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<br />t sl;etl:-A--BECOPtD REAL 687ATE W90RTCiAOiC-Taz Clause iRevised 7982) '[>te HxHwn Ca,K+! surPtY Ha~.e, i.tneWa• N"b* -
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<br />1~ ~[IC3 C'Pl.f~@ r 7 lA Hl8 anti I~er otvrl right and aS Sp~13E Of t?aC~i othSr
<br />~ - Chunky and State of ~~~ . in cottaideration of the sum of
<br />E31iE ~ ~?~ bt~APS AI+~1 76/100 (55,016.761 DOLLARS
<br />. de It~..r~Y $E~ s=d C(3NtrEY tintr, JC1~I 3. Ma(;P3WAN and p0Li1RIS N. PtICC3d~N, Iit]SbaTf$
<br />~ti R'ife
<br />. (mottgagee),
<br />aE 13811 County, and €3tate of NEbZ`a.SlCa ,the following described premises
<br />srtnnted m 3'1a11 County, affil Skate o[ Nk~I'aSka to-wit:
<br />Part of FY"SCtI.0I181 Lt1ts C3'~ {1) artd Tsto {21, and all of Fractional ports Three {31, in
<br />F~actics~ai R2cick flrte Fred Fifty (1;01, in U.P.R. R. Second Fdda.ticxt m the City of
<br />t~3nd Island. Aa11 Ccxmty, I3ebraska
<br />The intention being to convey Men~y an akstclute ttttr eo tvR xtmptr~ trsr)udtita all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO If(yLD the bremaaes aix.vo d<~rrrix•ct, with art ttre appurtettancen thercvntu belonging unto the said
<br />mort8agee ur trwrtgagees and to his. tier nr their hears arzt 7satt.-na. t.-sn+t~er, provxied always, and these Presents are upon the
<br />express ooarlition that if the acrid txx`ittgaa.or to tix,rrtxar<~r~, his. tser r,r tha;r h trs, esmztztrx. admtaistratora or aastgrts shidl Pay
<br />or tmttar to be pa6d to the said tttortgagee nr rrwrigxtger` asxl u, €7ffi. twt +>r their het is. extr7ttora, administrators or assigtts, the
<br />sum of FIVE Ti3QkSAND SI7tT1~I 1)E7iSARS APID 76JI.00 t$5, 016.?6} Dttilam, payable as fisllowa, tawit:
<br />$1(#t3,pg ~c3€ and Eweiy month beaintvs7q Aazil 1, 2.981 a*ic2 .'.or a tx±riod of 60 bnnthf;
<br />after 7mta.1 xraid in fta.I1.
<br />wit#t intxersst therecxt at 11 per cent per annum. payatde 59CYit}iLf t~'. asrvrdinx to the tenor araf ef[ecf of the
<br />- promissory ratio with interext crnltxmn aita;;h.•tt ..f yaxl '~4urtgagvm. br,anreg even date wlflt these preaenta, and
<br />_ elsall pay al! Saws, and any intereaf nn. of matunnu inxta3i-nr rti =:t yrriur.~:al. rtuc <m nay prier atmrtBage and a®ea4naata
<br />tcvsec# upon acid rraT estate arxi :stl Ether trne~a. -- _~ arxd ub-.: e: meats I~re3d nttrn the >~rtltaBe cu ttu note which fhia
<br />arortgage is given to sev:sire, beFnre liar satn=.~ M-9Kne+, tieliruiu«•at anr! lerp the hutldinga~ rm nod presoiees itzatted for the sum
<br />j 36r ~1=~ ,foss, if anY..>4syabte to Tacit Hr~t na;rttt agr~ c+r this trwstgaatee, nr both. than thirds preaeats be void,
<br />- atteerwiee to be and retttain W full ford.
