<br />
<br />CTtirrottas Csvaar,vsrrs. &rrrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />L of 1!r! titttti iadattaef. Burrower shtdl promptly pay whin due the principal of and interest on the
<br />es7denx~d by the Note, pzepaytsteut and lace charges to provided in the Notes and the principal of and interest
<br />aM trill Fulta+e i4dxaaccs rrctatd -5ry this lk#ert*a`e.
<br />t !r[trtit ise't'ana acted Sra<ject to applicable law or to a written waiver 6Y Lertdtr, Borrower shall pay
<br />m : ~ t~ d_: a.My i~ali~n~ of i and°is+ss.~t are paysbSa under the Nate, until elite Mott is paid in full.
<br />a aua (itet'gti "Ftimdt'7 squat ro wr}twtifith of the ytuly taxes assd as~sstt[eats which may ~taia priority over this
<br />k(art~e, ate >t rents stn the Property, if any, pltn o[[e-twelfth of yearly premium iti_stal'mxnq for hr~td instuaru.e.
<br />pint ta~twroifdt alt ytncfy premitstn in~atlments for mtxtgage ittauratttx, if say, all u reaennabty estitnat~ initially and from-
<br />tsrr~>tbs by !€ tees ~ buts of armaments and bills and reasattrbk +astimates thereat,
<br />7be Ftmda rhtdl be f in an Eststittuion the depasita or aceoutita of which ate ituuted or gtt:raateed DY a Federal as
<br />stt~ fii~luding Lerxkr it Lesuler k such an iastittttion 1. Leader shell ap~y the Funds to pay said tatter, aratisments,
<br />insoranaa pttrm and gtautsd rents. lender may tort charge far so holding and applying the Funds, attalygr>; said account,
<br />ar va~yiag and axnpiii~ said aaessaatsxa tad txi11s, unless Leader pans Borrower interest on the Funds ate applicable law
<br />prrmiis iendtr to make suds a chsrge. Borrowu tad Leader may agree in writing a[ ttx tlrtie of execation of this
<br />~ that itrtereat on the Funds sftail be paid to Borrower, attd unless stxh agreement h mach or applicable law
<br />reeprittm roach isatsreat to be paid, L.tndar shalt rrnt be required to pay Barrawer any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shah m Barrateer, withtwt cltazge, an annual accoumiag of the Funds sl~wsng credits and debits to tht Funds tad the
<br />pttrpast for whicc each debit to tht Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additiana! sattcfty for the sums secured
<br />tr?'
<br />tfiis
<br />If t~ atnatmt ~' rtie fiur~a titM 6y I.enikr, tayether with ;he future montfsly instalimrnts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dne dates of tries, asama>atis, insurance premiums and ground rents. shaft exceee[t the atnaunt required to pay said taxes,
<br />aeeamaeara, itasutatste premiums and groom! rents as they fall due, such excess shall Ix. at Barrower+s apiian, tither
<br />pnontpdy repaid !o Btirmsver or credised to Borrower on maothiy ,nstafimenis of Funds. If the atnauat of the Funds
<br />hiald lay I.tader shall tort he suf6ciaat to pay races, assessments. tnsurancc premiums and ground rents as they fail due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Leader any amtntat oer_essary to make up the dehnencv within ;4 days from she date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower regttesring payment thereat.
<br />Upiun paytaent rn f[di of all stuns secured by this Mortga(e. I.cnder shalt promptly refund to Bortawet any Funds
<br />hek# b?' Leader. If uadtr paraHrap~b 18 hereof the Propetts as .old ur the Property xs a[herHrse acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />srrnlt apply, [so Later than tmmediattfy pnor to the :ate of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Caroller at the titre of applxauoa as a credit agasnsz the sums secured by this R{ortgagc.
<br />3. Ap/Bddss d Tsyienaar, tnfcss applicable taw pttntdes otherwise, ail paprnents received by Linder under the
<br />I'ltNC and paragraphs t and 2 hereof shall ire applr::tt try Leitdcr first to paytrscnt at amaun[s payable [a Lender by Borrower
<br />undee paragraph 2 hereof. that to mires[ paysirle cw the \ese. then to the princtpat of the hat, and then to interest and
<br />pxtnctpal oa am Ftntne Advances.
<br />d. CiuBasa L.iraa, Borrower shaft pay all taxes, asesvnrrts and athrr charges, fines and imposiiionx attnbutable to
<br />the p'ropatty whidt ststty attain a priority met thts ~+fongaae. and l~t.sehald paytrtents or ground reins, if any, in the manner
<br />ptvvekd under paraip'aQlt 2 tteraof ot. if nest paid sn such manner. by Barrier making payment. rotten dix, directly to the
<br />payte thetaot. Harrttwror shall promptly furatsh to I.endcr silt rxatxL~s of amrrurtts due sender this paragraph, and is [he tve[tt
<br />Borrawtr shalt malts payts~at directly. Bcmrewer :hall pmmpdy furnish to tender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />$irxro+,vat shall prnmptly da+cttargs any lien whi~'it has prrwsty user this ifongagc: provided. that Barrovrer shall nest ~
<br />tcqutred to dia~harge say suds tern us tang ax Borrower shat! agree in +npng to rite payrtsent of the i,bligatftrn secured by
<br />such tees sn ^ tnanasr aeceatable to l.emkr. or shall in i[en~d fax[lr t-t:aicst such lie» hy. or dtfend enfareetrtestt of such lien in,
<br />Itgai prts<xedias wldsh operate to prtveat the enturrment ut the k,en +*r lorteuure of ttte Property ar any pan thereof.
<br />S. faearaass. B:3tttssrtt shalt keep the rmpro¢smenrs now exisunH :.r trereatter rreczad an sire Property insured
<br />agaerus #sMS lay tire, tiaruds irtctuded s.ittisn the term 'kxtureicxi iarveraHe`. and atwh otstsr harards as 1_erider may reyuire
<br />aisl in stilt amatsnis and far siss:h perms as t ertdcr may teyuire. p[atxtiad, ihas Lender chat! no[ regsssre [hat the amount of
<br />such covertege exceed that ataaunt .,f ecverags rcgsxrred ice pav tine wins aKtzrrecf by this 34ongagc.
<br />TAE ittittsrance earner providing ttte tnswaau:e shall tic chosen by BistZOV>er subject ra approval try Lender: provided.
<br />tlttt such approval sisals tot be unteasaatahty wuhtxtd, .~li premrums oar tnsurarne policies chap he paid in the manner
<br />pt[.vided tilts paracgtaplt 2 lusrtot or: cf rem paid in suc:.h mutitcr, by Barravver making payrtxnt, when dui, directly to the
<br />imurfnca i~'tit[.
<br />e#33 ~ ~~ aaxd rc~w:ck- [htre+ot ~{ ~ m faros acwxptabk to t ender and shall -rncit~ a standard mortgage
<br />clartee iss favor of and ~ form acr.~tprabk tar Lttsd~r- Lenckr slutit have the nght to ttalri the paiieies and renewals thereof.
<br />and shat- ptaatptiy furaleh to E,esttirr a!l retawal taatn:es and all rrztspis of paid premiirnts, In ifte even# of lass.
<br />Barrow+rr shall geve pnxnpt sxxirx w the iasurarss:e carrier :red #.ender, Lender may ma#tc proof of loss rf not inadt promptly
<br />I.Y n-~`°'- -'.--'-
<br />tSa !.ender atsd Bt~ruwer o[tperwtsr. ague in wtrung, tnweastwe prineeds shalt be appl:tt# [a res#oratiesn ist repair of
<br />the PtuperSy damaged, grnviiled such restnratsaa ur repair ss rc:*numxcatiy teasxhte and the security of this Mortgage is
<br />t#ttt thereby i~fsstrd. If such resstxa[xan or repuxr is nest etomxttri.atly tx:asibk ur ,f the security of this Mangage would
<br />be [mpatted, ilia itpttritis'e praeotris shall be apptiexf to the slum acv urcd by thss Mortgage, with the excess, if any. paw
<br />tit Siwxaastct, tf the Ptop4rep is abaadoraed by Barrt»ver..x rt Borrower raih to respond [a Ltndet within 34 days from She
<br />dale mmtiioa n rttaikd by Lender to Borrower that tits rtnttratut caterer offers to seek a claim for insurance benxGts, Larder
<br />is ~ to cailect tad xppfy the xtastranc~e proceeds at I,cndcr's uptron eitf*rz to restoration or repair of Cite Prapt:ttT-
<br />ar m lira t sarucod by this Mort.
