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<br />~3I-~ t)U PU~1 <br />Leader's written agteemptt ar spplicabk law. Borrower shat! pay ttre atnoum of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner pYOVided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any atrnxmts tiisbntsed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with itrtettst thetton, s`n. Si Nome additions! <br />inde6t~ness of t'~aitower secured by mis Mortgage. U ;;ar;avrrr and La~dsr agra to ot'~r '.ertrts of paysrtetrt, ss.:.h <br />smtounta she!! be payable upon rtntFce from Ler'kr to Borrower requesting paytnrnf thereof, and shall bear Interest from the <br />dart of dLstrurser~nt a! the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal tinder the Note unless payment of <br />interest ri such rate would be csmtraty to applicable law, in which event such amounts shag best interest ai the highest ram <br />permit~rJe tnrdtr appticsbk Isw. Nothing coatafned in this paragraph Z shall rzquire Leader to itrcttr arty expt~ or take <br />any aeon hettunder. <br />>:. BrpecBae. Tender may make av cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provit~ct <br />that Lender shalt give Borrower nmict prior to any such inaprction specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lcn..c. a <br />interest in tht Proptry. <br />!. C'stetiewesAsn. The proceeds of am award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in conneMion with any <br />condemnation or ocher taking a[ the Property, or pare thereof, or for conveyance in lieu at condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />fn the event of a rota! taking of the Property, the prtrceeda shall be applied to the sums stxured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower In the ovrnt of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise ogres in writing, that shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such pmptxtion of the pis <br />as is equal to that -:..portion which the amount of the sums securrd by this Mortgage immediately prior to the dare of <br />taking bears to the fair msrket value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid kb Birrrawer. <br />Tf fhe Property is abatttfotsai by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to nuke <br />an award ar settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 da}s after the date such notice is <br />taaiiod. Lender ss atrthodzett to coika and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to rzstoratioa or repair of tl% <br />Property or io the sums scarred by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shrJl [tot extend <br />ar pt~ctpone the due date of the monthly itratallmrnts referred to in paragraphs t and 2 herrnf ar change the amount of <br />such instal)meen. <br />Ott. IMm©srer Aiat lttieasad. Extension of the time for payment ar modification of amoriizatian of the sutrts atcut~ <br />by this Mortgage granted by Tinder to arty successor in interest of Harrower shalt not operate ro release. in any manner. <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrmver's successnn in interest. Tender shall not be required to commence <br />proceedings against such successor or rcfrsse to extend time for paymrnt or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by tfiix Mortgage by reason of any demand made hp rite original Borrower and Borrowers successors in intemt. <br />1f, P«6earssee iS [.cello td« a Wdvn. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any- right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforikd by :ppiscabk taw. shall oat tx a waiver of or preetude fhe exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />TTte txocureatent of imunnce or the payment of taxes ar t+thtr Liens or charges by Lender shall not ere a waiver of Lender's <br />tight to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />1Y. Reawitas Ca~ahart. Alf remedits provided in this iitortgagt arc distinct and cumulative to any other right ar <br />remedy urxkr Phis Mtxtgage or affardesi by law er equity, and may he exercised carcurrendy. 'sndependcntly ar successively. <br />13. Sxeaaass sad ArMpts tiles Jr~t sad srverd T.iata'Btq; Capaoas. Ttie covenants and agreements herein <br />e~omairsd she!! bind. and the tights hercurtder shay! inure to, the respective sixccswrs and assigm of Lrndtr •artd Borrower. <br />subject ro the provisiam of paragraph 17 hereof. A!1 covenants and agreements of Borrower shat! be joint and several. <br />Tltt captiatts and headitrgs of the paragraphs of this Mortgage arc Tor coavenirnee only and arc oat to he used to <br />interpret or define the prtrvisiom hereof. <br />t4. Naaee. Except far any twtice reytrirtd undtr applieahlr law to be givrn in ariathcr manner. ta) any rrotice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shat) he given try mailing srKti notrce by rertitled mail