<br />1R~~RTGAGE 81-w~t~ tQ~3
<br />YS)4h ttreb this 4th _~y ~ t4arch -_-_____--, IB $~ by and betwcen
<br />Cli#~oxd 13: Foley Muth L. Foley, hasisattd acrd wrIfe, each in his-and her overt xight
<br />FBj'gft:a o Che other^___~_~ __. _
<br />f}al..i ~Cgt~nty. AIe}aseica, sa tt~~. ~ Gtutd fslaaa<1 Treat t'.osnpaxty of Grand island. a
<br />st~eeahad and uertir t6s bras of Nr~adca with iss pr®eipd of~e and ptrt8 of btmeoeas et Grand IeLad, Nabrarlca; u m9rtgs~ee;
<br />~~; That aidmoetp~r ~ ..foe sad is e;antirlreatirn d the wm of
<br />1~7L~ '~Glli,SaIIf~ ~S'V~ 1~It75~.i'.~- 3+tineLV do i at ~Il~_~.Q~~.~ --____.= -.,.,,~ :i~?p,~- 4~ 1.
<br />tLo namrifpLai mhkb i, htrsby ~, do .-_.. by these prrsmeta tnortpge and waresnlsts~t' ~ ia'iud auigns.
<br />.eHtl~edaeez>badeeaie~ate.aiwated:at!»Gountpaf-..__._ilali __---,---- ~ ..
<br />lad !>1Eata c,I Na6nrka, tr-wit:
<br />Lot Seven (7}, in Block Nine't.9), in "Parkhill Third Subdivision"
<br />art AddiCi~n to Che riC= of Gra:td "tsland, Hail Gountr, 'vebraska.
<br />Tagetaat wsth ap haat~, air ~. tts#eiaq. and p~stg etieeeptt sad foccsu3s. e~hr+aur ~eea<ns. awnings. sWrm witt~~a seed
<br />a'w:'a. r~ wweiaw,~ a~waar, -r3~ t- , tau ar ~ z~sewe3~an ..dn rud ~y~7. wn~i~ Gnr erne are mw iocaud oa saffi pevprrty or ieeaaites
<br />~ .
<br />'TD ffAYE AMfS TU tiOf.D TH8 t3AMir:, topttrr wish dl earl rtersttLr thr teeraraemstm. lusaditrtmeata sad apparteneeaoes theeaseteao bar
<br />ham. or le spgaetsismg. torero, atal .rarreat the tails to the sae. ~Sf '»*_~_ -- trReby covaaaat. ~._ wStb said
<br />ataat~pe riot _ _, -. die - yt....... a.c&._.. _ . st shr dmiiaary `aassl. tfrs la.rlvl ovoar ~_ of t!r pte+nitra above eonveyud sotf deed.
<br />~ _.~'___ aetird et a t8a~ awd estate of eshmuars tlterrm, free std ci¢ar of ail eacuatbranaas, earl that _ C 6etY._ w71
<br />sad dtlsl! flee tide tkaaefo E'or~ t the cietmr saes deatsada of alS 9aeaaati whaacwever-
<br />Fi~YtUBft Ai.VYrAYS, earl thm mtamssm ss eaaesned sad thrllv~atf to srts»ae the pryawnt ni thr cram of _s~..--. __,
<br />Five, xtEtaB~ _S~ven Hunt: eta Sinet ~ do n 5 anr. 3t4r't}(~ ----u_ 5s79a.CIQ _
<br />...,._. _. _.,. --_-_._ _ __ y
<br />- - -- _ _
<br />vdi8 ciaara. tedRiar with eaeah a beerier red adraaeaw a. mry hr der std payabis to said etrr ttttdar the tert~ earl o~diaions
<br />d the pretsmotX etats of curs data Faaewitb sad astaaad hrraby, eseretued tp said nwrtylagor:~ _.. to said tntxtgagtw, payable m eaprrered
<br />i asie! aerie, sad to aseete thr gmtOestaea d a13 tht tau sad cotditiaae oae~d thaw. TIC tiaras of ~i mrta err herby
<br />irrrit h? t68a traTaraera.
<br />It is tlr iatataflre tend uprrmset of the Tartiia haerfo t6ea chew arortpp rhi- aler araae e~ hRare advatterr made ![t aahl mtrxpgor s
<br />bi rwii agesdapa. earl aey earl ~ iaelefK rtta7e en additiext to the smaam sbovr sterud whirl. said mart, er any of them, may mre to
<br />aid ieo6dl'at. haaav~ aviti®ted. whetirr by crate. besit recoaat or otharsras. Thee mega eheli remain is fill force std dPect between
<br />t6a 9ttatiaa berm and that hits. ttrteaal tom- anrsrrarr rsd aui~nr, until aU amooata arcarad harrmder. itiCkding fawre
<br />rte. sear paid ~ s~ w~ .
<br />'f!e teaeYdapr 5....., hsrrby aaida ~___ to wd m ril cams cad itrama rriemg u ear std elf timaa tram send prapvtY red
<br />1malA' aseiarir apid amt oe its spat, at its aptm. utwn deintit. m take a of seed ptapwty sad rnflett ~ rants and saetsrte
<br />trd apipiE!' tfrr"staaia Ee the p of . ,r~~ F, Asa ptaeia^m, ts~ aaaaaaate~e; tees ar ha{mar~s
<br />aaaeteet7 Cshaal Wa4arty d btauttehieaseditieat. a oa oehex ed~ m peymmra preridad far hmm tx is the soar heeoby aeeaav[d. Thin
<br />trot>aipaststtehlotl oe+epyns i#ttswmEii tl!eaa®aid hseiaaae dsaid ads r fully pssd. The taking of pwrrriem hsaeaadet- sbaH in no manner
<br />paac tat~:ard-aat~re is the aa~etiar o(.asid a+eas by haridamar or otharrier.
<br />9'5e.irOttl~ tYa to siaaet a~ of Its rigkts T-at say tits thaN aot he oamtroad at a waiver of its right to sss~ the
<br />-taat-atae4ipre•tiit,-earl b ktairt trpra Imd ssfaese dxicl. weth aii the tame sad paavisiane d_aid mrtr sad ~ this atartl.
<br />I! eeeiel smt(~apr- h cease to fw peel m trd asRp~at the etftee raeexat that u htreooder, tad etadar tbs strata and pxrrieioeta
<br />d acid aaM lttrai>A a add, ~d asp •~~•••~ er rrsaab tlxsraf I;t a w~• a t1:a t~s ssaf ~a:~as
<br />threat, aM /I aid taella~tq w.~, ,. aheA o~ with sit the ptavii@as tt raid nqp sad d this seartpia, thra thsas Pram shill hs void:
<br />ai~ttdafaataiAMlwittis~liitreasuMkiLfiAY0., WMd eeidssatdtl9eaairH basua~tad to the paaapaiatt d eti vA said pavpartr. sad mq. id its eptiatt,
<br />itialthitrwiaitusf adi aatateai r$ iediiaiaaa eapayas6d tlyr to be immadiatdlr dae red payable. ud mb faacSaw ~ amttgaea
<br />rr irwe~at/r oiYrr Mid Ito pnttet 1qe ei~at. Apraleamrm. waived,
<br />_ip hitdht~ ttpoe std etat~ rater to the hr~8t of thr hairs, atwrakgtr, sepooiaistraaoes, rvmn~sesrs earl- ~ d the
<br />. f}i l - .raid -li~yprs_s...,.... hr .~;_. hrmueta reE .._.F.$~f.r_-_- _.. __ .hand ._..~.. 'thr day sad year fast rhavv
<br />