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<br />STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT "'=,~;~r~~'' `~;~
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<br />nu~NT~?OOD I~t~ELOPI~NT COt~I?ANY of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />Nebraska corporation, herein called the Grantor, for One Dol7,ar ($1.00)
<br />consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Hereby grants
<br />and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called the
<br />Grantee, two permanent and perpetual easements to construct, operate,
<br />maintain, extend, repair, remove, and replace storm drainage ways,
<br />upon, over, in, and through the two tracts of land more particularly
<br />described as follows.
<br />The northwesterly twelve (12) feet of the southeasterly
<br />thirty-two {32) feet of Lot Thirteen (13), Brentwood
<br />Third Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, said
<br />easement lying adjacent to r_he existing twenty (20)
<br />foot drainage easement along the southeasterly line
<br />of slid Lot Thirteen (13}; and
<br />The southeasterly eight ($) feet of the northwesterly
<br />t-,aenty-eight (28) feet of Lot Fourteen (14) in Brentwood
<br />Third Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />Said aaga~ant lyir~oA arijgrant to tha eXiSting Cwenty {2~)
<br />foot drainage easement along the northwesterly line of
<br />said Lot Fourteen (14), all as shaver. on the olat marked
<br />Exhibit '*A'* attached hereto and incorporated herein by
<br />reference;
<br />together with all rights of ingress and egress far installation and
<br />maintenance of such storm drainage nays and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress shall include all rights necessary
<br />for the foil and complete use, occupation and enjoyment of the easements
<br />herein gxanted, including the right to excavate and refill ditches and
<br />trenches, and the right to remove trees, bushes, hedges, and under-
<br />growth, and other obstructions interfering with the location, con-
<br />struetion, inspection, repair, replacement, removal, and maintenance
<br />of such storm drainage ways.
<br />Ttse Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby
<br />covenants that no structure or other obstructions sha_i be erected,
<br />constructed, or permitted upon or under~teath the tracts of land above
<br />described for the perpetual rights-of-way and easement.
<br />