addressed to Borrower aE <br />the Property Address or ai stxh other address as Barrowrr may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />{Tr) any rtMice to t_enskr shaA he given by certitied mail, return recerpt rtgtxsted. m Lenders address stated herein or to <br />such other address as T_erider .ray designate !ry rmtice to Borrower as grevided herein. .any notice provided for in this <br />Morgage shat! he slet:rted to trove ham given to Borrower ar l.ertder when given in the tttantret designated herein. <br />t3. T,:Nf«r Mkt GavettaleE fawt $erera6lBty. "This farm of rtiartgage cc+mbirtra uniform covenants for nations! <br />use and ttsxr-uniform covenants with !!mired variations by jurisclistian ro conatinne a tinifarm sexunty instrumrnt caVLnttg <br />teal p[operty. TiriS Mortgage shat! he governed hY the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the <br />event that any provision rn clause of thh Mortgage er the Note canftirts with applicable law, such conflict shall oat odes <br />other nrnvi~as of this Mangaae ar the Nate which can be given ef[ect without the conflicting provision, and to the <br />read the prnrvisians of the Mongsge and the '+isxc are declared to he severable. <br />ti. Baesarrurs Coirq. Borrower shall he furnished a conformed copy of the Note amt of this Mortgage at the tittle <br />a# execution err after rectxdation hr.reof. <br />i7, "Tsana[s ~ the t'sa+Daty: Aswstapaoa. If all or any pan of the Property or an interest therein is wld or transferred <br />b}' Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding {al the creation of a lien ~ ettcumbrabce subordinate to <br />this Mangy, !b) the crestian of a purchau rtsottey security interest for household appliances, Cc) a transfer by devise, <br />datat~trt of by cpata€ioa of Isw upon the death of a joint tenant or fd'r the grant of any Etaaebold interest of thrx years or less <br />not watainirtg as apsian to purchase, L.ertder may, at Lender's option, declare all the scans set:ured by this Mortgage to ere <br />isaatatliatslq due attd payable. [.ender shall have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the sate or tratu[er Lender <br />and the pcrwn to wham the Property n to be w)d rn transferred reach agreement in writing that the cralif of such person <br />is satisfactory to Leader and ih;t the interest payable on the sums sxuted by this Mortgage shall be ai such rate as Ltnder <br />3#ttll regttesY. tf tinder has waived the option to autirrate provided in this paragraph I7, arnd if Borrower's successor in <br />iatT3e6i 1~s tttaCUlbd a wtituss aasussptaxi agretmnns ~ceptai in writing by [xnder, [.ruder shall release Borrower from aU <br />utxler rtta ~ smd the Hots. <br />Tf Condor oaarcises atxh opiroa w trcceierate. !.,ender shat! malt Sorrower rwtice of acceleration in accordance with <br />paraBrsptt lA hello[. Stich online stall provide a period of trot less than 39 days from the date the notice is mailed within <br />which Botroxrar may pay ttrs stuttr declared due. !f Borrower fails to pay such sutras prior to the expiration of such period, <br />L may, wtthtxN tUrihtr notice or demand as Harrower, invoke any rerltedies ptrmitted by paragraph I8 hereof. <br />NuN•UNtt~sust COYaNANt'a. Bonowtr and I.ttrder further covenant and agrtx Ss follows: <br />111. ~ ttaasNu. SsrQ~t .. ptrrvHed le, pragrapi t 7 tree[, ttpt. B«sowrr'r ttrratit ~ a.y ctsrraaat « <br />ttdraseaitat el ti~rwstnr )rs tilt aBe, wit the oareatats b pay wiea doe tray salsas secasetl bq rids . <br />tot tlitr` )~ la aeodsratgsa ttirll real araitlea h Aerrrarn to pwritMd is prarsapi t4 iatrrC spea~tttC* (q des tercel: <br />(~ dta Maas # sate astdit tawtetq tat a itir, sri tars term 3i d4gs [tees tie date t`ir artke Y rtsitrid rB iaetesrrr, <br />~ tatA- Tt~sssi ~ is e+ss4 awl fay riot taYar: a cars towels or « Mdan ass dr/e tw tie twHer <br />twtp seoettlle aeaiterlitsa of aft oars rcttntt !f ado 4h-ysgtcr f«attarere i!' sad ante d ar Peq«q. <br />11te artlier stall tlssTire relator thrtrs.rav rl eta tidd to rslasWS tdsrs aeeairrttWe tttM tie rlglq w street is t-r fsrreirate <br />e ass ~r et • a~rh « say at2ter tfsfmtts ~ Beses+crr w atxda-~rr and Tarr: ~ etc <br />Tr ssR regrti eta er tst~ree flee dNr to flea eertlt+t. l,~ M f.sreisr's opttrt rutty tterlsra tit ~ dot stases sreeerd it <br />~:~ N Mt ~` tlss ltfti-ptsgts4it sritietW haiiau drrsstd ts1 rr? foneiaes iT .Meld pacre~NtO. T,eaisr <br />tttt~ tM- la rs~sa iLfadt psO~A~{ ~ rs>Retrans of fas,pel~seae„ iacbifirY. Met tart thsefld te, torts alt deeratrairtry <br />ItsTl/IwlFar ttgaRtrCiF /qaB fMT11,saMat4 <br />1liM. ~lherasets ~ ~ YrtrrlsYtia. lV,ptw~tattandit~ T.,ettdtr's accalaratiots of the sums xtctetttl by this Martsage, <br />tlrrtasrrr atietit tatlrs the tilfhF ra hrvo wy peak"@adkn~.! hC~;ttn by f,t#SdGr to ratMVC ttrti t2artgage dituantinttcd at any time <br />