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- i ~--~~; <br />-. <br />.1~6NT TEMANGrt` QUITCL/-IIA QEED ~ l ._... ~) ~ i ~ ~ ~ sJ <br />S?onald H. Sinner and Sharon Sinner, husband and wife AND <br />Slinor J. Flood- and James A. Wood, wife and husband GRANTOR, in consideration of <br />Exchange of Property--------------_~______-_---_-__--_DOIIARS received from GRANTSES, <br />Donald H. Sinner, Sr., Daniel G. Sinner, and Donald H. Sinner, Jr. <br />e;~sstclatnus to GR;4NTEES, as }Dint tenants and not as tenants in common, the foiiovvtng descritsed rest estate (as defined ist <br />tit. Rev. Stet, 76-2At}: <br />A tract of land described as a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEt1} of Section <br />Ts+ertty-Five (25), Township Ten f1Q) North, Range Elever. (11} West of the 6th <br />P.1~4. being more particularly described as: <br />Tract X10. 2=Cott~sneing at the Northeast corner of the SEtt o£ said Section <br />25 a~ riinninct wes~erly on the North line of said SEA, 1288.33 feet; thence <br />deflecting Left 90 24' I4" and running southerly 650.63 feet to the point <br />of beginning; t~tence continuing sauttaerly along the previously described <br />course, 660.69 feet; thence deflecting R~ght 90°24' 14" and running westerly <br />1288.33 feet; thence deflecting ~ight 89 35' 46" and running northerly 660.69 <br />feet; thence deflecting Right 90 24' 14" and running easterly 1288.33 feet <br />to the point of beginning; said tract containing 19.54 acres more or less. <br />~`1 NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />,E",~ ~~ ar.'` STAMP TAX <br />Si~~`~'?+ ; MAR - v 1~~1 <br />E:cetut~....~~f9.~~..Z~'~......c~s....,..i3 iil <br />-, ~' -, <br />~ 3 <br />~' Ji <br />CXinald H. Sinned Elifior J. wood <br />.Lr''.~'Jr '» ..: rrc-,ts~a I.4-~.-.~ ....... . ............... -~`G~e'J~.1,"ff.L~eT... 4`r~l. _ .. ;oaf: ! .:.rT1f!3................ . <br />S3~ran Sinner : Jatues A. T+TOOd <br />STATE t7F ft~611 J <br />SS. <br />~ ... Hal 1 ................................} <br />Tt~t toragc>ir~ instruneent roves acknovr3edged befgre me cyn ......I~!1~}.~G~i.. • ... ................ t9~1 <br />Elinor J. Road: and James A. 'riood, wife and husband. <br />Notary PubiiC <br />_. My commk~s;on expires ............................ .. <br /> <br />Fited tttt taCQrd and Bnter9d in t4uns~ricai index o:s .... . . . ............... t9 . at .. o'clock . . M., and <br />e~art~!-in Rs~ord . f?age <br />CQUnty err [?e~uty County Cterk <br />FfaBsater ur t)eputy Register at Deasds <br />a r ~ ,1Qi~T T~~~ t~##TGI.JIIM QEED <br />~~r=r"~ it~i~r~,Ff~i" ~~a~y~j ~~=i~ ~, £r.s:<,~i,~z PAS t Ot t RACt17 <br />