<br />EfBtaS6 Lender tad Bsxrawix othetxvise agre>: ,n urstiag, try ~ _~h app?icatiun :~f prix'etds Se principal sisal! not txtead
<br />at p the dta dais of the rttoalltly iastaiimcnts rt+ferred to in paragraplu i and v hereof or chusge t#x amatmt of
<br />such sue, If restrict paragraph t ti 6erttat the Psoper¢y ss uyuxred by Lersskr, all right, t[fk and ininrmt of 8orrawer
<br />in ats~i to arty ittauraace paiicias at~l in-and x: the prus-etsh tiSeretx[ r~suirtng from vamage to the Propeny prior to isle sale
<br />or Malt paw to Ltttd€r :a tdc estans ;f ifx sums 3riureaf by th:s `vlartgaixx immediately prior .ta such sale or
<br />ifs ![aMx*Yfttn ttai 'itkisu~ce aE tre~ett>: Lraseiekd~ C'aniott t?4xsad tip 1yeala. liorrawer
<br />~ rite Y ii ~ repair and abaci txx iaHnmit waste or psrmst smpairtrtent or deteriatation of the Pttspeny
<br />~ttl rbrli iroi~iiy with tht prtrrisioas of any Lasae .f ihrs Mortgaige is as a leaxeho;d. if this. Mortgage is on a unit in a
<br />__-_ _ car a p tntit det~td, Barrx+wer shall eertarm all of Borr=:rwer's =s#+Isgatrtsns under the dectaratusn
<br />a' ~F etatttinj or gosoraiog [he rcuedamxtuum c>r plarrrted watt tfevetaprnens, the by-taws tent regulaiwns of the
<br />rest tixsd t tfevaiapmeas, arul r:~asti[rxnt da:umctus- it a rnndontinitun ar ptunn~i tract dtv-etapttitn[
<br />ritira a attacti~d by Burtzrstwr tad rxcarderi together with tfrrs Mar[gage, [he eavenants artrf agreensents of such seder
<br />.ttt~ ba les~aparakad aatsa attd slaitl atmtad atxl ssrppk-atem the tiavcaanis and agteeamrnts of this i-lortgage ss rf [ht rider
<br />s !» liaraot<
<br />ai lt.sia+r'r ', if Bar7as.~tr teats its peel:amt rife cmasants and aHrcemtnta cantaitsed to this
<br />4s d tt1~ ta~ien ix ptoca+nfir~ xs s?htrrncnce,l -,rh,ch a~sersa#iy aBee#s l~><rtdar`s :utarest sn rtat Prapany.
<br />bW as+a tasa[itati ta. Riainatt il}t!, rtNitNversay, arch: entar[;emeM, »r arrarsgtrrtents ar ptvicemdinHs mvutvtng a
<br />~dr~ [ANS 1aYtt~a si-Lt's t•p~n, !t@=tn itostce sc, Sars~uwer, map make ststh appraxat[ces, distrutxr stech
<br />~.~= a4 ss ~~~+°~. to p4-arxxt lender's ~ntsrrst ;ssclexdaaa. trot txit limited ic3. sfisbstrxer[letai of
<br />t~F.fteaa iaad entsy aspen rfut Property [a tnaltc sepa,~. tf C,crider rctiuired :nv<r[gage insurance ax
<br />t~ of the 6pan sar:urratt try tfAss ~artg~aHc-. Btxrxtwer stool {way the prcmitants regsairiesf [o mainlax:r such
<br />is 1n a~glti-tmtitll Birth sdue as tt*r ts~ far xutstt sttsvcraace t~ttaunat&s ,n ax.~~rrdatsee routs BaiR,wer`t srsd
<br />