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fearder"s written agrxment or appticablt taw. Borrower shat! pay the amount of all ~rTgage inwrance pttmiums in the <br />manner prarided under paragraph 3 hereof. <br />Any amottrt~ disfrarsed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ?, with interest thereon, shalt txcome additional <br />i~ of Borrower sentted by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to ether terms of payrtKrtt, such <br />art shall 6r payable upon notice front Lender [a Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall liar interest from the <br />dma of dfsbarsezrtent at the tale payable from time to time on mttsrandfng principal xatder the Nate unless psytttent of <br />ina~rat at surfs rate wortld tie rantrary to applicable law, in which even[ aoch amounts shah hear in#etest at the highest rats <br />r.r~r ~~ ?dothing ~.-r.;.,ed in Otis paragraph ? shall require Larder to itx»r any expense or take <br />any astioa hereunder. <br />0. tender may make or cause to be tnadr reasonable rntries upon and inspeetians of ills Property, provided <br />that Leader shag Rive Biurower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable caxtse thettfar related to f_eetder's <br />intetst is t~ Pmper€y. - <br />9. The ptncseds of any award or claim for damages, direct ar consequtntiai, in connection with any <br />t or oMur taking of tl,e Property. or part thereof. nr for conveyance in lieu of mndmtnation, arc hereby assigned <br />and sl~l be paid to Letrder- <br />In the event of a tatty taking of the Property. the procads shall be applied m rho sums scared b3' this Mortgage. <br />with rite exceta, it arty. paid to Borrover. to the evestt of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, them shalt be applied to tfx sumo secxrred by thix Mortgage such pmpottkn of the procrxda <br />sass equa# to ' prirpartion which the attrount of the sums ucvred by this Mortgage immcdiauly prior to the data of <br />tatting hears to the fair market value of the Property-itnmediauly prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proteeda <br />paid m 8orrosrer. <br />if [rte Prapaty is abandoned by Burrower, or if. afar notice by Leader to Borrower that the condemnor offer 4o makt <br />an award or suite a claim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 3A days afar the date ouch noticx is <br />mailed, Lander is autl!rotized ea collect acrd apply the proceeds. at [.order's option. either to rastotation or repair of the <br />Property cir to tlx sums xcured by this Mort age. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shall riot extend <br />or poseperte the date dart of tote manthiv installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof err chatsge the amount of <br />such instatlttuetts. <br />11, 6asrewer !xIs! Rsleased. Extension of the ume for payment err mtxliBcatian of amortization of the sums secured <br />br thls Mortgage granted 6y E.endrr to any succexsor rn intet~est of iorrower ,hall not operate to release. in any rianrter, <br />the liability at rite original 8orsower and Borrowers successors in interese. Larder shall not E>f requved to comments <br />prnc.-tdinga against such sv~essor or refuse to eKUnd tittle for payment or otherwise modify amortiution of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage try reason of arty demand made 6y the original P,orrawer and Borrower's successors in interest, <br />1f. Far6praace by [.earkr lVm a *APattrer. An}~ forbearance 6v 1 xnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otise afforded t±}' appGcabtr law. shalt not lie a waiver of err preclude the exercise of ant such right or ttmedy. <br />The procurement of irrswamx or the payment of tnxec :+r ~tther !ions or .barges by Lender strati not be a waiver of Condor's <br />tight to accelerate the maturity of the inakhtednets srct:red hc~ thic Mortgage. <br />fZ. Retae~es Casaistive. AIt remedies provided ~n this Siortgagr are distinct and cumulative to any atho_* right or <br />remedy ursder this Martga$r nr afforded by law ~_- equity an:; may he ctercised .oncurrrnth-. independently or successively. <br />fa. Snrraaseav std AseiEas Ibaaad; labrs wad 3everst l,isb~tr; Capdara. The covenants and agreemrnts herein <br />contained shalt hind. and ills rights hereunder shalt snort m. t4c tnpectsve succrssors and assigns of Lrnder and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph t? hereof. Ali rnvenants end agreemrnts of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The atptions and berulings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and are not to 6e used to <br />=ntt*. pap*- r* `ts rte rYOVis;~ tt,.renf. <br />f!. `.Varies. P.;xctpt for any not=+:e rrquired under appliraitk tav.