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I <br />,i <br />2Q9S4--REI.EAEE OF MORTGAGE.-Ccrpora4ion <br />~ TN CO,b'SIDERAT!(i:\ of the payment of the debt named therein, the Prairie Dattsnn, IIIC• <br />hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />' Prairie Datt~na.Znc, by David E. Philigpi <br />{ on the faUou~ing described real estate. to-u'it: <br />i See Attached <br />of Sertion in Taxi'n.rhip ,Range of the P. tH., <br />County, State of Rebratalca ~rhirJt is rerfirded i» Rook of Rea[ Estate tYfortgages, pogc , <br />of the r€cords of said C~ou»tti. Document NO. R4-t~(y1921. <br />IN TESTlhit~"`r' ft'%iL-REtil=. the said Prairie Dataun~ Znc. her ca+u'ed <br />these presents to be rsectaA^~t by ets M~'sid,•»t a»d its c'~mp:mrte .teal to he atFsed hereto this 5th <br />day at Kat"Ch tq 81 <br />li`itn€ss: PRAIRIE DATSDNt_I1!OC.---- - <br />t>,' .R~iii_Cetrpenter _..-...._.-__ -_.- _-._----.... President <br />_: - :. _, <br />E+ee/rier~~Mer~elery <br />sT.'lTc ~f= Nebraska .. ~ <br />'~rs. ''n lets .5th duY ot. _.~' il'Qh....-. _.._....."'."..." IS/~1°'.' <br />'~sI' ,',;u»t, ! `'~ ii3rF :na, ti,, ttnarrstgned a .Votary Public in and for said <br /><'unty, ersan+ ih : amr Rez E. Ca.;peg;er _ - - - _ _ . _..._... Preside°nt of Ehe <br />Prairie Uatteun. Iac. _ --- _ ..- _.. a Corporation f <br />me p,'~.rvwlll~ ~+a..,.n .. ... l`*<°si,?rot arsd >d,•»:utsr!r ;-nSe »,znr a athxrd tr +h~ above release and i <br />u<~»=,rc>/rdr;='l the ~ c~' r~fesse tt,.=riaf te, ?~ kis ,-lung.:' tct .t n,? lord ~ ~urh c,j,3cer, and Nee z'oluntary act and deed <br />{f'Un.:f my h.:».i a»<i ':-ortr:al ~•r-al t, Grand I0ltnad, Nebratlk.. Countti- the day and year 1 <br />'art ab;r vtte»- ,...,.~"~ <br />!6f e' ntrnms:siu» ex fires ~ ~tt~~y _ _ . ,Notary P»Lla <br />A t~$ laud ~ is part t~ lit Fsaa: (4} . Islt~ei. ' trlth ti9a ~ laE#ti <br />thereto, sitvstsod fa past of Cite Scut Qusrtss of the AsortEa+sat Quarter (~ . aed <br />past ~ tie Nacti~st Qusrtar of Che Southwtttst O,tsartar (&} . all in Stttctiat 'lTaacttq-Stsuea <br />(Z7}. 'L Elsue~ (lt} t1~. ~e f9) Wset of tt~e 6th P.M. , fa Nsll Casitq. <br />Ptsbraska, sore perticulsrl iced as follaNe: Segfasi'rg at the zit tx~ of Maid <br />Sota~stteat Quitter (SSk} : t eastsrlq slag ttte meth litte cf said SeutYs~t Qwo^ter {S3ik}' <br />a dist~ee of Fosrty-~ aid Five Tit ',gel. S} Fay. to a pout m t~ e~tec°lq right-ef'~q <br />lion cf Ioaatt SLseet: thence Ye:r:f=g northexlp a3 said right-of-way lip a distance of <br />flee Fortq-Fiv~a and 'AZlxt~-Six Hisdra~pr (i4 .36} Fast r~ a point 42.06 feet east Of <br />the west Iix~e tsf said Stactim Tawantp-Ssva~ (Z7) , also baisg a point on t3~a c~t~trliae of the <br />l~sth Chapel, of flee Platte Biv~sr; ttsanea deflecting ~ ~~ ~' and <br />X17 slag said ossbterline a distance of One Iisa6•ed I~isrieeq asd Three Ttau~t (190.3) <br />fs~et; th+ex~te defZati+g i,eft 1T dtegreea 48' 50" awd rusni:g aartissestt3lq alocg said emter- <br />line, a distsics aE N3netq-Five (95.0) feet; theryoe deflecting rift 15 39' sad <br />r terlq alb said lip a chsts+ce of sever-gigtst (T$.0) feet to a poin <br />ffi the west lion erf Lot ~#rtp-Fcaar (34) tisttta~ subdiv3siaa: thence awtherlq slag said <br />west lies of iot 'Tttirtq-Fa~a (34) , a diataaee of 'im+o toad ltaantp (22.0} feet, to the <br />t cai: said i:,Dt 'IIttrtg-Faa (34) : tlw~ce asstarly alcmig ttse south line of said <br />Lem lltizt~^-Fot~ (34) a dish of 'lh+r~-Eig~~t aEd Five T~ (~. 5} feat: theca sa~lq <br />alb a lies ~ iiu ltsirtq-Z3~es (433.0} feat asst of mad g to the *.~t l,fna <br />~ said Sau~aaast Quarter' (3rd} a dish r.+f Six f§s FiftJi'-'t!~ a~xi Fiftetai ~ <br />{653. IS} ~: thanes c~sflacting ri,~t 91 de~'®ea~9' and zu~+ing westerlq. a' dist~e of <br />Ft~a flsfdred Ttaee (433.0} feat to the west line ~ said Soutboest Quarter (3~rJ: <br />tEseaca ell said west lies taf tAe Sasd~wse Quarter (9t~J a distance of six <br />~ Facty°Efg~st sad sa+'~`Saeeei Fssszradtins (648. T7} fry m the place of ,sad <br />aa~ads~ T.9tl1 sna+ss eon er lava. time sout~Iq Three ~ {300) <br />tl~e alwae daecsiiaed tract; ht~ bo®etifar tstth a Sixt3v (60} foot wide ees~tt a7.on~t and <br />elm ti~te m'rtiasslq side ~ said last s~entfaefad s~fiearlp three kaz~ed (300) fleet fcr <br /> <br />g a ~o ~ f ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Huffman and feltan 8 Wolt. Walton. fVe 68461 <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />