lE` in aay of tree rwvetianOS of eroeeditietts of thin'iiietrmwtmt or of rite note or Faart at}reemeat secured
<br />slsallrerm't~ts+tlmtnn=t,;arssr'a ri,~lst to psioa, use aitd enjoyment of tha property, at the option of the
<br />~ or has atettl ill heing sgrard that the t+sartgs}ittn wltalt Laze such riRL6 until default}. Upon aay autdt
<br />dettttts~, ebe rtst}t+r rdta# brcontc flee nwnrlr +iT all of the teats sell pea&ts arreruiag after default as seeatrity
<br />Et}Ir iatda3tadYaeaet-"~ ~: frith t-e}sb#te etgae to propxsty,for-t$e purptaae of rollartlag aaeh
<br />rrart#s astd ~ '1'1t~ itsttt aLa1L cgrratr ss m ~# aaq rtmtals ~ said. preprrty ta, that eztaatt.
<br />kaA .,'s,3 r+Ma ti~ptt #$.T 3i
<br />