<br />IT I3 FLtRTIIEIi Af=ItEED tit That if the said tiwrttragor shal€ fat€ to pay eu<•3t toes and sntch interda oa, or ataturing
<br />inWllatants of priritapal, due on any fxiur trwrtgage sad procu re ,etch iruat€ance. then this tixrrtgsgee may pay such taxes at7d
<br />~? ast+drr interest tm, or toaturikY instaF#ments ed prsnetpsd. due cwt sorb prior axrr4tage sad pmeure etec~it insurance: and the sum
<br />as advarx~tvl with itttrrssf at tti~ per crest shall lie paid. ksY sand =tturEgegx. ssef the tnoe atm{# stand ffi se+xtritY for the
<br />nsas. (2l That a faflarc W pay any cf said zzrortey, either pride.,-a€ cur fitterert on thin or aarY outer prier tmrrtgage, when rite
<br />ss~e bscsstira due of a failure to autipiy with any' of rise fareguitig agreements, sisal! cause the whtde sum o! money herein
<br />_ Wired.. W hem dire and cr+#let'tihle at once at thr exptiaxi of the aurrtgtr6ee.
<br />IT IS F'ItRTftI3R AGRBED That said mortgagee. periling foreeloztere of this mortgrrAe and after decree etsd peadiog
<br />~itY theirm»n or a therefrom and bending safe of pretnisrs mort8a8ed, it+ay pay mic}t taxes affil raeittring iritareat or matur-
<br />~{ ~ mstailmenta jgsiacipa€. rKt prior irusrtgagea, pt+x<irc such ussuramre and such sums shall be added to tirc amnant due on
<br />dstgee sad apse exiaflrinaiian of sale h}^ the mart ordered takes out of pzoraeda of sale: or if reaieemed during stay; appeal
<br />it itr astla. such amounts shall be col€ected the awns ax thaugh it were a part oI curb decree.
<br />~~ Signed this ~„ day of ~;1~,,{ , Iss}'J .
<br />pteeaert~ ~ ~ ~~<='...~G
<br />..,...... _ ~a~ ~~.._ _ _ . .. .. __ .................
<br />Pe~s~9iE7E1HRl L ogres L. bdfe7.ars
<br />`~~~- Q.s}~y~.... yes-~j~-,~~t~~,
<br />°:~ i!-4AY4 ~''._..r~.vrsosa ..... .............:.... C'.rn1ntY af. ~._....
<br />j~-~ ,. ~ ins.'s rmtary-psthtic ~ita€s6ed far said ~untY, persorra€lY came ~`3'at3t:3.8 J. ti$S2Zai1 c'1I~ Jfl~rf:t?- I: -
<br />`~ ilr~a;a~cld atad '+~i>re
<br />a 1 fg als2 t~ 8a ilia idetstl~rel perstnr vx persons wfur sigtted tltu foregoing inatrumeu
<br />-. [fsars4t tip be hi'e; her oa liteir vaduaLaFY act am! deed. ~~ ~~'" "~""°"
<br />R s~ , Y ~t't ~:
<br />~ittiatt mY ltaard And tintatial seatl, oa, ..._:~~...~ . .. .............. ._.._..... ..... t9.8 ~x,'..s`>i,;,yrc 5~. •..vr:r Es a 73.,;aa
<br />~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ _- -.-_.....__.-, fp._$.,~._ ~ ~~_ _... Notary PttWic.
<br />E':,i,.;s ._ _... ~ Enisasd un numsritrrl Itzlsrs and fitsd for rartwd
<br />~" in the Itagtiatar of Deedr i?HSos of said (.,Dusty the
<br />4' ._.r,.a~ sL. _.._-.......<..... _ .... Itk,..._..., at_, - ........ . ........ o'clud mid.. - _. _-.mittutas . .--...._.._-.M.,
<br />a .,
<br />1 ~ a~ ~.~ P.eeft_,...._.... _..... ..._.....~.._...._...,. _._.._.__...# pale.... _... _..
<br />~.. .., _.. -. .. .,. .. .._ Res, td [kisdtr
<br />I9Y .., ..- . .._. .. ..... .... ..DegxttY
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