° to be given in another manner, (a} any notice to <br />Bnrmwer provided far in this Mortgage shall ire given by mailing suds notrre by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />tars Property Address x at sects other address as &rrtt:wrr mac desrgnaze art- rsntice to t-ender as provided htrein. and <br />(h1 any ttcriice to Linder shalt !zt given hg certified mail. return recerpi requested, to [.order's address stated tte'ein or w <br />such cxher sddrass as Lxtsdor may designate tsy r~tiee to Borrower as prrrvrded herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage ahail k deemed to have linen green to Borrower or l_ersder when Itrvea in the manner designated herein. <br />fS. tistffers + fovent3a~ f,aw: Se.erabBky. This f.xm cif rnorrgage combines uniform covenants for national <br />use and ntxs-uniform etiverams with limiud variatrans hr; runsd~ct.xr to cortstttvte a uniform security instrumem covering <br />cal property- This Mortgage shat! be governed by the law :=S the iurisdictiort in which the Propert}• is located. In fhe <br />went that any provision nt ctause of this Mortgage .rr the Noie cirn$icts with appticatile law, such c(Ktflict shall no[ affeex <br />tither pravuiotrx nt this Motgage err the Nou whrah ern be given ctfru withrnrt the cantlicting provision. and to this <br />and tau prni-rsiarns of the Mamgago and the Vou are de`-lared t,, Ire =:everairle <br />1i, l?bsrosrcr's Copy. Borrower shalt be furnished a cantarmed copy of ttte Note attd of this Mortgage at the time <br />of Cax:a;r6mt or ahzr recarrda.t ~ra-of. <br />fT, 7raerlfrs of ffte Property: if alt or any pan ut the Property or an inurest therein is sold or transferred <br />by Barraiwer without Lerdei s prior written entisent. excluding tar tiro emotion of a lien ac encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Mortga;e, fi,) rho creaizon csf a purchasm ttmneY seruritt :purest for household arpfiances, tc} a transfer by devil, <br />descent or by operation of (aw uptxt the death :,t a jour tcnart or <br />Long may. at Lender's option, declare a!1 ills sums soured by Lhis Mortgage to be <br />imraediatety due and payable. 1.ceder sfia[! have uatved xus?± option art accelerate if. prior to the sate or transfer. i_ender <br />oust the persm to whom tht Property is to ice said cr transferred mach .xgrumrnt in writing that the credit of such pcnon <br />is satisfactory to Letxler and that the inutrst payatrk an she sums +awured trt• tfiis Mortgage shalt be at such taro as Lender <br />ahali tegteat. If i_r has waived the apxr.~rt ;:s accelerate provided in .his pat°agraplt 17. acid if Borrower's srKS:eSaor in <br />ititaest eras oxecute$ a written sswmption agreettunt accepted in urit:ng by Lender. Lender shah release Borrower from elf <br />oldigatians under this Mortgage and tax Note. <br />Tf Lender exercises such option to aceelerate. isniier shalE marl Barroa-tr notrtx of acceleration in accordance with <br />p~a~raptt l3 trereof. 5trcit notice shaft provide a period of rat less than 3(J bays from thr dau the notice it mailed within <br />wl $isrroaer may pay r:a stm€s deetatod date. if B+'±rroever !sill ro pay such wins prier to the expiration of such period, <br />Latdar may, wi#hcin futttrer notrt-r or dsitiand ur t&srrower, rnvakc any rtntedies permitted hp paragraph Ig hereof. <br />#sku.t-!13trtFOttM CovititAtvrs. Borroq+tr anal tender further co.rnaut and agree as iottavrs: <br />1B. Aee~eredaw; fieaaeilas. Szceyt sd psaeided fn pvaataptt 17 )sermf, ttptia Ba:rower's breasts of asy coveaaat err <br />at ltexsas'cr l3a ihk ~, lac the vorraaats to pay when doe say sons seeared by fads tNerrgage, <br />[ altos N ~ ata9 npsr$ Aa Bonasrrr s prec6drd is prragrapfi t4 berref specffy~: ti} the txcach; <br />t2# ~ arttlru > to sue wtNt bncaoln iJ} a t@etc. oa lei tkaas 3tl days frnm tMe dint the tmtlcr le etmkd to fiorrovrie. <br />iy stlrir9t tad bspsdt soot is ritseit swat fdi that haBsrr to ewe such btcac6 wt s tsefore the data s~clBett Fe the aretkte <br />MQltl srrsrii fns arxairttNtrsr ed ibe wawa s>eearrd by tlda Mafia, ferrctawre by ladictat Praceadfatt ewd sate of the Propest'. <br />'fie tatrwea ~ ittrlLct tttfata fiorranrres of lire rfgitt to rebaitrMe after weelsa6ioa wad tt~ rittttl to asset in tyre <br />pssara flss r nt a dafrarH su >s? eHrer deletes M lI' osrasrsr ro accrfersiaa wed fereeteaue. tf t~ bseaeh <br />le rrN attssxl oa a: isfese t>ke door s}rtciiet ~ flea caries. i<+adas at ietrdar'a v~tistt rsv dorkarc aft of tAr atmta secerred tsg <br />itlis ~ to 1R ~ loos tai payeitis srtfRnal farlbei 8etseal wad may forertosr ity eta! pretredfaR, f.ewier <br />tfwaBfar ea~sd w rxrtirsr ht wash pwr¢sedt+thg ail tx'sara of friiseiasan, R• bur ant tiatrrrd to, reels ref ~ <br />f~. ~tesmastPs iktyfat ss RmPstapria, Notvrithsisndrng't acrekratitxt ef' the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />fturrtravst sMli blrax tine rtgftt to have any prxicesyiirgs 4+rgrirr X?t Letsdrr tr enfxuie taus Mortgage rtiscontimrod at any nine <br />